A historic Atlantic hurricane season is ending. Here’s a look at the records it shattered

An unforgiving hurricane season shattered records this year, producing the most named storms ever seen in the Atlantic and battering parts of Central America and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

The Atlantic season officially runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. But this year, storms formed weeks before the season began and stretched through November, when hurricane activity typically winds down.

Scientists warn of even worse hurricane seasons as climate change triggers more frequent and catastrophic storms.

Danielle Fontenot runs to a relative’s home in the rain with her son Hunter ahead of Hurricane Delta, Friday, Oct. 9, 2020, in Lake Charles, La. Gerald Herbert | AP

Danielle Fontenot runs to a relative’s home in the rain with her son Hunter ahead of Hurricane Delta,
Friday, Oct. 9, 2020, in Lake Charles, La.
Gerald Herbert | AP

An unforgiving hurricane season shattered records this year, producing the most named storms ever seen in the Atlantic and battering parts of Central America and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

The Atlantic season officially runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. But this year, storms formed several weeks before the start of June and stretched on through November, when hurricane activity usually winds down. And there’s no clear end date as forecasters track possible developments in December.

But one thing is clear: No previous hurricane season in recorded history has had so many storms. The 2020 season saw 30 named storms, 13 of which were hurricanes. An average season has 12 named storms and six hurricanes, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Scientists initially predicted an extremely active season due to hotter-than-average temperatures in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea and an enhanced West African monsoon. NOAA, in one of its most active outlooks ever, predicted in August that this year would see up to 25 named storms, with up to 11 developing into hurricanes.

The 2020 season topped even those expectations and surpassed the second-highest number on record of 28 storms in 2005, the year Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.

As the season comes to an end, scientists warn of even worse hurricane seasons as climate change triggers more frequent and catastrophic storms.

Six of the hurricanes this year were major storms, meaning they were Category 3 or higher and had winds of 110 miles per hour or higher.

The strongest hurricane was Hurricane Iota, which struck Central America and Colombia as the latest known Atlantic hurricane to become a Category 5. Iota devastated areas already recovering from Hurricane Eta just two weeks earlier. It killed more than 50 people in Guatemala and left thousands displaced in Central America.

The U.S. Gulf Coast was also battered this year. A record five storms made landfall in Louisiana, where displaced residents struggling to rebuild were hit with one storm after another. Hurricane Laura in September, one of the strongest storms ever to hit the state, was followed just six weeks later by Hurricane Delta.

Gerry Bell, NOAA’s lead hurricane forecaster, said that 18 of 26 hurricane seasons have been above normal and 10 have been extremely active since 1995. With this trend, Bell emphasized the importance of hurricane preparedness.

“Many millions of people along both the Gulf Coast and the Atlantic Coast were impacted by these storms,” Bell said. “There is no question that hurricane planning and preparedness were key in helping to minimize loss of life and hardship.”

How climate change has played a role

This year’s season has fueled questions on how climate change is impacting hurricanes in the Atlantic.

Research shows that climate change is making hurricanes stronger and more destructive and increasing the likelihood of more frequent major hurricanes.

Models indicate that global warming increases the chance of storms rapidly intensifying as tropical oceans heat up. Storms that undergo rapid intensification, defined as a 35 mph increase in wind speeds over 24 hours, are hard to predict and leave a short amount of time for people to evacuate.

″[Rapid intensification] is something we saw several times this year,” said Michael Mann, director of Penn State’s Earth System Science Center. “This phenomenon appears to be tied, once again, to unusually warm ocean water.”

For instance, Hurricane Laura in August was the fastest-intensifying hurricane ever in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm decimated entire homes, killed more than a dozen people in Louisiana and caused estimated damage of up to $12 billion.

The speed of tropical storms making landfall has also slowed during the last few decades, causing worse rainfall and flooding. Warming in the Arctic has weakened atmospheric circulation, likely slowing hurricane development by causing a slowing of the jet stream.

This hurricane season had record water levels in areas including the Gulf Coast, where the slow-moving Hurricane Sally stalled over the Gulf of Mexico in September and brought record water levels since Katrina in 2005, according to NOAA’s National Ocean Service stations.

“The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle. We’re seeing them play out right now in the form of unprecedented wildfires out West and an unprecedented hurricane season back East,” Mann said.

“Things will only get worse if we continue to burn fossil fuels and generate carbon pollution,” he added. “This current hurricane season lays bare the reasons we must act on climate now.”

America’s Political Crisis and the Way Forward

The world’s environmental, social, and security problems are now so complex and interconnected that only strong cooperation within and across regions will suffice to manage them. To achieve it, US President-elect Joe Biden’s success in healing a deeply divided America will be essential.


NEW YORK – Owing to America’s disproportionate military, financial, and technological power, the breakdown of rational politics in the United States is the most dangerous fact for the world today. And while President Donald Trump’s recent election defeat is a necessary step toward restoring sanity to American politics, it is only the first of many that will be required to stop the downward slide of the US and convince the rest of the world that the country no longer poses a threat to itself or others.

There are two urgent challenges facing America and the world in the wake of the US election. First, President-elect Joe Biden must take on the long uphill struggle to restore some measure of domestic political stability. Second, other regions of the world should forge their own paths of global cooperation, rather than waiting in vain for the US to return to global leadership.


The profound crisis of US politics has been starkly demonstrated in two ways this year. First, the federal government failed utterly to suppress the COVID-19 pandemic – or even to try. As 2020 draws to a close, the daily rate of new cases is approaching 200,000, far exceeding the previous peaks in April and July. During the week of November 15-21, the US had nearly 1.2 million newly confirmed cases, while China, America’s putative Great Power rival, had just 86 newly confirmed cases, despite having more than four times the US population.

Second, the US can no longer manage presidential elections according to basic democratic standards. While the voting itself was highly orderly, with a large turnout and a careful, transparent ballot-counting process, the election did not produce the needed consensus on the outcome. Trump falsely and notoriously claimed victory on election night, and then, as Biden took the lead as mail-in ballots were counted, Trump brazenly claimed massive electoral fraud without a shred of corroborating evidence. Yet Trump’s claims were backed by senior members of the Republican Party, leading commentators in the right-wing media ecosystem, a burgeoning number of Facebook groups, and a shockingly high 75% of Republicans.

One is tempted to blame the COVID-19 and election fiasco on Trump himself, and Trump’s personal role was no doubt both malign and essential. He is a sociopath and a demagogue, whose political repertoire has consisted of fueling division, evading responsibility, and promoting delusions.

But factors beyond Trump are also at play. This is the fourth US presidential election in a generation, after all, that has been followed by a crisis of legitimacy. The 2000 election was decided only by a contentious Supreme Court decision that stopped a recount in Florida, handing the state – and the presidency – to George W. Bush by 537 votes. Following Barack Obama’s victory in 2008, Trump concocted doubts about Obama’s birthplace and citizenship. So-called birtherism was as destructive of public trust as it was phony to the core. The 2016 election was heavily influenced by Russian meddling that Trump both welcomed and denied. Moreover, in both 2000 and 2016, the Republican candidate won in the Electoral College despite losing the national popular vote. And, despite Trump’s extraordinary personal flouting of norms, most GOP leaders, many media outlets, and millions of voters supported and facilitated his outlandish behavior. Trump is not only a mentally disordered individual, but also a symptom of a gravely damaged body politic.


The events of 2020 are the latest additions to a growing list of American political debacles, both foreign and domestic. Since 2000, US foreign policy has been erratic at best. The US-led or US-backed wars since 2000 have created political and humanitarian disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Obama’s two foreign-policy successes, joining the Paris climate agreement and negotiating a nuclear agreement with Iran in 2015, were both reversed by Trump, despite nearly global opposition.

At home, the US has failed to reinvest in its own dilapidated infrastructure, despite the rising frequency of massive losses from natural disasters such as wildfires in the West and flooding following devastating tropical storms. In addition to COVID-19, the US has suffered an epidemic of what Anne Case and Angus Deaton call, chillingly and accurately, “deaths of despair” (from suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholism) among working-class families, also without a meaningful policy response. And the US budget deficit is now chronically high at roughly 5% of GDP – even reaching an extraordinary 16% of GDP in 2020 due to COVID-19 – reflecting the lack of any semblance of political consensus about the federal government’s long-term funding and priorities.

The list goes on and on. Reflecting the breakdown of the legislative process, there has scarcely been a major domestic federal policy in the past 20 years that has been enacted by Congress rather than implemented by executive order of the President. The exceptions, such as the 2010 Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the 2017 tax cut, were approved by tiny margins with no support from the losing party.

There are many explanations for the derangement of US politics, and there are no doubt many intertwined processes at work. Surveying them makes clear that while Trump’s psychopathy has surely aggravated America’s political crisis, his presidency reflects the decline of US problem-solving and consensus-building over the course of more than four decades.


Among the factors underlying decades of increasingly frequent national failures and bouts of malaise, observers have identified an array of economic, cultural, and political trends.

Rapid technological change. The US and some other high-income countries are in the grips of the “future shock” envisaged 50 years ago by the futurologist Alvin Toffler. The rapid shift to the digital age has deeply disrupted and divided US society. A huge and growing gulf has appeared between a professional class, comprising those with a bachelor’s degree or higher, most of whom have experienced rising incomes and living standards, and workers with less than a bachelor’s degree, who have tended to suffer falling earnings, home foreclosures, and the effects of automation on the labor market. Trump rode the ressentiment of disaffected white, working-class voters to power in 2016.

White backlash. The US is in a long-term transition from an overwhelmingly white, Protestant nation where de jure and de facto discrimination prevailed until the 1960s, to a majority non-white nation in which people of color are finally winning civil rights. Since the 1970s, this has led to often-furious white reaction. Obama represented the vanguard of the new multiracial society, and Trump an especially brutal backlash. (In the weeks after the election, Trump openly and brazenly urged Republican election board members not to certify the votes from mostly African-American Detroit.)

The end of social democratic politics. The US had a majoritarian social democratic ethos, led by the Democratic Party, from the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-45) to the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson (1963-68). Government expanded to provide a widening range of social protection, in alliance with the growing organized labor movement. Yet this majority bloc collapsed after 1968, mainly because the Civil Rights era of the 1960s spurred an exodus of white working-class voters and southern “Dixiecrats” in Congress to the Republican Party. The Republicans became the party of white backlash and social conservatives who opposed “big government,” while the Democrats became the party of professionals, minorities, and social progressives calling for racial, gender, and sexual and reproductive rights. The prior consensus for social-democratic policies collapsed.

The evangelical awakening. The US experienced a surge of white Christian evangelical religiosity and activism from the 1950s till the early 2010s. Mainline Christians flocked to socially conservative evangelical mega-churches that preached a form of biblical literalism that was anti-science and fervently anti-government. Instead of funding social programs with their taxes, congregants were told by their preachers to oppose taxes and instead to give larger tithes to the churches in order to reap divine returns. White evangelicals have aggressively opposed the civil-rights and progressive social agenda, as well as government social protection. They were ardent supporters of the Cold War as a crusade against the godless Soviet Union, and more recently have supported wars against militant Islam and trade wars against atheistic China. In 2016 and 2020, they voted overwhelmingly for Trump.

Plutocracy. Policy gridlock has served the interests of the wealthiest Americans, who are benefiting from the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle-class to the rich in human history, while also being assured that political paralysis will keep them free of new federal taxes. The plutocracy has been abetted by successive Supreme Court rulings that have permitted unlimited anonymous campaign contributions. It is estimated that $14 billion was spent in the 2020 elections, with each party backed by dozens of billionaires.

Antiquated political institutions. The longevity of political institutions is a double-edged sword. The core of the US constitutional system dates back to 1787. It included dysfunctional anomalies such as the Electoral College, first-past-the-post voting in single-member election districts, and an overly powerful president. These institutions are now baked into the US political system, even as they lead to over-weighting of votes from sparsely populated states, a two-party system that severely distorts the representation of public opinion, an autocratic executive, a near-moribund Congress, and a Supreme Court that has been weaponized by the main political parties.

Social media. Marshall McLuhan was right that fundamental changes in the media of communications reshape politics and culture. Radio broadcasting and mass-circulation newspapers led to the rise of public relations, mass advertising, and highly personalized politics through mass communication. The new social media have led to the disintegration of a single national discourse and the pervasive misrepresentation of reality. With as many “truths” as Facebook groups, agreement on basic facts, much less a consensus about what they mean, has collapsed.

(For a play-by-play account of the rise of many of these forces during the 1970s, see Rick Perlstein’s Reaganland).


Each of these factors shines a light on one facet of today’s reality. Some of them are common to most high-income democracies. Western Europe, like the US, faces rising inequalities from technological change, a social media-driven breakdown of consensus, and deepening political divides caused by tensions accompanying its societies’ changing ethnic composition. In the US, ethnic change reflects the growing share of Hispanic and Asian populations, whereas in Europe it has been driven largely by four decades of immigration from the Middle East and Africa.

Yet many of the factors are specific to the US. Europe has not experienced a collapse of social democratic norms, which are deeply embedded in the European Union’s laws and institutions. Europe does not have America’s entrenched white supremacist politics, which the earth-shattering crimes of Nazism discredited and uprooted more thoroughly. Nor does Europe have the religious-based and politicized social conservatism seen among America’s white Evangelicals. And by virtue of Europe’s utterly tumultuous history, notably the wars and revolutions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, its parliamentary democracies are generally more up-to-date and better structured than America’s eighteenth-century presidential model.

There will be no quick fixes for the US. Only with good fortune and skilled leadership will the US pull itself out of the downward spiral of internal division and external war that has characterized the country for more than 40 years. Biden will aim to heal American divides, a task for which he is well suited. He is a centrist, a moderate, a rationalist, and a gentleman. He understands disaffected white America as well as any US political leader, and he knows that he needs to win the support of swing states and Republicans in Congress, not run over them. Nor does he bear grudges. He knows that sharp elbows are part of politics and wisely shrugs off the jabs, insults, and preposterous claims.

But these highly favorable personal traits will not be sufficient. When Trump’s predecessor, Obama, took office in 2009, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and immediately began to pass legislation on almost straight party-line votes over united Republican opposition. Such party-line voting was unusual for the US Congress and was a clear expression of political polarization. But since 2010, when the Democrats lost their majority in the House of Representatives, divided government has prevailed, with the exception of 2017-18, when Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress. This has blocked nearly all legislative initiatives.
Parliamentary democracies can function routinely with straight party-line voting, because the government (almost by definition) has the majority or plurality of votes needed to enact legislation. In the US, by contrast, whenever the president and at least one house of Congress are controlled by different parties, or when there is an effective blocking coalition in the 100-member Senate due to the filibuster rule (which requires a 60-vote supermajority for some legislation), party-line voting means paralysis.

There is a slight chance that Biden will have a working majority in both houses of Congress, if the Democrats win the two Senate runoff elections in Georgia on January 5. A sweep for the Democrats would give each party 50 seats, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris casting a tie-breaking vote.
It is more likely, however, that Biden will need Republican votes in the Senate, and often in the House as well (when a few Democrats vote against the president). This will pit the structural factors leading to division in the US against the legislative imperatives for action and change. Biden will then need to take his case to the people in an effort to win over some moderate Republicans to restart the gears of the federal government.

In the US system, a president can do much without legislation. Trump managed his entire foreign policy, including trade and sanctions, almost without any congressional input, and Biden, too, will no doubt govern by decree, at least in some areas. Yet this practice has several serious downsides. First, it is autocratic. Second, executive orders alone generally do not provide federal financing, only regulatory changes. Third, executive orders are easily overturned by the next president, and therefore do not bind future governments or promote the necessary long-term changes to business investments.


In any event, Biden will have no choice but to rely on executive orders at the start of his administration. This will be necessary to re-establish the federal role in containing COVID-19, which will be enormously beneficial in overcoming the crisis. Likewise, Biden will not have to rely on Congress to return the US to United Nations treaties and agencies, including the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization. He will most likely return the US to the Iran nuclear deal and other UN agencies and processes as well, and rescind various unilateral tariff measures and sanctions imposed by Trump. And he will likely announce by executive order the US goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions (“climate neutrality”) by 2050, in line with the EU, Japan, Korea, and China (which has set 2060 as its target date).

Yet accomplishing more than this will require ending the logjam in Congress, which can be accomplished only if enough independent and Republican voters get on board. By dint of personality and pragmatic policy vision, Biden has the skills to win such backing. The question is whether today’s deeply divided Americans can revive a long-dormant capacity to reason together.

Biden will have to convince conservative white working-class voters that COVID-19 control, more accessible health care, higher taxes on the rich, and relief on crippling student debt are policies intended for them and their families, rather than being narrowly aimed at Democratic Party constituencies that these voters shun. To win cross-party support, Biden has to sell the inclusiveness of social democratic policies, rather than relying on identity-based appeals.

Biden must also convince more voters that a shift to renewable energy and away from fossil fuels will deliver a similar nationwide boon. Fortunately, most US states, both blue (Democratic) and red (Republican), have vast untapped wind and solar power potential. Moreover, the swing states of the industrial heartland (including Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio) and northern Appalachia (including Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and West Virginia) would play a huge role in building the solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles that will form the heart of the low-carbon economy. Mayors of eight major cities in the industrial heartland recently called for precisely this kind of reindustrialization policy to build the new green economy.


Whatever happens in the US during the 2020s, important lessons for the rest of the world are already clear. Most important, the US will, at best, be a cooperating partner in the coming decade. It is far too wounded and divided – and often confused and misdirected – to provide global leadership. The Asian-Pacific region has vastly outpaced the US and Europe economically during the pandemic, and will continue to drive global growth in 2021.

Europe above all needs to look beyond its long-strained relations with the US to forge its own foreign policy, including security policy, and defense capability, as well as boost its competitiveness in the new digital technologies. The US under Biden will be a good partner, but there is no substitute for Europe achieving its goal of “strategic autonomy.” Moreover, Europe is the world’s leader in sustainable development policies, and should use its position to promote environmental sustainability and social inclusion around the world.

The EU needs to craft its own cooperative policies with China, rather than duck behind the US. And it needs to continue to lead on global governance issues such as digital taxation, digital security, and digital privacy, areas where Europe is well ahead of the US and will remain so for the coming decade.

Asia, for its part, has the opportunity to break free of a US cold-war mentality obsessed with “containing” China and isolating it from its neighbors – a preposterous idea that has nonetheless recently animated both US parties. Asia’s growing economic and technological strength will best be nurtured by strong regional institutions. The newly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a free-trade area that includes the ten Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries, along with China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, is a promising harbinger of cooperation within Asia, and between Asia and the rest of the world.

In fact, the Biden administration should welcome a strong Europe and regional initiatives such as the RCEP, and aim to bring the US in as a supportive partner. We are past the era of hegemonic leadership, whether by the US or any other country. The world’s environmental, social, and security problems are now so complex and interconnected that only strong cooperation within and across regions will suffice to manage them. Biden’s success in healing a deeply divided America will be essential not only to restoring political rationality and problem-solving capacity at home, but also to enabling a constructive US contribution to the global cooperation we so urgently need.

Scottish homes to be first in world to use 100% green hydrogen

Jillian Ambrose

Some 300 homes in Fife to be fitted with free boilers, heaters and cooking appliances

The green hydrogen would replace natural gas in homes for heating and cooking. Photograph: ronstik/Alamy

The green hydrogen would replace natural gas in homes for heating and cooking. Photograph: ronstik/Alamy

Hundreds of homes in Scotland will soon become the first in the world to use 100% green hydrogen to heat their properties and cook their meals as part of a new trial that could help households across the country replace fossil fuel gas.

Some 300 homes in Fife will be fitted with free hydrogen boilers, heaters and cooking appliances to be used for more than four years in the largest test of whether zero carbon hydrogen, made using renewable energy and water, could help meet Britain’s climate goals.

They will begin to receive green gas from the end of 2022, at no extra charge, and up to 1,000 homes could be included if the first phase of the trial is completed successfully.

The trial has the backing of the energy regulator, Ofgem, which has awarded £18m to SGN to develop the pioneering project. The grant is part of a funding competition which supports innovation to help prepare Britain’s energy grids for a low-carbon future. The Scottish government will support the project with a grant of £6.9m.

Ofgem’s £56m funding pot will also support a £12.7m project from National Grid to carry out “offline” hydrogen trials, using old gas grid pipes, to test the safety of transporting hydrogen gas across the country.

Green hydrogen is a central part of the government’s plan to wean Britain off fossil fuels because it can be used in the same ways as fossil fuel gas but produces no carbon emissions. This is particularly important for central heating, which makes up almost a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions because 85% of homes use a gas boiler.

Antony Green, the head of National Grid’s hydrogen project, said: “If we truly want to reach a net zero decarbonised future, we need to replace methane with green alternatives like hydrogen.

“Sectors such as heat are difficult to decarbonise, and the importance of the gas networks to the UK’s current energy supply means projects like this are crucial if we are to deliver low carbon energy, reliably and safely to all consumers.”

Ofgem’s remaining funds in its annual network innovation competition will be awarded to three pioneer projects which aim to use new technology to improve power substations, stabilise voltage control systems and strengthen electricity transmission towers.


Jonathan Brearley, the chief executive of Ofgem, said: “The winning projects were those which showed the most potential to make the game-changing leaps in technology we need to build a greener, fairer energy system at the lowest cost to consumers.”

Kwasi Kwarteng, the energy minister, said the UK “must continue driving forward” the new low-carbon technologies which will be needed to meet the government’s “bold ambition for a green industrial revolution”.

Climate change presents new challenges for the drinking water supply

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

The Rappbode Reservoir in the Harz region is Germany's largest drinking water reservoir, supplying around one million people with drinking water in areas including the Halle region and the southern part of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Water temperatures in the reservoir now have the potential to increase significantly due to climate change. If average global warming reaches between 4 and 6 degrees by the year 2100, as the current trend suggests, temperature conditions in the Rappbode Reservoir will become comparable to those in Lake Garda and other lakes south of the Alps. In an article in Science of the Total Environment magazine, a team of researchers led by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) writes that the reservoir's operators could partially offset the impacts this will have on the drinking water supply -- to do so, they would have to change the way the reservoir is managed.

The impacts of climate change can already be seen in the Rappbode Reservoir: Over the past 40 years, the water surface temperature in the reservoir has increased by around 4 degrees in the summer months. This trend could continue, as has now been demonstrated by a team of researchers led by Dr Karsten Rinke, who researches lakes at UFZ. Working on the basis of a lake model developed by US researchers, the team took into account potential reservoir management strategies to forecast the impacts climate change could have on water temperatures and on the lake's physical structure, which control the stratification and seasonal mixing of the body of water. Their research looked at three scenarios for future greenhouse gas emissions. The so-called "representative concentration pathways" (RCPs) describe whether greenhouse gas emissions will be halted (RCP 2.6), will continue to rise (RCP 6.0) or even continue to increase unabated (RCP 8.5) by 2100. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, the latter case would result in average global warming of more than 4 degrees by the end of this century.

For the RCP 2.6 and RCP 6.0 scenarios, the study's authors projected that the average temperature on the water surface of the Rappbode Reservoir is set to increase by 0.09 degrees or 0.32 degrees respectively every decade by the year 2100. This would correspond to a total increase of around 0.7 degrees (RCP 2.6) and around 2.6 degrees (RCP 6.0) by the end of this century. As expected, the increase in temperatures would be the highest under the RCP 8.5 scenario, which would see the water temperature increasing by 0.5 degrees every decade or approx. 4 degrees by 2100.

Source: SciTechDaily

Source: SciTechDaily

However, in terms of using drinking water, what happens in the deeper strata of the reservoir -- i.e., at depths of 50 metres and below -- is more serious, as this is where raw water is taken out before being treated to prepare it as drinking water. It is true that impacts by 2100 would be relatively minor under the RCP 2.6 and RCP 6.0 scenarios, as the water temperature would continue to be around 5 degrees year-round. However, water temperatures will increase significantly under the RCP 8.5 scenario -- by nearly 3 degrees by the end of the century. As a result, the water in the depths of the reservoir would warm to around 8 degrees. "This would turn a reservoir in Germany's northernmost highlands into a body of water comparable to Lake Maggiore or Lake Garda nowadays," says UFZ scientist Rinke. An increase of this magnitude would have consequences because it would significantly accelerate the speed of biological metabolic processes. "A temperature increase to 8 degrees nearly doubles oxygen demand, that is the amount of oxygen organisms consume during their respiration and degradation processes," says lead author Chenxi Mi, who is focusing on climate impacts on the Rappbode Reservoir in his doctorate at UFZ. Increased oxygen consumption will place an additional pressure on the water's oxygen budget, because the duration of summer stagnation -- the phase of stable temperature stratification in lakes in which the deep water is closed off to oxygen supply from the atmosphere -- is already extending due to climate change. Plus, warmer water is also unable to absorb as much oxygen. Potential consequences include intensified dissolution of nutrients and dissolved metals from the sediment, algae growth and an increase in blue-green algae.

In other words, the 8.5 scenario would have impacts on the drinking water supply if it were to occur. The reservoir's operators draw the raw water from the lowermost strata for good reason, as the water there is cold and contains only low levels of suspended substances, dissolved metals, algae, bacteria and potentially pathogenic microorganisms. If the oxygen content there decreases more rapidly due to the rising water temperature, the risk of contamination increases, for example due to substances released from the sediment and greater bacteria growth. Treating the water would therefore require a greater effort on the part of the operators, and they would have to deal with higher demands in terms of the treatment capacity they would need to reserve. "This means preventing the deep water from warming is also worthwhile from the perspective of the drinking water supply, and the ideal way to do this is ambitious climate policies that limit warming," says Rinke.

But the operators are not completely powerless against the warming of the deep water in the reservoir. The model simulations set up by Rinke's team show that a share of the heat can be exported by using a clever system to withdraw the water. This has to do with the water that is released to the downstream waters that is, the water that is withdrawn and drains into the water course below the reservoir in order to keep the discharge conditions there stable. This so-called downstream discharge would need to be withdrawn not from the lower strata as it has been thus far but rather from near the surface. "This approach would allow the additional heat caused by climate change to be released again," Rinke explains. However, he adds, it would be impossible to prevent the deep water from heating up if the air temperature increases beyond 6 degrees. "Even though operators have had to cope more with a shortage of water due to the very dry years we've had recently, it's just as important to think about the quality of the water. In terms of reservoir management, we definitely have options and can respond to new conditions caused by climate change. In this way, we can alleviate certain negative impacts through climate adaptation measures."

The operators of the Rappbode Reservoir at the Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt company are aware of this. They have been working closely together with Karsten Rinke and his team of researchers at UFZ for many years to assess the impacts of climate change and discussed about potential options for adapting the Rappbode Reservoir. The Talsperrenbetrieb is already planning new infrastructures that will make it possible to implement the new management strategies.

The Green Digest: Small Scale Farmers Empowerment and Renewable Energy Generation In Asia and Africa

AFRICA: The center of global agricultural value chain has been attributed to small scale farmers. In Nigeria, they produce over 80% of domestic food supply, while in Ghana, they produce an estimated 20% of the world’s cocoa. Small scale farmers have been adversely affected by the impact of the pandemic, increasing their poverty levels to an all-time high. Usually designated as our unsung heroes, small scale farmers have been struggling to improve living standards even before the outbreak of the pandemic having limited access to credit facilities, labor and technology. The impact of the pandemic is reflected in the disruption of transportation and market activities for these farmers. To proffer a sustainable solution, these farmers should be granted credit facilities according to their farming situations.

COVID-19: The traditional thanksgiving gatherings have been marked by experts to have a high risk of spreading COVID-19. Doctors have stated that the reliance on a COVID-19 negative test result does not make you immune from contracting the disease or being contagious. In a statement by Dr. Seth Cohen, Medical Director of Infection Prevention at the University of Washington Medical Center, an infected individual could pass for negative when the virus is in the incubation period and the tests are not very sensitive. According to KomoNews, “In Washington, 1.8 percent of people with coronavirus ends up dying.”However, Dr. Ali Mokdad reminded everyone of the big picture when he spoke of the vaccine soon o be distributed.

ENERGY: A policy review by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has shown that the implementation of South Korea’s Green New Deal could position them as leaders in the renewable energy sector. South Korea has projected carbon neutrality by 2050, and the government is implementing measures such as; carbon phase out, increasing the share of renewable energy in electricity supply, and improving energy efficiency to hasten the process. IEA executive director Fatih Birol has shown his support for the government’s efforts towards carbon neutrality. Moreover, the country has been applauded for its “unparalleled openness” towards digitalization.

Africa has the potential to reduce its dependence on hydroelectricity and fossil fuels in energy generation. The duo has shown to be unsustainable models of energy generation due to frequent drought and fluctuations in oil price. The Eighth African Rift Geothermal Conference (ARGC) which was held in Kenya conveyed the potentials for geothermal energy generation and its sustainability. The conference was attended by over 500 experts, academia, government representatives from Africa and other parts of the world. East Africa energy sector aims to increase its geothermal energy capacity to 2,500MW of electricity by 2030.

THE GREEN ROOM (Episode 7): Jake Effoduh on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights and Sustainable Development


Summary of the Discussion

The discussion kicked off with a brief introduction of our distinguished speaker, Jake Effoduh, a Vanier Scholar by our amiable moderator Dr. Jason McSparren.



Jake Effoduh is a Human Right Lawyer and a Vanier Scholar at the Osgoode Hall Law School. He is also a Partner at Praxis & Gnosis Law Firm in Nigeria.

Jake Effoduh is a Human Right Lawyer and a Vanier Scholar at the Osgoode Hall Law School. He is also a Partner at Praxis & Gnosis Law Firm in Nigeria.


Dr. Jason J. McSparren is an educator, researcher, and administrator with a PhD. in Global Governance and Human Security from Massachusetts Boston.

Dr. Jason J. McSparren is an educator, researcher, and administrator with a PhD. in Global Governance and Human Security from Massachusetts Boston.


Dr McSparren: Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Students, Practitioners. Welcome to The Green Room Episode 7. We're really pleased to have you with us today. We are going to have a great discussion. Our topic Today, we're going to be talking about 'Artificial Intelligence in Human Rights in Africa. We are looking at the Sustainable Development Impacts, our grant guest speaker Today is Jake Okechukwu Effoduh, and we like to welcome him to the Green Room Episode 7.
Jake is a human rights lawyer, with a demonstrated history of advocacy across domestic and international systems. He has worked within the Justice sector in Nigeria, the West African ECOWAS human rights system, the African Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Human Rights Council. Jake anchor two (2) nationwide radio programs in Nigeria for 12 years, which aired at over 150 stations across the country and earned him several international awards including winning the future Awards Africa for Community Action and the prestigious African broadcaster of the year award in 2016. Jake is a Vanier Scholar at the Osgoode Hall law school. He's conducted research on the legitimisation of artificial intelligence for human rights in Africa. Today Jake is going to present about his work on artificial intelligence and human rights in Africa. So, can we please welcome Jake? We can't hear your applause, but we should do hope that you are clapping. Please welcome Jake Okechukwu Effoduh. Thank you very much, everybody.

Jake Effoduh: Thank you. Thank you very much. Dr Jason McSparren. It is such an honour to be right here in The Green Room. Thank you for the great introduction and for the inspiration that you actually provide personally, professionally and on this platform as well. So I'm really happy to be here in The Green Room and to speak with you about things that I'm very passionate about human rights, artificial intelligence, sustainable development and you know and environmental justice. These are things that really matter to us right now, especially with what we're going through. So it's an honour to share my humble insights and to engage. I hope this would be a collaborative platform where you can ask questions. I can ask questions because you're doing pretty much similar work as I'm doing as well so we can both learn and have a relative discourse on this. So thank you so much.

Dr McSparren: Okay, Jake. If you wouldn't mind audience would like to hear a few of a little summary of your work, if you could give us a little bit of your background on artificial intelligence and how it relates to Human Rights and environmental justice on the African continent, please.

Favourite Quote

I think we cannot talk about human rights or AI without thinking about the environment. I think in this day and age with the kind of effects that we see in terms of climate change adaptation and mitigation, the environmental justice is something that needs to be at the forefront of every single thing that we do.
— Jake Effoduh

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Thumbs up- Amadou Kodio

"Great Discussion”- Arijeniwa Foluke

The Green Digest: The rise of renewable energy in Africa and European adopted of biofertilizers

AFRICA: Africa is set to realize consecutive growth rates of renewable energy in the next five years. Africa currently has a renewable energy capacity of 12.6 GW and it is projected to increase to 51.2 GW by 2025. South Africa is currently the leading country with combined wind and solar installed energy capacity of 5.9 GW while Egypt and Morocco are second and third with solar capacity of 1.6 GW and 0.8 GW respectively. According to Rystad Energy, nearly 40 out of 50 countries have installed, or plan to install solar and wind renewable energy. Egypt has been the quickest country since 2017 to install wind and solar energy, followed by Morocco. In the coming years, Ethiopia will also take a big leap in renewable energy installation. Summarily, due to rising demand in electricity, Africa will adopt renewable energy with solar becoming the most preferred in the next five years.

EUROPE: In Europe where majority of farming operations are done by chemical fertilizers, bio-based fertilizers are debated to be a potential move towards a circular economy. The principle of a circular economy has been founded on the recycle and reuse of raw materials and products. Therefore, the recovery of requisite nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from waste streams will substitute conventional fertilizers and serves as a revenue stream for upcycling and clean-tech companies.

FOOD: The world must rise to the challenge of feeding two billion people by 2050 in keeping with its vision for zero hunger and tackling malnutrition. According to reports by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the World is off track in achieving targets for zero hunger and malnutrition by 2030, and people suffering from hunger have been on the steady rise since 2014. For us to confront these challenges, agriculture would have to be “productive and greener” taking into consideration issues ranging from gender parity to skills acquisition and development.

UNITED STATES: John Kerry has been named special presidential envoy for climate by President-elect Joe Biden on Monday. According to a transition team statement, Kerry “will fight climate change full time” and sit in the council of National Security, thereby confirming Biden’s commitment to tackling climate change as an issue of national security.  Kerry is the co-founder of World War Zero, a bipartisan coalition of global leaders and celebrities, dedicated to halting carbon emission by 2050. His primary role will be to lead Biden’s $ 2trillion climate investment package and work to rejoin the US with the Paris Climate Agreement

Supersized wind turbines generate clean energy--and surprising physics

American Physical Society

Twenty years ago, wind energy was mostly a niche industry that contributed less than 1% to the total electricity demand in the United States. Wind has since emerged as a serious contender in the race to develop clean, renewable energy sources that can sustain the grid and meet the ever-rising global energy demand. Last year, wind energy supplied 7% of domestic electricity demand, and across the country -- both on and offshore -- energy companies have been installing giant turbines that reach higher and wider than ever before.

"Wind energy is going to be a really important component of power production," said engineer Jonathan Naughton at the University of Wyoming, in Laramie. He acknowledged that skeptics doubt the viability of renewable energy sources like wind and solar because they're weather dependent and variable in nature, and therefore hard to control and predict. "That's true," he said, "but there are ways to overcome that."

Naughton and Charles Meneveau at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, organized a mini-symposium at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics, where researchers described the promise and fluid dynamics challenges of wind energy.

In order for wind energy to be useful -- and accepted -- researchers need to design systems that are both efficient and inexpensive, Naughton said. That means gaining a better understanding of the physical phenomena that govern wind turbines, at all scales. Three years ago, the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) brought together 70 experts from around the world to discuss the state of the science. In 2019, the group published grand scientific challenges that need to be addressed for wind energy to contribute up to half of the demand for power.

One of those challenges was to better understand the physics of the part of the atmosphere where the turbines operate. "Wind is really an atmospheric fluid mechanics problem," said Naughton. "But how the wind behaves at the levels where the turbines operate is still an area where we need more information."

Today's turbines have blades that can stretch 50 to 70 meters, said Paul Veers, Chief Engineer at NREL's National Wind Technology Center, who provided an overview of the challenges during the symposium. These towers tower 100 meters or more over their environs. "Offshore, they're getting even bigger," said Veers.

The advantage to building bigger turbines is that a wind power plant would need fewer machines to build and maintain and to access the powerful winds high above the ground. But giant power plants function at a scale that hasn't been well-studied, said Veers.

"We have a really good ability to understand and work with the atmosphere at really large scales," said Veers. "And scientists like Jonathan and Charles have done amazing jobs with fluid dynamics to understand small scales. But between these two, there's an area that has not been studied all that much."

Another challenge will be to study the structural and system dynamics of these giant rotating machines. The winds interact with the blades, which bend and twist. The spinning blades give rise to high Reynolds numbers, "and those are areas where we don't have a lot of information," said Naughton.

Powerful computational approaches can help reveal the physics, said Veers. "We're really pushing the computational methods as far as possible," he said. "It's taking us to the fastest and biggest computers that exist right now."

A third challenge, Naughton noted, is to study the behavior of groups of turbines. Every turbine produces a wake in the atmosphere, and as that wake propagates downstream it interacts with the wakes from other turbines. Wakes may combine; they may also interfere with other turbines. Or anything else in the area. "If there's farmland downwind, we don't know how the change in the atmospheric flow will affect it," said Naughton.

He called wind energy the "ultimate scale problem." Because it connects small-scale problems like the interactions of turbines with the air to giant-scale problems like atmospheric modeling, wind energy will require expertise and input from a variety of fields to address the challenges. "Wind is among the cheapest forms of energy," said Naughton. "But as the technology matures, the questions get harder."

Researchers overcome barriers for bio-inspired solar energy harvesting materials

City College of New York

Inspired by nature, researchers at The City College of New York (CCNY) can demonstrate a synthetic strategy to stabilize bio-inspired solar energy harvesting materials. Their findings, published in the latest issue of Nature Chemistry, could be a significant breakthrough in functionalizing molecular assemblies for future solar energy conversion technologies.

Inspired by nature, researchers at The City College of New York (CCNY) can demonstrate a synthetic strategy to stabilize bio-inspired solar energy harvesting materials. Their findings, published in the latest issue of Nature Chemistry, could be a significant breakthrough in functionalizing molecular assemblies for future solar energy conversion technologies.


In almost every corner of the world, despite extreme heat or cold temperature conditions, you will find photosynthetic organisms striving to capture solar energy. Uncovering nature's secrets on how to harvest light so efficiently and robustly could transform the landscape of sustainable solar energy technologies, especially in the wake of rising global temperatures.

In photosynthesis, the first step (that is, light-harvesting) involves the interaction between light and the light-harvesting antenna, which is composed of fragile materials known as supra-molecular assemblies. From leafy green plants to tiny bacteria, nature designed a two-component system: the supra-molecular assemblies are embedded within protein or lipid scaffolds. It is not yet clear what role this scaffold plays, but recent research suggests that nature may have evolved these sophisticated protein environments to stabilize their fragile supra-molecular assemblies.

"Although we can't replicate the complexity of the protein scaffolds found in photosynthetic organisms, we were able to adapt the basic concept of a protective scaffold to stabilize our artificial light-harvesting antenna," said Dr. Kara Ng. Her co-authors include Dorthe M. Eisele and Ilona Kretzschmar, both professors at CCNY, and Seogjoo Jang, professor at Queens College.

Thus far, translating nature's design principles to large-scale photovoltaic applications has been unsuccessful.

"The failure may lie in the design paradigm of current solar cell architectures," said Eisele. However, she and her research team, "do not aim to improve the solar cell designs that already exist. But we want to learn from nature's masterpieces to inspire entirely new solar energy harvesting architectures," she added.

Inspired by nature, the researchers demonstrate how small, cross-linking molecules can overcome barriers towards functionalization of supra-molecular assemblies. They found that silane molecules can self-assemble to form an interlocking, stabilizing scaffold around an artificial supra-molecular light-harvesting antenna.

"We have shown that these intrinsically unstable materials, can now survive in a device, even through multiple cycles of heating and cooling," said Ng. Their work provides proof-of-concept that a cage-like scaffold design stabilizes supra-molecular assemblies against environmental stressors, such as extreme temperature fluctuations, without disrupting their favorable light-harvesting properties.

The Green Digest: Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement in the Post-COVID world

AFRICA: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray have escalated the ongoing conflict, extending it to the refugee crises in the region. The conflict exerts more pressure on the region that has had over a decade of refugee crises, causing tens of thousands of people to flee for safety.

ASIA: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the G20 Riyadh summit spoke of the need for a reformed multilateralism in a post-COVID world. During the second day of the summit which focused on building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future, Modi stressed on the importance of Agenda 2030 and “leaving no one behind.” He made mention of the development strategy: Reform-Perform-Transform which India has adopted in order to become self-reliant and a major contributor to global economy and supply chains. Modi, during a side event at the summit, underscored the need for climate change to be fought in an “integrated, comprehensive and holistic way.” At the close of the summit, the issuance of a G20 leaders’ declaration called for “coordinated global action, solidarity, and multilateral cooperation to combat 21st century global challenges.

ENERGY: Scientists have proffered the establishment of space-based solar system as the solution to global energy crisis. According to their argument, since climate change is a prominent global disaster and energy is inevitable, we cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels for our energy supply. They supported the space-based solar system by highlighting the limitation of wind and solar energy systems on earth. Although much work still needs to be done, advances made by China is encouraging, as China plans to set up a space-based solar system by 2050 that will distribute 2 GW of power into earth’s grid at peak time. The scientific world hopes that this innovation will be pivotal in our fight against climate change.

SDGs: The sustainable development goals are helping to fight global poverty by solving the root causes of world crisis. Despite the progress being made, SDGs report of 2019 has stated emphatically that the goal of zero poverty by 2030 is unachievable. However, only 6% of the world will be in poverty by that time. One of the primary challenges is as a result of climate change which is accelerated through greenhouse gas emission. Also, gender inequality has left women vulnerable to the perils of poverty, extending developmental challenges and slowing down the actualization of “leaving no one behind.”

USA: Trump has bashed the Paris Climate Agreement at the G20 summit on Sunday, stating to global leaders that it was “draconian” and detrimental to the US economy. His statement read that his withdrawal was to protect the American workers from an Agreement which was one-sided and unfair. President Trump withdrew from the Agreement few months after his election into the white house in June 2017. However, President-elect Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the pact when he resumes the Oval office in January 2021.



Does air pollution increase women's risk of dementia?

American Academy of Neurology

Older women who live in locations with higher levels of air pollution may have more brain shrinkage, the kind seen in Alzheimer's disease, than women who live in locations with lower levels, according to a new study published in the November 18, 2020, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study looked at fine particle pollution and found that breathing in high levels of this kind of air pollution was linked to shrinkage in the areas of the brain vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease.

Fine particle pollution consists of microscopic particles of chemicals, smoke, dust and other pollutants suspended in the air. They are no larger than 2.5 micrometers, 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

"Smaller brain volume is a known risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease, but whether air pollution alters brain structure is still being researched," said study author Diana Younan, Ph.D., of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. "Our study found that women in their 70s and 80s who were exposed to the higher levels of air pollution had an increased risk of brain changes linked to Alzheimer's disease over five years. Our research suggests these toxins may disrupt brain structure or connections in the brain's nerve cell network, contributing to the progression toward the disease."

The study involved 712 women with an average age of 78 who did not have dementia at the start of the study. Participants provided health histories as well as information on race/ethnicity, education, employment, alcohol use, smoking and physical activity. All women received MRI brain scans at the start of the study and five years later.

Researchers used the residential addresses of each participant to determine their average exposures to air pollution in the three years before the first MRI scan. They then divided participants into four equal groups. The lowest group was exposed to an average of 7 to 10 micrograms of fine particle pollution per cubic meter of air (μg/m3). The highest group was exposed to an average of 13 to 19 μg/m3. The U.S. Environmental Pollution Agency (EPA) considers average yearly exposures up to 12 μg/m3 to be safe.

Researchers used a machine learning tool to measure signs of Alzheimer's disease in the brain, a tool that had been trained to identify patterns of brain shrinkage specific to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease by reading the brain scans of people with the disease.

Participants' MRI brain scans at the start of the study and five years later were assigned scores based on how similar they were to Alzheimer's disease patterns identified by the machine learning tool, specifically brain changes in regions found to be vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease. Scores ranged from zero to one, with higher scores showing more brain changes. Overall, the women's scores changed from 0.28 at the start of the study to 0.44 five years later.

For each 3 μg/m3 increase in air pollution exposure levels, researchers found a broader range of scores between the two scans and an average increase of 0.03, showing a greater extent of brain shrinkage over five years, which was equivalent to a 24% increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. The increases remained the same even after adjusting for age, education, employment, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, physical activity and other factors that could affect brain shrinkage.

"Our findings have important public health implications, because not only did we find brain shrinkage in women exposed to higher levels of air pollution, we also found it in women exposed to air pollution levels lower than those the EPA considers safe," said Younan. "While more research is needed, federal efforts to tighten air pollution exposure standards in the future may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in our older populations."

Limitations of the study include that it only looked at the brains of older women, so results may not be the same for men or younger women. It also examined only regional fine particle pollution, not other sources of pollution such as traffic emissions. Researchers were also not able to estimate participants' exposure to fine particle pollution in middle-age and young adulthood due to nationwide data not being available for those years.

The Green Digest: Impact of food production on climate change

AFRICA: In October, firefighters in Tanzania had to tackle a number of fires on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain and the largest free-standing mountain in the world. The mountain and surrounding forests fall into Kilimanjaro National Park, named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. According to studies done by Andreas Hemp and his colleagues, fires always played a role in shaping the vegetative belts of the mountain.

ENERGY: Renewable energy has increased its market share by displacing fossil fuels in power generation. Global leaders are gradually transitioning to the clean energy act as the brunt of the pandemic gradually lessens. According to Reuters, renewables accounted for 44 percent of power generation in the European Union in the second quarter, compared against 37.2 percent in the same period a year earlier

EUROPE: Europe has become a pacesetter towards achieving the sustainable development goals. Although specific gaps, such as gender equality (SDG 5), have widened, the region has nonetheless made progress in Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).

FOOD: Crop and grazing land for food production cover about one third of the global land area; our food system is responsible for up to a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. The study from Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) projects that -- if current trends continue -- global food demand will increase by about 50% between 2010 and 2050, the demand for animal products like meat and milk will approximately double, a development that requires more and more land. According to their findings, by 2050, more than 4 billion people could be overweight, 1.5 billion of them obese, while 500 million people continue to be underweight.

SDGs: In the wake of the Great Reset Initiative, reconsideration about improving geospatial skills to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs has been adopted. Prior to this development, there has been little understanding of the imperative of geography as a crucial factor in underpinning the SDGs. Thankfully, Walker Kosmidou-Bradley, a geographer on the Afghanistan team in the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice, has made it his mission to map every road across the country to ramp up sustainable development initiatives.

Megaprojects risk pushing forests past tipping point – report

Damian Carrington

Timber operations in Mindourou, Cameroon, run by Pallisco, a sustainable logging company. Photograph: Brent Stirton/Getty Images

Timber operations in Mindourou, Cameroon, run by Pallisco, a sustainable logging company. Photograph: Brent Stirton/Getty Images

Infrastructure megaprojects risk pushing the world’s remaining forests past a “dangerous tipping point” and making climate targets unachievable, a report says.

Tens of thousands of miles of roads and railways are planned alongside mines and dams, opening up the forests of South America, south-east Asia and central Africa to destruction, according to the report by a coalition of 25 research and conservation organisations called the New York Declaration on Forests Assessment Partners. Today, almost half of all large mines – more than 1,500 – are in forests.

In 2014, 50 countries and 50 of the world’s biggest companies backed the declaration, pledging to cut deforestation by 50% by 2020 and end the destruction of forests by 2030.

But the 2020 goal has been missed and deforestation is rising.

The report found that many countries and businesses had introduced regulations and plans but implementation remained poor. Only 10% of 225 companies that mine in forests responded to the report’s authors’ request for information about their biodiversity commitments.

“Forests are at a dangerous tipping point and these large-scale projects could push us over the edge,” said Erin Matson, a senior consultant at Climate Focus and co-author of the report. “There’s a very small – and closing – window of opportunity now to rethink these projects. Governments, companies and investors need to step up and act quickly to avoid further harm to people, wildlife, and nature.”

The new forest wars: 'This is something we didn't expect' – video

Franziska Haupt, the lead author of the report and also at Climate Focus, said: “Forests are absolutely essential. If we don’t stop deforestation, we won’t meet our climate targets. Infrastructure and mining are probably the biggest threat to forests, maybe even more important than farming, because they really open up forests for these other drivers and create access for global markets to these remote areas.”Robert Nasi, the head of the Center for International Forestry Research (Cifor), one of the NYDF assessment partners, said: “We are living in a dream world of pledges but a reality of little progress, lack of transparency, vested interests and short termism. Alas, reality will always catch us up.”

Aidan Davy, at the International Council on Mining and Metals, which has 27 mining company members, said: “We need mining companies across the industry to commit to higher standards of performance on biodiversity, and other environmental, social and governance areas which is the purpose of ICMM’s mining principles.”

The ICCM also called on governments to ban mines in forest areas of greatest conservation value and enforce stronger protective measures.

The report by the NYDF assessment partners, including the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Chatham House, and the World Wildlife Fund, found that megaprojects involving transport corridors were planned or under development in most of the critical tropical forest regions. “Even just planned projects already create an incentive for land speculators,” Haupt said.

The governments of five Amazon countries are investing $27bn (£20bn) over the next five years to build or upgrade more than 7,500 miles (12,000km) of roads, the report says, which would lead to deforestation of about 2.4m hectares.

In Indonesia, the 2,500-mile Trans-Papua highway will cut through Lorentz National Park, increasing access to more than 50,000 hectares of mining concessions inside the park, while a railway planned for Kalimantan would open areas for coalmining and palm oil production. In Papua New Guinea, two plans would double the length of the country’s road network by late 2022, the report says.

A burnt area of the Amazon rainforest in Rondônia state, Brazil. Vast tracts of rainforest on three continents went up in smoke in 2018, with an area roughly the size of Switzerland cut down or burned to make way for cattle and commercial crops, rep…

A burnt area of the Amazon rainforest in Rondônia state, Brazil. Vast tracts of rainforest on three continents went up in smoke in 2018, with an area roughly the size of Switzerland cut down or burned to make way for cattle and commercial crops, reports based on satellite data show. Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/Getty Images

An infrastructure boom in sub-Saharan Africa involves dozens of international development corridors to export minerals and energy, the report says. The corridors would cut across 400 protected areas and degrade an additional 1,800.

“People need improved access, but these are not highways designed to prioritise linking communities to health care or economic opportunities,” said Anthony Bebbington, a mining and expert and report author. “Their purpose is to make it easier and cheaper to extract natural capital in ways that benefit economic elites above all.”

The report said some governments had improved regulations, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo reforming land planning and Indonesia setting ambitious goals, though the latter have since been weakened.

Brazil’s government has opened indigenous territories to mining and the Trump administration in the US has ended the requirement of federal agencies to consider the indirect environmental impacts of new infrastructure.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an NYDF assessment partner, invited 225 mining companies to report on their biodiversity efforts. Of the 23 that replied, and a further 22 that were analysed, few shared specific targets for action, said Morgan Gillespy, the global director of forests at CDP.

The report sets out steps to deliver forest protection. “We can do things differently,” Haupt said. “What we’re talking about is not pie in the sky.”

One step is ensuring the benefits of forests are included when assessing megaprojects. Matson said: “If the true value of forests was factored in – reducing climate change, protecting animal habitats and reducing the spread of zoonotic diseases [like the coronavirus], keeping water sources clean and a long list of other benefits without a price tag – then many of these projects would never get the green light,.”

Another step is considering alternative ways to develop poorer areas. Anne Larson, a team leader at Cifor, said: “There is still a fundamental disconnect between what governments and companies think development has to look like and the kind of actions needed for healthy livelihoods and a healthy planet.

“Securing rights and supporting sustainable livelihoods of indigenous people and other local communities would go a long way toward reducing deforestation.”

Reducing aerosol pollution without cutting carbon dioxide could make the planet hotter

University of California - Riverside

Solving one environmental problem could create another.

Aerosol pollution refers to particles in the air emitted by vehicles and factories that burn fossil fuels. This pollution contributes to asthma, bronchitis, and long-term irritation of the respiratory tract, which can lead to cancer.

"The conundrum," explained UC Riverside climate scientist and study co-author Robert Allen, "is that aerosols cause poor air quality and lead to premature deaths. However, these particles have a net cooling impact on the climate, so when you cut them that leads to a net warming effect."

Much research has examined aerosol impacts on air quality and land surface temperatures. Less explored is the way aerosols might impact the oceans, which is the focus of a UC Riverside study now published in the journal Science Advances.

The research team created detailed computer models to determine the impact on oceans under two different scenarios -- one in which there is only a reduction in aerosols, and another scenario in which greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are also reduced.

"The first scenario leads to the surprising result that fewer aerosols in the atmosphere could shift the region where most of the ocean is taking up heat, from the Southern Ocean toward the North Atlantic," Allen said.

In particular, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, or AMOC, would be disturbed as aerosols are removed from the atmosphere, the study found. The AMOC pulls warm water further north and pushes colder water south, ensuring the climate on land areas at higher latitudes, such as Europe, are relatively mild.

Roughly half the carbon dioxide humans put into the atmosphere -- mostly through fossil fuel combustion and deforestation -- stays there, and the remaining half is taken up by land and vegetation, as well as the ocean.

One of the ways the ocean takes up our carbon dioxide emissions is through AMOC circulation.

"A projected decline in humanmade aerosols potentially induces a weakening of the AMOC, which plays an important role in ocean heat uptake and storage in the North Atlantic," said Wei Liu, an assistant professor of climate change and sustainability at UCR.

In addition, the researchers said a rise in sea level would occur if the North Atlantic Ocean were to get warmer.

This current study focused on ocean heat uptake and circulation via the AMOC. However, Allen explained the study did not attempt to rigorously identify the mechanisms by which aerosol reductions weaken the AMOC. Those mechanisms will be the focus of future studies.

Ultimately, the researchers conclude that even without a more in-depth explanation of the weakening mechanisms, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gases and aerosols in tandem.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends making every attempt to prevent the planet from reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels in order to mitigate the worst effects of global warming.

Humans have already increased carbon dioxide levels by almost 50% since the 1850s, and it continues to increase worldwide. Stabilizing carbon dioxide at current levels would require zero net emissions before the year 2070, which is ambitious, but critical.

"Assuming complete removal, aerosols at most will cause warming of about 1 K," said Allen. "However, aerosol-induced warming, as well as the associated ocean circulation changes, can be moderated by rigorous cuts in greenhouse gases including methane and carbon dioxide."

Bill Gates says more than 50% of business travel will disappear in post-coronavirus world

Noah Higgins-Dunn

The coronavirus will fundamentally alter the way people travel for and conduct business, even after the pandemic is over, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said Tuesday.

“My prediction would be that over 50% of business travel and over 30% of days in the office will go away,” Gates told Andrew Ross Sorkin during the New York Times’ Dealbook conference.

Moving forward, Gates predicted that there will be a “very high threshold” for conducting business trips now that working from home is more feasible. However, some companies may be more extreme with their efforts to reduce in-person meetings than others, he said.

Source: CNN

Source: CNN

Gates, whose foundation has been working to deliver a coronavirus vaccine to people most in need, said during a new podcast, “Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions,” that he’s had a “simpler schedule” due to the pandemic now that he doesn’t travel for business.

The philanthropist and tech executive, who appeared alongside Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla during the livestreamed conference on Tuesday, said he’s already held five virtual roundtables this year with pharma executives — a meeting that’s usually held in person in New York.

“We will go to the office somewhat, we’ll do some business travel, but dramatically less,” Gates said.

The pandemic has devastated air travel demand, particularly for lucrative business trips. Business travelers before the virus accounted for half of U.S. airlines’ revenue, but just 30% of the trips, according to Airlines for America, an industry group that represents most U.S. carriers.

However, Microsoft executives have predicted that business trips will make a rebound, even as the company moves to make air travel more sustainable.

“We believe that as we return to the skies, the travel routes we’ve had ... will resume at the level they had been before,” said Judson Althoff, executive vice president of Microsoft’s worldwide commercial business, said in October.

— CNBC’s Leslie Josephs contributed to this report.

An epidemic outbreak of Mesoamerican Nephropathy in Nicaragua linked to nickel toxicity

For more than 20 years, an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) of unknown origin has severely affected specific coastal communities along South America's Pacific coastline from Mexico to Panama leading to more than 50,000 deaths. The condition, known as Mesoamerican Nephropathy (MeN), has a perplexing clinical presentation. Unlike traditional forms of CKD, it affects healthy young working-age individuals who do not have other traditional risk factors for kidney disease, such as diabetes or hypertension. The underlying cause of this devastating public health crisis has remained a mystery.

Causality candidate for Mesoamerican Nephropathy  Source: sciencedirect.com

Causality candidate for Mesoamerican Nephropathy
Source: sciencedirect.com

A "CSI-style" scientific investigation led by Dr. Kristy Murray, professor of pediatrics, immunology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital, revealed evidence for nickel toxicity as the underlying cause of this disease in a Nicaraguan "hotspot," which is among the worst-hit areas in the continent. The study provides new, compelling evidence that low-dose exposure to nickel can cause systemic inflammation, anemia and kidney injury -- hallmarks of acute MeN that progresses to chronic kidney disease in around 90% of the patients. The study appeared in PLoS ONE this week.

"A few years back, based on my reputation of investigating many new outbreaks and my laboratory's expertise in studying tropical medicine and infectious diseases among vulnerable populations, we were called to investigate the possible causes of this horrific epidemic that plagued vulnerable agricultural areas in the Pacific lowlands for decades," Murray, who is also the assistant Dean at the National School of Tropical Medicine Baylor College of Medicine and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Pediatrics at Texas Children's, said. She initially received her outbreak experience twenty years ago at the CDC as part of the elite group of disease detectives known as the Epidemic Intelligence Service.

Although agricultural toxins were proposed as a possible factor, based on the prevalence of this disease only in specific coastal populations, the team ruled it out. Genetic mutations, as the sole cause, were also excluded because of the relatively recent emergence of this disease (in decades versus centuries, which is typical of inherited genetic disorders) and a sharp increase in cases in the region.

"Although it was thought to be a chronic condition, after we reviewed hundreds of clinical records and conducted surveillance for new cases, we were struck by the acute 'flu-like' presentation in the initial stages of this disease. At the onset, the disease looked remarkably like a classic hyper-inflammatory response to an infection. So, we screened for several pathogens but could not pin it down to any particular infectious agent," Murray said. "We then turned our attention to clinical and pathological tests that led us to the most important clues to crack this case. Majority of the affected individuals had recently developed anemia and their kidney biopsies showed extreme inflammation in the tubules and cortico-medullary junctions of the kidney, indicative of heavy metal or trace element toxicity. The pieces of the puzzle were finally coming together."

Dr. Rebecca Fischer, who was Dr. Murray's postdoctoral fellow at the time and now assistant professor of Epidemiology at Texas A&M University, worked to pull together these complex analyses, and nephrologists, Drs. Sreedhar Mandayam and Chandan Vangala at Baylor College, helped to guide the team in their clinical interpretation of acute cases.

The team then collaborated with Drs. Jason Unrine and Wayne Sanderson at the University of Kentucky who specialize in trace element toxicity. Since the easiest way to test the levels of heavy metals is through toenails, they collected toenail clippings of individuals about three months after they experienced an acute kidney injury event and analyzed them for 15 trace elements, including heavy metals. Most importantly, they compared these analyzes to controls they recruited from the same population who had no evidence of kidney disease. They found affected cases to have significantly increased levels of nickel. They also identified higher levels of aluminum and vanadium in affected cases than control subjects, but nickel was by far the strongest correlate, and biologically, it made sense with the clinical presentation.

Nickel is an abundant, naturally occurring heavy metal and like iron, it is essential for the human body, but is needed only in very trace quantities. Excess recurrent exposure to nickel, by incidental ingestion through contaminated water, food or soil, can cause several toxic and carcinogenic effects. Since people who work a lot with soil such as agricultural field laborers, miners and brick-makers were found to have the highest risk of acquiring this disease, the researchers theorize their source of the nickel exposure was likely geologic in nature and possibly linked to a volcanic chain in the area that became active in the late 90s, after which incidence of this chronic kidney disease began to skyrocket in lowland areas downstream from the volcanoes in this chain.

"While we still need to validate these findings in other areas impacted by MeN, such as El Salvador or Guatemala, and to confirm the geologic source of nickel contamination, we are very excited to have found a strong lead in this challenging public health problem. Based on this study, several public health strategies were implemented, such as finding ways to protect drinking water sources from soil and runoff water contamination and educating community members about the need to frequently wash their hands after working with soil. It is gratifying to see our efforts are starting to pay off. After these measures were put in place, we noticed a dramatic reduction in the number of new cases, an indication that we are moving in the right direction. This is the first-ever downward trend in this outbreak since its emergence two decades ago. Considering the sobering death toll in the affected communities, I am relieved we can finally do something about it," Murray shared.

Scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis

Jeff Ernst

Evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall

A man wades through rubbish and flood waters caused by Hurricane Eta in Honduras. Photograph: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images

A man wades through rubbish and flood waters caused by Hurricane Eta in Honduras. Photograph: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images

Paddling in a canoe through the flood waters left by Hurricane Eta in his rural village near the north coast of Honduras, Adán Herrera took stock of the damage.

“Compared with Hurricane Mitch, this caused more damage because the water rose so fast,” said Herrera, 33, a subsistence farmer who is living on top of a nearby levee with his wife and child while they wait for the water to recede. “We’re afraid we might not have anything to eat.”

Hurricane Mitch in 1998 was the most destructive storm to hit Central America. But hundreds of thousands of subsistence farmers across the region have lost everything in flooding caused by Eta, which made landfall in Nicaragua as a category 4 hurricane on 3 November. Now, with a second hurricane projected to make landfall on Monday near where Eta did, even more could find themselves in the same situation.

Climate scientists say that this year’s record-breaking hurricane season and the “unprecedented” double blow for Central America has a clear link to the climate crisis.

“In a 36-hour period [Eta] went from a depression to a very strong category 4,” said Bob Bunting, CEO of the non-profit Climate Adaptation Center. “That is just not normal. Probably it was the fastest spin up from a depression to a major hurricane in history.”

The evidence of the influence of the climate crisis is not so much in the record-breaking 30 tropical storms in the Atlantic so far this year, but the strength, rapid intensification and total rainfall of these weather systems.

“The warmer ocean waters that climate change brings are expected to make the stronger storms stronger and make them rapidly intensify more frequently and at a greater rate,” said Dr Jeff Masters, a meteorologist and contributor to Yale Climate Connections. “These things have already been observed, particularly in the Atlantic, and it’s going to be increasingly so in coming decades.”

Central America has been one of the regions most affected by the climate crisis to date, first with Hurricane Mitch, and in recent years with more extreme weather patterns, particularly in what’s known as the dry corridor, which extends from northern Costa Rica all the way to southern Mexico.

“Heat is energy,” said Masters. “Depending on the prevailing weather conditions you’re going to intensify those conditions.”

In the dry corridor, that has meant more frequent, prolonged and intense droughts as well as heavier rainfall when it does come, often causing flash flooding that washes away crops.

Subsistence farmers in the region have struggled to adapt to the new reality, and many in the region have simply given up and left. The climate crisis – and the hunger it brings – is increasingly being recognized as a major driver of emigration from the region.

“I don’t see a lot of options for Central America to deal with the global warming issue,” said Masters. “There are going to be a lot migrants and in fact, a lot of the migration that’s already happening in recent years is due to the drought that started affecting Central America back in 2015.”

Hondurans migrated to the US in significant numbers for the first time following Hurricane Mitch. In the year before the Covid-19 pandemic, more than 250,000 Hondurans were apprehended at the US south-west border, more than double any previous year and surpassed only by its neighbor to the north, Guatemala.

According to the Red Cross, at least 2.5 million people were affected by Hurricane Eta, including 1.7 million in Honduras. Many who have lost everything are already considering or making plans to migrate to the US and groups are beginning to organize caravans via social media.

Unable to fulfill the needs of their citizens before the pandemic, the economic downturn has stretched the finances of Central American governments to the brink. And unlike following previous natural disasters, the international community is dealing with pandemic-related problems of its own and is unlikely to step in to fill the gap.

Hurricane Iota could lead to even more widespread devastation across the region. Many areas still have high water levels from Eta, levees have been damaged or destroyed, dams are at or near capacity, and the saturated land could lead to more landslides like in Guatemala, where dozens are feared dead after part of a mountainside community was buried in mud.

The Atlantic hurricane season is expected to last until December this year, meaning that Iota might not be the last.

“When a season like 2020 keeps on cranking these things out, it’s going to keep on doing that,” said Masters.

The Green Digest: Ghana mourns Jerry John Rawlings; and other Global updates

AFRICA: As Ghana mourns the loss of Jerry John Rawlings, report has it that his political influence in Ghana is second to that of Kwame Nkrumah. He has been a major figure in Ghana’s political and economic transition from the colonial era. Unlike the contemporary dubious elections depicted in Burkina Faso and Kenya, Rawlings electoral success in 1992 and 1996 was an indication that Ghana was consolidating as a liberal democracy. These periods significantly illustrated Ghana’s movement from military to democratic rule. Ghanaian politics in the 1990s was greatly affected by the presence of a strong and effective opposition facilitated during Rawlings’ regime. Rawlings revolutionary rule from chaotic to authoritarian, and then to democratic left people wondering if he was hero or villain. Some people liked him. Others do not.

BIODIVERSITY: A recent report published by the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT), 2020 UEBT Biodiversity Barometer reveals that a vast majority of consumers feel that companies are morally obligated to protect biodiversity. An increasing awareness of biodiversity by Generation Z and Millennials make them investigate if companies “walk the walk” through ethical sourcing. Consumers feel more confident to buy from companies that have been independently certified as eco-friendly, thereby increasing consumer trust and patronage. When asked about the informational details of product packaging that was a priority to them, respondents gave the order: the list of product ingredients; origins of ingredients; and the impact on biodiversity.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: With a shortfall of USD 700 billion in external financing to developing countries, achieving sustainable development hangs in the balance. However, a joint partnership of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is aimed at helping private and public sectors align their investments to the SDGs. The OECD-UNDP Framework for SDG Aligned Finance which was presented at the Paris Peace Forum proffers solutions on how to allocate the trillions of international dollars to sustainable and resilient investments in developing countries.

UNITED STATES: Pope Francis has sent his congratulatory message to president-elect Joe Biden as they discussed about climate change and other shared beliefs. In a spirit of camaraderie, Joe Biden also appreciated the efforts of his Holiness in “promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world.” Joe Biden would become the second catholic president of the United States after John F. Kennedy. He made known his agenda of tackling climate change, integrating immigrants and refugees into communities, and taking care of the poor and marginalized, as a shared belief of human dignity and equality.


The world's largest wetlands are on fire. That's a disaster for all of us

Ivana Kottasová, Henrik Pettersson and Krystina Shveda

The world watched as California and the Amazon went up in flames this year, but the largest tropical wetland on earth has been ablaze for months, largely unnoticed by the outside world.

South America's Pantanal region has been hit by the worst wildfires in decades. The blazes have already consumed about 28% of the vast floodplain that stretches across parts of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. They are still not completely under control.

The fires have destroyed unique habitats and wrecked the livelihoods of many of the Pantanal's diverse indigenous communities. But their damaging impact reaches far beyond the region.

Wetlands like the Pantanal are Earth's most effective carbon sinks -- ecosystems that absorb and store more carbon than they release, keeping it away from the atmosphere. At roughly 200,000 square kilometers, the Pantanal comprises about 3% of the globe's wetlands and plays a key role in the carbon cycle.

When these carbon-rich ecosystems burn, vast amounts of heat-trapping gases are released back into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

"The Pantanal is very important for the planet, it has unique wild areas that are fundamental to life on Earth," said Andre Luiz Siqueira, the CEO of ECOA, an environmental NGO based in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. "It is vital that it [receives] as much attention as the Amazon."

Brazil's National Institute of Space Research (INPE) has detected more than 21,200 fires in the Pantanal biome so far this year, a figure that is already 69% higher than the full-year record from 2005, when INPE recorded roughly 12,500 fires. There were 8,106 fires in September alone -- more than four times the historic average for the month.


Alberto Setzer, a senior scientist at INPE, said satellite data shows the fires are the worst since records began in 2002, both in terms of the number of individual blazes and the area burnt.

The Pantanal's distinctive habitats rely on what scientists call the "flood pulse." During the wet season between November and March, three quarters of the plain gets flooded, only for much of the water to drain away during the dry months, from April to September. This seasonal flooding makes the Pantanal a unique biome where large swaths of land regularly turn from terrestrial into aquatic habitats and back again.

An aerial view of fires in the Pantanal, near the Transpantaneira park road which crosses the world's largest tropical wetland, on September 12, 2020.

An aerial view of fires in the Pantanal, near the Transpantaneira park road which crosses the world's largest tropical wetland, on September 12, 2020.

The area is home to thousands of endangered or unusual species, including jaguars, capybaras, black caimans, giant otters and hyacinth macaws. It's also an important stop on the routes of around 180 species of migratory birds.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (known as the World Wildlife Fund in the US and Canada), the Pantanal boasts the greatest concentration of wildlife in South America -- higher than that of its more famous northern neighbor, the Amazon.

But this year's dry season has been the most severe since the 1970s. "There has been a climate emergency situation, with a great drought, never seen before," Siqueira said.

Occasional wildfires are normal in the Pantanal, so much so that some plants in the region developed resistance to fires -- for example by growing thick bark or covering their seeds with hard shells. But the unusually dry conditions this year have seen the blazes spread further and faster because there were fewer natural water barriers. Even areas that normally stay wet have turned into tinderboxes.

It's all connected

A recently-burned area of the Encontro das Aguas park in the Pantanal wetlands, pictured on September 12, 2020.

A recently-burned area of the Encontro das Aguas park in the Pantanal wetlands, pictured on September 12, 2020.

The fires ripping through the Pantanal are an example of a natural disaster that is exacerbated by climate change while simultaneously making the problem worse.

Extreme weather events, such as drought and floods, are becoming more frequent and more severe around the world, and the Pantanal is no exception. There are indications that the region is getting drier and warmer as the global temperatures rise.

This year's record dry season can be traced back to 2019, when the Upper Paraguay Basin experienced unusually low rainfall.

Biologist Debora Calheiros, who has been researching ecosystems in the Pantanal for decades, said official data showed precipitation had been below the long-term average over the past decade, but in the past two years had dropped further to just 70% of the average.

The region's rain patterns are also changing. While the amount of overall precipitation might not be dramatically different, the rains are becoming more extreme and concentrated over shorter periods of time.


Climate change is just one part of the problem. Large-scale deforestation in the Amazon rainforest to the north and the Cerrado savanna to the east are also having profound effects on the Pantanal.

Ecology and conservation expert Leticia Larcher said deforestation was shortening rainy seasons and making droughts more severe in central and southeastern Brazil. She explained that it was impacting the "flying rivers" phenomenon, a crucial process in which a stream of moisture arising from the forest travels to other areas such as the Pantanal, where the water-filled air becomes colder and turns into rain.

"As the forest decreases and loses its ecological functions, the environmental service it provides is also being lost," Larcher said.

Mostly man-made

While fires ignited by lightning sometimes occur naturally in the Pantanal, Larcher, who works for environmental NGO Instituto Homem Pantaneiro, said this year's fires have mostly been caused by people. This is despite the Brazilian government's ban on fires for 120 days in the Amazon and the Pantanal that was issued in July.

But Siqueira said the ban wasn't being enforced strictly enough. "There are extensive areas (where) livestock farmers have regularly used fire as a way to clear farm fields," said Siqueira. "This year, even with the governmental ban ... these producers set fire that ended up spreading for thousands of acres due to the great drought."

As the global demand for agricultural products rises, so commercial farmers clear more of the Pantanal's native vegetation for growing and grazing. Brazil is already the world's leading exporter of beef. As the demand for meat rises around the world, so does deforestation in the Amazon.

Sugarcane, cotton and soybeans are other lucrative options. When US President Donald Trump imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese exports in 2018, Beijing retaliated by placing a new 25% tariff on American soybeans, forcing Chinese buyers to look for alternative sources of the protein-rich commodity.

Brazil was ready to step in. The US Department of Agriculture expects the South American country to have record soybean production this year, and the land area used keeps growing. A soy moratorium, in place since 2006, banned deforestation for the crop in the Amazon -- but those protections don't apply in the Pantanal and Cerrado.

Siqueira and many others, including global environmental advocacy groups such as Greenpeace, Wetlands International and the WWF, blame the policies of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his Environment Minister Ricardo Salles for the devastation.

"It's a direct result of the dismantling of the Brazilian environmental agenda and its institutions under the current government," Siqueira said, pointing to deregulation and funding cuts for monitoring agencies.

Out of control forest fire burns the area of the Brazilian Pantanal in rural Mato Grosso.

Out of control forest fire burns the area of the Brazilian Pantanal in rural Mato Grosso.

"[There are] less actions to prevent fires, dismantling of responsible federal institutions, and omission at federal and state levels," said biologist Debora Calheiros, who has been researching ecosystems in the Pantanal for decades. "Actually, it was the civil society that readily responded to rescue, save, feed and offer water to the surviving animals and help traditional riverine and indigenous people with food and mineral water," she added.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September, Bolsonaro refused to accept any blame for the fires, claiming instead that they were an "inevitable consequence of high local temperature, coupled with the accumulation of decaying organic matter."

Out of control forest fire burns the area of the Brazilian Pantanal in rural Mato Grosso.

Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly rejected criticism of his government's stance on the environment and has accused foreign actors of a "brutal disinformation campaign" on the issue, told the UNGA that no other country protected as much wild territory as Brazil.

Speaking to CNN's affiliate CNN Brasil last month, Salles, the environmental minister, doubled down on Bolsonaro's message. He blamed the fires on the drought and said farmers had no interest in burning the land, because they rely on it economically.

The government eventually recognized the Pantanal fires as a federal emergency and sent funding into the area, but for many, this was too little, too late.

The government's policies, Siqueira says, send a "clear message of impunity of environmental crimes."

Staff members treat a wounded leopard at an animal protection center in Goias State, Brazil, on September 27, 2020.

Staff members treat a wounded leopard at an animal protection center in Goias State, Brazil, on September 27, 2020.

Parts of the Pantanal have been designated a biosphere conservation area and recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, but overall, less than 5% of the region is under formal protection, according to the WWF. More than 90% is privately owned by ranchers, farmers and conservation groups, with 80% of that private land used for cattle farming, according to Brazil's environment ministry.

The fires burned millions of acres of flowering plants, starving pollinators and leaving no food for other animals.

The blazes are hurting local people too. The Pantanal is home to a number of indigenous and traditional communities, which have settled on the banks of the rivers and make their living from fishing and small-scale agriculture. "Riverside communities, which traditionally survive on artisanal fishing, build their culture there strictly linked to the biome," Larcher said.

Fires are still raging in parts of the Pantanal, but recovery efforts are already underway.

The biome has gone through periods of harsh drought in the past. However, Calheiros said the ecosystems are much more fragile than they were just a few decades ago and their capacity to recover is uncertain. The environmental damage inflicted on the Pantanal is also much greater, she added.

Siqueira said it could take decades to restore what the blazes took. "This will only be possible if we have a normal rainfall from 2020 to 2021," he said. If there is more drought, he added, the recovery of the plants and animals living in the Pantanal will be much more difficult.

Governments urged to go beyond net zero climate targets

Matthew Taylor

Spring leaf growth on young birch trees growing in a forestry plantation. Photograph: MediaWorldImages/Alamy

Spring leaf growth on young birch trees growing in a forestry plantation. Photograph: MediaWorldImages/Alamy

Leading scientists and campaigners say cutting emissions alone is not enough

Leading scientists, academics and campaigners have called on governments and businesses to go beyond “net zero” in their efforts to tackle the escalating climate and ecological crisis.

The former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and the leading climate scientist Michael Mann are among a group of prominent environmentalists calling for the “restoration of the climate” by removing “huge amounts of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere”.

Net zero targets have been a focus of governments, local authorities and campaigners in their attempts to address global heating. The authors of Friday’s letter, however, say that although stopping emissions is “a necessary prerequisite”, governments and businesses must be more ambitious and work to “restore the climate” to as safe a level as possible.

“The climate crisis is here now,” the letter states. “No matter how quickly we reach zero emissions, the terrible impacts of the climate crisis will not just go away … As such, no matter how quickly it is done, solely cutting emissions is not enough.”

The idea of removing emissions from the atmosphere – either directly from the air or by capturing it from power plants – has been a strongly debated subject among environmentalists and engineers for years.

Critics point out that it has proved difficult to replicate the technology at scale and that constructing the necessary machinery would itself be environmentally damaging.

Many fear that the idea of carbon capture is a “technological fix” used as an excuse by corporations which are opposed to the radical changes needed to move to a zero-carbon economy.