Take the Green Pledge — THE GREEN INSTITUTE

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
Native American proverb

At the Green Institute, we believe that small, conscious steps can collectively make a massive impact. The Green Pledge is a commitment to sustainability, designed to guide individuals in making positive changes for our planet. Authored by Dr. Adenike Akinsemolu, the pledge is composed of seven simple, actionable promises that anyone can adopt to live a more environmentally conscious life.

Take the Green Pledge today and become part of the global movement for a more sustainable future. Once you’ve pledged, we will send you an electronic certificate to recognize your commitment and contributions toward a greener planet.

But first, watch the video:

Take the Green Pledge Below:

Download the Green Pledge Graphics

We’ve created downloadable graphics for each of the seven pledges to help you spread the word and inspire others. Download the graphics and share them with your friends, family, and networks.

Download Full Set of Green Pledge Graphics

Or download individual pledge graphics below:

Keep the Environment Clean

Be Mindful of Consumption

Save Energy, Save the Earth

Use Less Paper

Travel Sustainably

Spread the Green Movement

Live Green