The Green School, Ondo Kingdom — THE GREEN INSTITUTE

Welcome to the Green School, Ondo Kingdom, Nigeria.

An indigenous masterpiece, Green School was formed with the younger generation in mind, creating awareness and soliciting for a passionate response towards trending global issues in sustainability. Specially designed (but not exclusively) for high school students, Green school has formulated the Green Education Curriculum. This is a framework that encompasses issues of sustainability ranging from climate change, waste management, energy conservation, renewable energy, amongst others. These global issues have been tailor-made for easy comprehension through innovative learning approaches.  The Green Education Curriculum could also be incorporated in schools based on request, thereby having a wide range of impact.


Green School Nigeria as a pacesetter of sustainability in Africa.

Green school Nigeria is taking a bold step towards sustainability by equipping younger generations with requisite skills to take their place in global leadership as change agents. The Green School aims to achieve this through exposure to global issues employing the Green Curriculum. At the Green school, we are contributing our quota to the global table by building leaders who will be pioneers of sustainability in their respective fields.

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Unlike a traditional educational system that restricts and confines the learning process to the logical-mathematical intelligence, Green School is committed to exploring the multiple intelligences in her students while making learning an exciting experience. We engage our students through a diversity of courses and programs. Our courses are interspaced with projects ranging from the planting of trees to creating models of biomimicry in architecture, waste management, energy, and conservation.  Our programs include trash for education where students exchange their plastic wastes for education.

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Albert Einstein opined that we cannot solve the world's problems with the same thinking with which we created them. Green School believes that the time is right for the system of education to become a frontier in our march towards sustainability. Currently, our educational system is perforated with outdated curricula and has been affected by the universal design of one size fits all. Rather than being sympathizers and critics of our fallen educational system, Green School rises to the occasion as a beacon of hope by providing a Green Curriculum that is holistic in its outlook and integrates the diversity of true education.



There's a popular saying that as a man thinketh, so is he. We cannot expect to have a green planet without the transformation of the human mind.  The Green School aims at transforming the minds of her students into becoming proactive sustainability leaders—people who think and act accordingly.  In mind transformation, Green School provides a platform for her students to have interactive sessions with sustainability leaders in their respective fields. More so, students embark on the Green Tour for the purpose of reorientation about nature's existence and their role as guardians.



Our teachers are passion-driven and goal-oriented. There is a thriving relationship that our teachers seek to establish with every student, thereby creating a learning ambiance that encourages students' growth and development.

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The Green School is situated in Ondo kingdom of Southwestern Nigeria. Surrounded by hills of historical antecedents, it is an area rich in diverse plant species, serving as home to different kinds of birds. The surrounding trees attest to its planting viability, making the kingdom the highest producer of cocoa in the country. The Green School is located strategically where one could have a panoramic view of nature's greenness and partake in activities such as hiking and yoga.

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