Net zero emissions
Net zero emissions is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere.
Net zero emissions is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere.
Natural resources are resources that are drawn from nature and used with few modifications.
Natural disaster is the highly harmful impact on a society or community following a natural hazard event.
Natural capital accounting is the process of calculating the total stocks and flows of natural resources and services in a given ecosystem or region.
Natural capital is the world's stock of natural resources, which includes geology, soils, air, water and all living organisms.
Nuclear fission: A process that occurs when an atom splits into two smaller atoms, which releases some of the energy that was binding the parts of the atom together. A nuclear power plant uses a controlled fission reaction to produce heat, which is then converted to electricity.
Nonrenewable resource: A natural resource that cannot be produced, regrown, or reused fast enough to keep up with how quickly it is used. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, for example, take millions of years to develop naturally. Thus, their supply for people to use is considered nonrenewable.
Nitrous oxide: A colorless, odorless greenhouse gas. It occurs both naturally and as a result of people’s activities. Major sources include farming practices (such as using fertilizers) that add extra nitrogen to the soil, burning fossil fuels, and certain industrial processes.
Natural gas: A fossil fuel that is an odorless, colorless gas. Natural gas consists of 50 to 90 percent methane.
Nuclear Winter – a long period of darkness and extreme cold that scientists predict would follow a full-scale nuclear war; a layer of dust and smoke in the atmosphere would cover the earth and block the rays of the sun; most living organisms would perish
Nonrenewable Energy – Sources of energy that cannot be replaced in reasonable period of time. Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas) are examples of nonrenewable energy sources.
Nitrogen Fixation – the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria and its release for plant use on the death of the bacteria.
Nitrogen Cycle – the circulation of nitrogen; nitrates from the soil are absorbed by plants which are eaten by animals that die and decay returning the nitrogen back to the soil.
Niche – (ecology) the status of an organism within its environment and community (affecting its survival as a species).
Natural Fibers – are “certified” organic fibers derived from organic agriculture such as cotton, bamboo and hemp.
National Trust – an organization concerned to preserve historic monuments and buildings and places of historical interest or natural beauty; founded in 1895 and supported by endowment and private subscription.
National Park - a tract of land declared by the national government to be public property.