“We have to be deliberate about how we treat our environment- whether its by cycling or planting a few trees. Because when we are gone from this planet, we will be leaving it in the hands of those who come after us. We want to leave them a planet that will be comfortable for them. We want to create environmental legacies that they will imbibe and improve upon.”
The #OfficiallyGreen Movement is a global initiative that mobilizes millions of people to demonstrate their concern for our planet by adopting a greener lifestyle.
Join us in the #OfficiallyGreen campaign
Add your voice to this global movement. Here's what you can do:
Make your #OfficiallyGreen placard using recycled paper, cloth, or other recyclable material.
Take a picture with the placard, upload it to our #OfficiallyGreen page and/or share it on your social media channels.
Tag us @thegreenHQ and use the hashtags #OfficiallyGreen
Share what you are doing in your community to reduce plastic waste. Let's show the world how we can make a difference together!
Your simple act of creativity and commitment to reducing plastic pollution can inspire others to do the same. Together, we can create a chain reaction of positive change and significantly impact our planet.