Dr. Eugene Eteris
Dr. Eugene Eteris has a M.Sc.in comparative European politics (1980), PhD in Law (1985) and Lic. Jura(Denmark, 1992); besides, he has a M.Sc. degree in foreign languages.
During last 40 years he has been dealing with the EU politics, economy and legal issues.
He has been teaching in various universities in Europe since 1980s, e.g. for over a decade in Moscow State University, and another decade as a professor at Riga Stradina University/Latvia. Besides he is a well-known writer and a member of world journalist union; for over a decade he has been an International Editor in the magazine “The Baltic Course” (www.baltic-course.com).
He has been a visiting professor in European universities and colleges: in Germany and Belgium, Denmark and Latvia, etc. and published several books on EU economic policies, law and integration.
During last 15 years has been an external expert in the DG Education and Science. Since 2016, he is a member of SDSN Global, SDSN for Universities, and SDSN Europe as part of Nordic countries’ sustainability network. He is a special adviser to the Latvian Science Academy, LZA and a member of the LZA’s European Policy Research Unit.
During last twenty years he serves as a managing director in the European Integration Institute/Denmark, heavily contributing to the EII’s special website since 2020 (www.integrin.dk).