TOPIC: SDG Progress in Africa
TIME: (10:30-11:00) am GMT
Eve de la Mothe Karoubi is a Senior Manager for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Eve joined the team in 2012 and helps lead the strategy and development of SDSN's networks globally, as well as our work on data and monitoring for the SDGs, including the SDG16 Data Initiative and the Africa SDG Index and Dashboards report.
Previously, she worked for the OECD on capacity building in developing and emerging economies, with a particular focus on strengthening governance in post-conflict and fragile states, and on sustainable development in the Sahel and West Africa. In 2007/08, Eve was an Insight Fellow, an international fellowship program on effective conflict management, during which she worked in Liberia, Thailand, Lebanon, and at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Eve holds a Masters in International Affairs from the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), a Master en Affaires Internationales from Sciences Po Paris, and a B.A. with honors from Smith College.