Carbonic acid

Carbonic acid: An acid that forms when carbon dioxide dissolves in water. As people add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, the world’s oceans absorb some of the extra carbon dioxide and it turns into carbonic acid. Extra carbonic acid is making the oceans more acidic, which can make it harder for corals and shellfish to build their skeletons and shells.

Carbon dioxide equivalent

Carbon dioxide equivalent: A unit of measurement that can be used to compare the emissions of various greenhouse gases based on how long they stay in the atmosphere and how much heat they can trap. For example, over a period of 100 years, 1 pound of methane will trap as much heat as 21 pounds of carbon dioxide. Thus, 1 pound of methane is equal to 21 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalents.

Certified Organic Cotton

Certified Organic Cotton: is derived from organic agriculture. The cotton is grown without artificial pesticides or fertilizers. Conventional cotton farming ranks about fourth in the use of pesticides in the US. Several of the top pesticides used in non-organic cotton farming are EPA recognized carcinogens. It takes 1/3 of a pound of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers to make one organic T-shirt disregarding the use of any toxic dyes. A typical organic tee shirt is also about the same weight but without these harmful chemicals. Organic cotton is produced using conservation minded or “sustainable” approaches to crop production. Such practices help to retain and promote soil fertility and the natural recycling of soil resources.