
Sunspot: A dark area that forms and disappears on the surface of the sun over periods of days or weeks. The amount of sunspot activity varies over time, but it tends to follow a roughly 11-year cycle. This sunspot cycle causes slight differences in the amount of energy that the sun gives off.


Sweatshop-free - describes the absence of manufacturing conditions currently existing in many countries, referred to as “sweatshops”. They are production facilities or factories where goods are produced cheaply by minimizing workers’ salaries, and increasing working hours. Proper environmental health standards are diminished, yet demands for high levels of productivity still remain. These sweatshops may thrive from corporations seeking to increase profits by subcontracting inexpensive labor

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility – is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be “negative”, meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be “positive,” meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance).

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) – A term used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and/or comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in particular building, but where no specific illness can be identified. Symptoms typically appear upon entering the building & disappear upon leaving the building in affected occupants. These occupants. These buildings are often defined as “problem buildings”.