

Adenegan Kehinde Emmanuel holds a B.Sc. Ed first-class honors in Mathematics Education, Masters, and Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His research areas are ethno-mathematics, maths drama, early child numeracy and financial Mathematics.

At present, he lectures at the Adeyemi College of Education (Department of Mathematics) where he is the former Acting Director of the Institution Management Information Systems Directorate. He also facilitates at the National Open University of Nigeria, Akure center. He is a recipient of both local, national and international scholarships.

He is in the reviewer/editorial team of Journal of Mathematics and System Science (JMSS), the United States; Journal of Educational Research and Reviews (JERR), South Africa; Journal of Educational Research in Natural and Social Sciences (JERNASS), Nigeria; Higher Education Studies, Canada; European Journal of Engineering Research and Science; International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation India and Research Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland. He has developed and produced a Mathematical (Card) Game named ADEMMAK Arithmetic Game, available online and also in paper form (Presented and published in Europe by Faculty of Education, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, 2011).