Dr. Lydie-Stella Koutika
Dr. Lydie-Stella Koutika is a Soil Scientist (CRDPI), Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo. She obtained an engineering degree in agronomy (Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy) and a PhD in soil science (Université Nancy I, currently Université de Lorraine, France). Her research focuses on C, N and P dynamics. She is a former fellow “Research in Brussels” (2003-2004), Belgium, Rothamsted International (2009-2010), UK, and TWAS-ENEA International Fellow (Sept 2018-June 2019), Italy, and a member of ‘The Phosphorus Sustainability Research Coordination, Network (P RCN) University of Arizona. She was a laureate of the AU 'Kwame Nkrumah Regional Scientific Award for Women’ (2014), TWAS-Al-Kharafi Prize (2018) and Glinka World Soil Champion (2021). She is a member of Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of the ‘4 per 1000’ “Soils for Food Security and Climate Initiative” since 2016 and associate Editor of some international journals and reviewer of several international journals.