Dr. Nathan Andrews
Nathan Andrews is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at McMaster University. One aspect of Dr. Andrews’ research focuses on the global political economy/ecology of natural resource extraction and development. His peer-reviewed publications on this topic have appeared in journals such as International Affairs, Resources Policy, World Development, Energy Research & Social Science, Africa Today, Business & Society Review, and Journal of International Relations & Development, among others. Dr. Andrews’ latest books include a monograph, Gold Mining and the Discourses of Corporate Social Responsibility in Ghana (Palgrave, 2019), co-edited volumes, Corporate Social Responsibility and Canada’s Role in Africa’s Extractive Sectors (University of Toronto Press, 2020), and a co-authored monograph, Oil and Development in Ghana: Beyond the Resource Curse (Routledge, 2021). The second aspect of his research revolves around the scholarship of teaching and learning, in particular critical international relations, epistemic hegemony, racism and whiteness in knowledge production and dissemination. Some recent articles on this theme includes “What/Who Is Still Missing in International Relations (IR) Scholarship? Situating Africa as an Agent in IR Theorizing” (Third World Quarterly with Isaac Odoom) and “Trends of Epistemic Oppression and Academic Dependency in Africa’s Development: The Need for a New Intellectual Path” (Journal of Pan African Studies).