Nobulumko Nkondlo
ND Nkondlo is an ANC Member of Provincial Parliament in the Western Cape, serving as its Spokesperson and main member in the Standing Committee on Finance; Economic Development, & Tourism and an alternate member to Public Accounts and Budget, incl. Transport and Public Works. She also chairs the Economic Transformation Committee Study Group of ANC Caucus in the Legislature. She is also a member of ANC Interim Provincial Committee in Western Cape.
Ms. ND Nkondlo is a developmental and community activists from her youth days serving in different leadership positions as youth leader in her home township of Gugulethu including at provincial level as Provincial Secretary of her party youth-wing, the ANC Youth League in the Western Cape early 2000. Due to her youth development activism, she served in a similar capacity in SA Youth Council as Provincial Secretary in WCape to different youth formations across political, religious, culture and other backgrounds affiliated to it.
She was nominated to serve in the National Youth Commission, NYC in June 2006, appointed as its National Chairperson. This was a national government and legislated youth structure (NYC Act) that was located in the Office of the President Thabo Mbeki to coordinate and mainstream youth policy, and programme across government. She led the process of reviewing the “1996 National Youth Development Policy Framework” to the first adopted National Youth Policy of the country, including the amalgamation of the NYC with Umsobomvu Youth Fund to the current National Youth Development Agency to drive youth issues in government.
Her activism in youth work, exposed to international platform as she chaired SADC Youth Steering Committee, and was member of African Youth Union to steer and advocate for youth development mainstreaming. SA Parliament during her term ratified the Africa Youth Charter and thus was signatory to its implementation. She visited some countries like Zimbabwe, Algiers, Addis Abbaba. Angola and South Sudan, as part of her work, and Europe as part of SA-Belgian cooperation to promote local youth policy and youth exchange on youth work.
After her contracted ended with NYC in 2009, she later joined Dept of Home Affairs for short period as Policy support, and later recruited to head office of the then Deputy Minister of Dept. of Public Enterprise. Continuing with her experience in the youth and mainstreaming work, she formed part of a team that established a unit in the department called Economic Impact and Policy Alignment, and served as a Director: Transformation and Youth. Her work was to realise the departmental mandate set by national policy to mainstream issues of vulnerable groups (youth, women and people with disabilities) including broad transformation issues for State-Owned Enterprises, SOEs in the Portfolio. During her term, she formed part of team that developed the Transformation Framework for SOE in the portfolio focussing on skills development, enterprise development, corporate social investment and employment creation as pillars of this strategy. She prides herself with this work, and led coordinating networks in this focus areas working with her counterparts in the department and SOEs, including their suppliers. She studied a Diploma in Public Management & Administration, in currently CPUT, and in 2008 completed a Professional Certificate in Public Management with Wits School of Governance. She is currently, doing a post-grad programme with the WSG in Public Leadership & Governance studying Public Policy, Political Economy, Governance, Public Finance amongst others. She has completed courses in Project Management, Mentoring and Coaching, and Supply-Chain Management.