
 Ms Nkomo is a development economist by profession, a social justice activist with her experience rooted from community activism and national and global economic justice organisation dating back from her student activism including participation in Global debt cancellation movement and Global Coalition on Poverty early in her career.

She serves in South Africa Women in Dialogue development commission, a non-partisan and multi-class women's movement entrenched in grass-root organisations, Black Township in South Africa. Ms Nkomo is also part of Stellenbosch University Development Economic research team which recently published an Alternative Economic Policy for South Africa called New wine on New skin under the leadership of Prof Thuli Madonsela. She serves in the Board of Independent Development Trust (IDT) and a founder of Abantu for Social Justice Organisations.

Ms Nkomo philosophy is that no challenges in life are insurmountable. She subscribe to ethical leadership and transformative leadership which embraces authenticity, diversity and inclusion. Her commitment to contribution to total emancipation of poor, human rights, economic justice, an egalitarian society is unwavering and this is reflected by her service in multiple global and local leadership roles. She believes in humanity and optimist.

National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) has established a Macroeconomic forum with representatives from government, trade unions, business and community sectors. Ms Nkomo has been approached to serve in the tripartite forum to develop an economic governance framework which looks at the intersection between Macroeconomic, Trade policy and labour market policy. She has also been recently approached to serve in the IWFSA working group on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Response Fund1 in South Africa. A ground-breaking initiative in addressing Gender-Based Violence in the country.

Ms Nkomo has a diverse working experience which ranges from gender advocacy organisations (Women's College and African Gender Institute), Trade Union Movement (SA Municipal Workers Union), legislation development institutions (Parliament of South Africa), grant-making institutions (Open Society Foundation & Development Agency) , social protection and labour market activation advocacy (Black Sash) and Public Policy Advisor (Economic Advisor for 8 years).

Her research interest arrays from development economics, gender, empowerment, social policy & economy, public finance, international economics/ trade policy, tax incentives, rural development, food security, aid effectiveness and labour economics. She has previously served in several Boards and acquired a depth of knowledge in areas like Pragmatic Leadership principles, Corporate Governance principles, Strategy Development, Risk Management and lateral thinking. Ms Nkomo worked as Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa turnaround technical advisory team at PRASA Administrators office. Responsible for Business Performance, Communication & Stakeholder Relations