Hannoa klaineana

NAME: Hannoa klaineana

FAMILY: Hannoa klaineana belongs to the Hannoa genus, which is part of the family Chrysobalanaceae.

COMMON NAMES: Klaine's Hannoa Klaine's Plu

LOCAL NAMES: Mukalam Igigun,Oghulu,Takar'dargiwa

MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Hannoa klaineana is a medium-sized evergreen tree, typically reaching heights of 10 to 15 meters. Its leaves are lance-shaped and glossy, with a deep green color. The tree produces small, plum-like fruits that are a dark purple when ripe. The bark is rough and gray-brown.

USEFUL PART(s): The main useful part of Hannoa klaineana is its fruit. The fruit is edible and is often used in local cuisine for its sweet and tart flavor.


  1. Culinary: The fruit of Hannoa klaineana is used in various culinary applications. It can be eaten fresh, used in jams, or incorporated into desserts.

  2. Traditional Medicine: In some traditional medicinal practices, different parts of the tree, including the bark and leaves, are used for their potential health benefits.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Hannoa klaineana is primarily found in tropical regions of Central and South America. It is native to countries like Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.

WHY IS IT GREEN? The green color of the leaves and other parts of the tree is due to the presence of chlorophyll, a pigment essential for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll absorbs light in the blue and red parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, which makes leaves appear green to our eyes.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Hannoa klaineana, like many other tree species, plays a vital role in its ecosystem. It provides habitat and food for various wildlife, helps with soil stabilization, and contributes to local biodiversity. It can also potentially sequester carbon, aiding in climate change mitigation.

FUN FACT: The Hannoa klaineana tree is a valuable resource for both its fruit and traditional medicinal properties, making it a culturally significant species in its native regions. Additionally, the plum-like fruits are enjoyed by various animals, including birds and insects, contributing to local ecological diversity.

Further Reading: For more in-depth information on Hannoa klaineana, you can explore botanical guides, ethnobotanical studies, and ecological research on the species. These sources can provide a deeper understanding of its cultural, ecological, and scientific significance.