Dr. Shirley Yeung
Dr Shirley Yeung, IEMA approved Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner, Experienced ISO9000 Principal Auditor, AQIP Assessor, US, HKCAAVQ Subject Specialist and QMS lead auditor of HKQAA, Hong Kong.
Dr. Shirley Yeung was named Pioneer Professor of Sustainability in the AIM2Flourish, the Asia Ambassador, Sustainability Mindset working Group of the UN PRME and the UN Global Compact.
In 2021, officially appointed by UNSDSG-Kenya and INCENECDEV as Asia Ambassador and Brand Ambassador; and nominated as Global Sustainability Professional in 2020.
In 2019, Dr. Yeung obtained The Best Professor in Business Studies, HK Education Leadership Award, Hong Kong.
In 2018, Dr. Yeung awarded "The Outstanding Global Leader with Impacts - Woman Award, 2018", TonggenTongmeng, Beijing, China. In the same year, Dr Yeung was also nominated for Pioneer UNSDGs, UN Global Compact.
In 2017, Dr Yeung was appointed as Associate Vice President (AVP), UNESCO HK Association and served as Secretary General and Chair, CSR and Sustainable Business and Management Divisions, the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planner (WISDP) under UNESCO HK Association, Winner for The 2nd Global Young Leadership Award organised by Yazhou Zhoukan Magazine (亞洲週刊), invited as “Visiting Chair Professor” by ISTEC, France, and awarded SDSC Excellence in Teaching Award, 2015/16, Hang Seng Management College. Recently, Dr Yeung obtained a Distinguished Senior Executive Management Certificate on Innovations from HKMA, HK/ Cambridge University, UK. With on-going publications (around 100 pieces) and global collaborations on United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), UNOSSC, and UNPRME, Dr Yeung has been recently invited as a Task Force Member for UNESCAP/ EBAC-ESBN / Banking and Finance, and also act as a member for Collaboration Committee for the civil society consultation for UN Development System review process.
In 2016, Dr Yeung was nominated as UN Local Change Maker and also one of panels of UNPRME Colloquium on Higher Education workshop of 7th PRME Asia Forum in Hong Kong. Dr Yeung was invited by Harvard University, HPAIR to deliver a seminar on "Entrepreneurial Spirit and Sustainable Mindset".
In 2015, Dr. Yeung awarded “Pioneer Professor Certificate” from UN Flourish Prizes, US for guiding a student in writing a story on FujiXerox’s sustainable development achievements; and she was also the convener for the 1st Forum on Sustainable Development in Higher Education co-organized with UNESCO, APEID and the Chair of the 2nd International Conference on Supply Chain for Sustainability, Hong Kong.
In 2014, Dr. Yeung was nominated by Nobel Prize Winner for Wenhui (文晖) Award for Educational Innovation, UNESCO, APEID.