

Temilade Salami is a Nigerian Environmentalist, Circular Economy Enthusiast and Marine Biologist with over four years experience leading on various youth-led environmental sustainability initiatives across Nigeria. She is the Executive Director of “Ecowarriors”, one of Nigeria’s largest networks of professional environmentalists, leading environmental change through tree planting, ocean conservation advocacy, plastic waste management and environmental education in Nigeria. Her contributions to environmental policies and practice have been deservingly recognised; having been named as a 2020 Nigeria's 25 Under 25 Leader on Energy and Sustainability, 2018 LASEPA Ambassador against Noise Pollution, 2018 Idea Hub Africa Talent of the Future and a 2018 US Consulate’s Carrington Youth Fellow. Temilade also leverages her creative writing and poetic prowess in creating artistic awareness of the need for sustainable green consumerism and proper waste management. She believes that if children are well informed about taking care of the environment at their early age, they would be able to make informed decisions as they grow.