“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
Look around you and notice that the earth is no longer the Green planet we envisaged it to be. Our planet has taken the form of a dark and gloomy planet devoid of life forms. This is has a result of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions emanated from our industries and deforestation. 46% of the world's forests are already destroyed. Every 1.2 seconds, we destroy an area of forest equal to the size of a football field. A mature tree is capable of sequestering 48lbs of carbon dioxide every year. Help us recapture carbon from our atmosphere by participating in our ambitious goal of planting one million trees by the end of 2023. Join thousands of people around the world to contribute to nature's services by specifying the number of trees you're committed to plant by filing the form below. Don’t have time to plant? Donate to support our efforts using the green burrow below: