Humans have lived on the earth for over six million years. We achieved a lot during this period by surpassing our imaginations with outstanding technological advancements. In addition, we moved the planet at warp speed from Pre-Jurassic levels to the current age of social interaction.

However, this incredible feat came at a cost. We have consumed many rare resources and depleted them considerably - sometimes to the point of no return. Likewise, we have wiped some plants and animals off the earth's surface.

If we progress further with this developmental pace and the use of the environmental resources goes unabated, the earth will head into ground zero. While this deterioration might be hard to picture, assessing the level of damage already done to the planet shows a progression to partial or even total doom - if we do nothing to reverse the status quo.

World Environment Day is one day mapped out for re-strategizing ways to save our dear planet from any dinosaur-era apocalypse. On this day, seasoned experts from different fields discuss preserving the earth and reserving enough resources to sustain our future generations. Therefore, we're excited to invite distinguished professionals like you from around the world to this year's Virtual Symposium. 

Here, you'll engage other experts in other disciplines on ways to promote sustainable use of the earth's scarce resources.


Zhao Shasha

Associate Professor
Surrey University Business School, UK.

Mohamed Cheriet

Director General
Research Center for the Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD), Montréal, Canada.

Niki Harré

School of Psychology, University of Auckland New-Zealand

Hassana Elzein

Project Manager
Research Center for the Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD), Montréal, Canada.

Lars Hein

Deputy Chair of the Environmental Systems Analysis Group at Wageningen University.

Carolin Jonczyk

Deputy Project Lead
Youth Sustainable Development Solution Network

This year’s celebration would be unique. This time, we decided to do something different. Participants can write and present articles on the following sub-themes alongside the keynote speakers and other distinguished professionals.

Therefore, all registrants can submit and present original research articles under the following sub-themes:


  • Governance: Development of reliable strategies to foster environmental protection and disaster awareness

  • Policy-Making: Revising educational curricula to meet UN sustainability goals

  • Sensitization: Promoting community awareness of non-environmental-friendly human activities

  • Finance: Allocating funds to boost adequate sensitization on ecological impact at all levels

  • Grassroots Involvement: Employing cultural and religious affiliations in achieving sustainability goals


  • Alternative Sources: Exploring under-harnessed energy alternatives as a possible diversion from fossil fuels

  • Diversification: Avoiding total reliance on a sole energy source to boost competition and avert possible scarcity

  • Intelligent Use: Economical use of unreplenishable energy while improving the contribution of renewable energy in the global energy pool

  • Investment: Developing roadmaps for the proliferation of renewable energy

  • Research: Providing grants and rewarding breakthrough discoveries in green research and clean technology

  • Equal Access: Speeding the pace of technological development of less-developed countries and ensuring equitable access to clean energy

Environment and Sustainability

  • Future Preparation and Adaptation: Developing frameworks that promote minimal use of scarce resources and ward off scarcity

  • Sustainable Communities: Assessing the role of green towns and intelligent cities in managing wastes and preserving resources

  • Green Ecosystems: Researching ways of maintaining minimal interruption in natural ecosystems and nutrient cycles

  • Pollution Management: Reducing activities that increase environmental pollutants, including noise

  • Resource Security: Promoting equal access to essential resources across various nations while reserving enough for future generations


  • Market Forces: Balancing demand and supply of environmental resources to match production

  • Recycling: Assessing the benefits of sustainable practices like recycling and resource conservation on the environment

  • Natural Resources Audit: Adding ecological resources and natural capital depreciation to accounts in national budgets

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Review long-term effects of human activities on the earth as opposed to their benefits

  • Pricing: Balancing environmental resources against market forces to ensure healthy competition and equal access to all

Take note of the following deadlines, so you book a space for your submissions early enough

  • Abstract Submission DEADLINE

    May 20, 2022

  • Abstract Approval

    Seven Working Days after Submission

  • Early-Bird Registration DEADLINE

    May 20, 2022

  • Research Paper Submission DEADLINE

    May 25, 2022

  • Late Registration DEADLINE

    June 3, 2022

Abstract Submission

Submit a 250-word abstract in English with the title, theme, focus, and main contributions of your paper or research. Include your name, institutional affiliation, and email address in the abstract.

Paper Format

All panel abstracts, paper abstracts, posters, and presentations will be available online as open access on our website.

Three types of manuscripts may be submitted:

Full–length articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are of 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews are also peer-reviewed.

Posters:  Submission of posters must include data and methodology. Posters are also subject to peer-review and would made available on all our platforms before the day of the event.

Anybody willing to present or publish presented paper must register for the conference and submit abstract(s). Abstracts and full length paper (in case of peer-reviewed publication) should be emailed to with this ms-word file name format WED1 Barbs Abstract or WED1 Barbs Full-paper where Barbs represents corresponding author's surname and WED1 stands for the conference code.


The conference is free to attend. However, authors are required to pay a registration fee per participant to present their papers.

Undergraduate Participants: Free registration without presentation

Authors: $75


A verifiable ‘Certificate of Participation’ would be issued to participants who have successfully presented their papers.

Publication Option

Accepted papers will be published in the Green Journal, a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal focusing on various aspects of the sustainable development goals, environment, education, green economy, and management. Decisions are fast and efficient; revision requests are well-organized and concise. Note that the submitting paper for the conference does not guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication.

Payment Details

You can pay securely online using your debit or credit cards, USSD or Bank Transfers. Click on the registration link and proceed with payments having received confirmation of your abstract acceptance.

All participants - keynote speakers, panelists, presenters, and the audience have the opportunity to submit and deliver their researched articles on the sub-themes listed above.

This will be an all day event featuring more than fifteen notable speakers who will deliver their research and presentations at the opening ceremony. Followed by breakout sessions anchored by moderator who manages the speakers, presentations, and timing.

Keynote Speakers

These distinguished experts get a maximum of 30 minutes each to deliver their research. The first 20 minutes go to their presentation, where they groom the audience with facts on their choice subtheme.

Then, each keynote speaker has about 10 minutes to address and answer all questions from the audience.


Twelve minutes are given to each professional to deliver their articles and presentations. Also, this time includes the one for questions and answers. So, each presenter should lay their facts straight and address all inquiries within this timeframe.

Each presenter has ten minutes for the lecture and the remaining two minutes to answer participants' questions.

Other Participants

This year, we decided to give participants the chance to showcase their bright ideas to the world. So, registrants who submitted their original well-researched articles on any sub-theme above have seven minutes each to deliver their lecture.

The first five minutes go to their presentation, where they drill the panelists and audience with innovative solutions to environmental problems. Finally, they have two minutes to answer questions and clear any doubts about their solutions.


This year’s symposium would be hosted virtually. All participants will receive a link for the video conference via email. If you're presenting, you'll get a link for your designated lecture session. This way, you'll be able to join and participate in real-time with other professionals across different fields.

The conference will be live-streamed, interested participants can join and watch from anywhere around the globe. As a result, you need a webcam and microphone connected to your mobile phone or computer to participate actively. Also, make sure these equipment are working and in good condition before the presentation.

After registering, other necessary details such as schedule and time allocation about the World Environment Day conference, will be sent via email in due course.

To request a press credential or for partnership, email Kate Kifa at with “Press Credential Request or Partnership Request” in the Subject line