Contribution to sustainable communities in North Macedonia: A Case Study of DECOS project 

Suzana Kasovska Georgieva
Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy-IECE.


The purpose of this paper is to present an attempt in modification of communities to sustainable living in North Macedonia. With the educational program “Developing Eco Skills for a Green Economy-DECOS” communities in North Macedonia were enabled to upgrade their green skills on personal, organizational, and societal levels, and therefore to contribute to higher self-sustainability, organizational and societal sustainability.

Needs analyses with communities assessing their awareness on sustainable living, with special attention to sustainability, waste, and energy management were conducted. Results from the study help answer the questions concerning sustainability in the communities in North Macedonia.

Results provide detailed insights which were used later in educational activities (program DECOS) and policy-making for sustainable development. Models for solutions for green economy were developed, actions for eco skills in sustainability, waste, and energy management were facilitated. The target group consisted of adult learners, companies, industrial sector, public institutions, ministries, NGOs from North Macedonia.

The analyses and courses increased the awareness of communities on sustainability and influenced their living style for more societal sustainability.

This research contributes to the field by offering new findings in a relatively new and unexplored area of study in North Macedonia. Also, the results from the study can be related in finding solutions for modification of the communities to more sustainable living.

Keywords: Sustainable communities, Eco skills, Green economy, DECOS, North Macedonia.