World Day for Safety and Health at Work


Workplace accidents and work-related health issues contribute to more than 2 million deaths per year worldwide, in addition to non-fatal incidents that affect human health in the long run. The emotional and physical well-being of the workers is predominantly dependent on their workplace surroundings where they spend most of their awake time. It is stressful to note that questions like –" Can you work effectively under stress?", "Can you meet unrealistic standards of perfection under pressure?" still pop up in every other job interview. It is disheartening to note that youth today take pride in admitting that they perform well under pressure, not realizing its serious impacts on their health. It is a sad plight that an average human has to be subjected to workplace stress and pressures just to earn a living.

As the world observed this year World Day for Safety and Health at Work, it is imperative to educate and empower ourselves with the right information to end this trend of unhealthy work life. 

Corporate Safety and health measures like no-smoke areas; wellness programs; health education; safety training; preventative care; ergonomic support; timely breaks; and healthcare and insurance facilities are a few steps towards the ultimate goal of a healthy workplace.

With a global pandemic glooming over us, mental health is one aspect of human well-being that is at greater risk in these times. The fear of the attack, incurring expenses and the dependency of the livelihoods of those dependent on them have added to the stress of workers around the world. It is crucial that investments into health care systems focusing on the mental health of the employees be taken up now. 

There are several health care models and systems that cater to the needs of a variety of businesses and workplaces. But a basic model should ideally include:

  1. Advice and exercise of preventative health care

  2. Regular workplace surveillance for health and periodic encouragement for health checkups.

  3. Emergency awareness and first- aid preparedness.

There are several advantages to investing in resilient health systems at the workplace. Firstly, it helps with employee productivity and engagement along with the reputation of the organization. It also leads to much lower work-related injuries and accidents. Secondly, with improved worker- productivity, the organization can have better revenue and profits and spend less on post-injury health care benefits for the workers. Finally, a physically and mentally healthy workplace is home to its workers who can contribute in ways beyond their responsibilities, and as a result, leading to businesses expand.

With greater awareness, a great deal of damage can be avoided and mitigated.