On December 23, 2024, Ogbenna Chinedu Felix, a dedicated Green Fellow, led a transformative community outreach at the Mother of Divine Grace Orphanage Home in Asaba. This initiative aligned with the Green Institute’s mission of fostering sustainability and environmental responsibility in communities, especially among young, impressionable minds. The visit was a blend of education, practical activities, and heartfelt support that left an indelible mark on both the children and the organizers.
The outreach featured a sustainability education session tailored for children. Ogbenna used materials from the Green Institute to explain concepts like waste management, moderate consumption, energy conservation, and environmental stewardship. The session included relatable, everyday examples to ensure the message resonated with the children. One highlight was the introduction of the Green Pledges, which the children enthusiastically recited and committed to: “I will never drop that waste on the floor,” “I will eat and drink moderately,” “I will always switch off my appliances when not in use,” “I will use less paper,” and “I will tell others about Green.”
Following the party, the children participated in a waste management exercise, practicing what they had just learned. They collected and sorted waste around the orphanage, reinforcing the importance of cleanliness and environmental care. This hands-on activity bridged the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world action, creating lasting memories.
To further assist the orphanage, Ogbenna donated essential items that addressed immediate needs while promoting sustainability. The donations included two cartons of instant noodles, three packs of tissue paper, a large pack of detergent, disposable waste sacks and medicated gloves, and Isal and facemasks. These contributions underscored the importance of community support in building a healthier, sustainable future.
The visit achieved several milestones. The children embraced sustainability principles with enthusiasm, adopting new habits during the visit. The cleanup exercise helped solidify their understanding of waste management. The donations met critical needs while reinforcing the event’s core message. Despite time constraints and limited documentation, the initiative was a success.
Looking ahead, Ogbenna plans to conduct follow-up visits to ensure sustained behavior changes. He also intends to expand outreach to include more orphanages, schools, and community groups, while improving documentation to better capture and showcase the impact of future efforts. This outreach was not just an event—it was a commitment to building a more sustainable future, one child at a time. By introducing young minds to the importance of environmental responsibility, Ogbenna Chinedu Felix has planted seeds of change that will grow for years to come. Together, we can all take steps to make sustainability a central theme in our lives and communities.