Translating COVID-19 Pandemic Surge Theory to Practice in the Emergency Department: How to Expand Structure

Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
27 March 2020, pp. 1-33

Matteo Paganini, Andrea Conti, Eric Weinstein, Francesco della Corte and Luca Ragazzoni 


Multiple professional societies, nongovernment and government agencies have studied the science of sudden onset disaster mass casualty incidents to create and promote surge response guidelines. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the health care system with challenges that have limited science to guide the staff, stuff and structure surge response.

This study reviewed the available surge science literature specifically to guide an Emergency Department's surge structural response using a translational science approach to answer the question: How does the concept of sudden onset mass casualty incident (MCI) surge capability apply to the process to expand COVID-19 Pandemic surge structure response?

The available surge structural science literature was reviewed to determine the application to a pandemic response. The on-line ahead of print and print COVID-19 scientific publications, as well as grey, literature were studied to learn the best available COVID-19 surge structural response science. A checklist was created to guide the Emergency Department team's COVID-19 surge structural response.


COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Surge Capacity, Pandemics, Translational Science