COVID 2019 Outbreak: The disappointment in Indian Teachers

Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Volume 50, April 2020, 102047

Bhat, Ritesh; Singh, Varun Kumar; Naik, Nithesh; Kamath C, Raghavendra; Mulimani, Prashant; Kulkarni, Niranjan.


Coronavirus disease or commonly known as COVID19 is the news of every single second since it originated from Wuhan, China (Wang et al., 2020), which is declared as a pandemic disease by World Health Organization, said to be caused by a new strain of the virus. The disease is said to spread through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose of an infected person, particularly when he/she sneezes or coughs (World Health Organization, 2020). Though the human coronaviruses have been recognized now for many years, the lack of immunity to the identified new strain, there is a large portion of the population susceptible to it (Goyal et al., 2020). Besides, the latest trend of the exponential increase in the infected people, with a steep rise of 69.17 % within three days from 21st March 2020 to 23rd March 2020 (Kiprosh, 2020), and because of the lack of preventive vaccine (El Zowalaty and Järhult, 2020), there has been a high panic situation amongst the local public.