
Safe Delivery for COVID-19 Infected Pregnancies

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Qi, Hongbo; Luo, Xin; Zheng, Yangxi; Zhang, Hua; Li, Jiafu; Zou, Li; Feng, Ling; Chen, Dunjin; Shi, Yuan; Tong, Chao; Baker, Philip N.


Since December 2019, a new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection has rapidly become prevalent in central China1. On the basis of knowledge obtained from a previous coronavirus outbreak2, pregnant women are believed to be susceptible to this virus. Once a maternal infection of COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed, childbirth becomes complicated and challenging. Efficient obstetric treatment is required, and is key to optimizing the prognosis for both mother and child. Care should be taken in determination of the timing of delivery, assessment of the indications for caesarean section, preparation of the delivery room to prevent infection, choice of the type of anesthesia, and newborn management.


COVID-19, infection, delivery, solutions