Post Consumer Waste

Post Consumer Waste- Post-consumer waste is a waste type produced by the end consumer of a material; that is, where the waste-producing use did not involve the production of another product. Usually, this waste is the garbage that individuals routinely discard, either in a waste receptacle or a dump, or by littering, incinerating, pouring down the drain, or washing into the gutter.


Particulate – Fine solid particles of dust, spores, pollens, dander, skin flakes, mite allergens, cell debris, mold, mildew, mineral fibers, or solids escaping from combustion processes that are small enough to become suspended in the air, and in some cases small enough to be inhaled. Photovoltaic Cells. Solid-state devices (typically made from silicon) that directly convert sunlight to electricity.

Organic Agriculture

Organic Agriculture - Organic Agriculture is an ecological farming system that promotes natural chemical and biological cycles that improve soil fertility and maintains a balanced and productive farming system. Any products introduced to this system for fertility or pest protection are of natural composition. It eliminates the use of harmful synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, growth stimulants or antibiotics. These essential restrictions can reduce contamination or pollution to our air, water or food supply.