George Kararach*
Most African countries are heavily endowed with natural resources. This gives the continent both the potential for, and threat to, growth/development. Natural resources yield “rents,” or profits from their production, which are crucial for resource-led development. The literature on the “rentier state” and how resource rents interact with institutions and political economy dynamics shows that rent flows through the socio-economic system influence development outcomes. Although the natural resources sector provides significant opportunities for the near term, it also does have significant risks for future generations, and the costs and benefits of resource extraction are seldom borne equitably. Ensuring social equity is a major challenge in natural resource governance, generally falling to governments to referee trade-offs and protect the most vulnerable, including current and future generations. It is critical, therefore, for the continent to address itself to important policy questions to ensure that natural resources are a boon for Africa’s sustainable growth
Keywords: Africa; sustainable growth; rentier state; development.
DOI: 1.
* Senior Economist at the Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.