The Green Education Illustrative Curriculum


The project "Addressing the Scarcity of Sustainability Science in Grades 7-12" successfully tackled the pressing issue of the lack of sustainability science in the curriculum for middle and high school students. The project aimed to educate, equip, and empower future generations with the principles of sustainable development, using an innovative hybrid learning approach that combined virtual and in-person modules.

The first step involved formulating the Green Illustrative Curriculum, which was achieved by seeking insights from sustainability experts worldwide through platforms like the National Geographic Society and the United Nations Sustainable Development Network. This collaboration ensured the curriculum's content was comprehensive and globally relevant.

Subsequently, Green Educators were selected and subjected to a rigorous six-week training program. The Educators Training Kit, comprising both soft and hard skills, effectively prepared the educators to deliver the curriculum effectively and engage students in sustainable teaching methods.

With the educators now equipped, the project was implemented one school at a time. This approach allowed for careful monitoring and evaluation of each implementation, leading to continuous improvement and tailoring of the curriculum and methodologies to meet specific school needs.

The project's people-centric approach, fostering partnerships and collaboration, played a pivotal role in its success. By involving experts, educators, students, and the community, the project gained widespread support, making sustainability science as popular as compulsory subjects like Mathematics and English.

As a result of this comprehensive effort, the project successfully institutionalized sustainability science principles in grades 7-12, building resilience capacity in the next generation. By addressing this global issue, the project contributed to shaping environmentally conscious and responsible citizens prepared to meet the challenges of the future.


National Geographic proudly supports the Green Illustrative Project as a sponsor through the COVID-19 Remote Learning Emergency Fund for Educators. This collaboration aligns with their dedication to education and environmental awareness. The fund's primary objective is to provide valuable resources and assistance to teachers and schools as they navigate the transition to remote learning during the pandemic.

Through this initiative, National Geographic aims to ensure that students continue to receive a high-quality education with a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental science, even amidst the disruptions caused by COVID-19. By offering support to educators in adapting their teaching methods to virtual platforms, the project strives to uphold the delivery of essential knowledge about our planet's ecosystems and the significance of responsible, sustainable practices.

As a renowned advocate for exploration, conservation, and education, National Geographic believes in empowering educators with the necessary tools to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards. Through their sponsorship of the Green Illustrative Project, they reaffirm their commitment to fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for the natural world, ultimately working towards a more sustainable future.