Your Weekly Funding Opportunities: February 6, 2020

New in:

  1. Call for Proposals, CEPI

  2. Call for Proposals, US Department of State (Japan)

  3. Social Justice Small Grants, Mercy Foundation (Australia)

  4. Call for Proposals, UN Women Lebanon

  5. Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program, USDA (USA)

  6. Puerto Rico Youth Fellowship, Open Society Foundations

  7. Pacific Development and Conservation Trust, New Zealand Government

  8. Call for Proposals from CSOs, European Union (Philippines and EU)

  9. European Development Days 2020 Young Leaders Program

  10. Call for Proposals, Professional Development Workshops, European Evaluation Society

All currently open calls:

Grant-making opportunities

  1. Call for Proposals, ARCHIPELAGO (see list of African and European countries)
    4-year European program, funded by the EU in the framework of the EU Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa. Its main objectives are to improve the employability of young people through targeted technical and vocational education and training (TVET) measures and to support the growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).
    Funding information: The overall indicative amount made available is EUR 4,500,000. Min. amount EUR 400,000 and max. amount EUR 500,000.
    Deadline: Feb 6, 2020.

  2. Secondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grant Program, US Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
    Seeks to promote and strengthen secondary education and two-year postsecondary education in the food, agriculture, natural resources and human (FANH) sciences in order to help ensure the existence of a workforce in the US that's qualified to serve the FANH sciences system; and encourage more young Americans to pursue and complete a baccalaureate or higher degree in the FANH sciences.
    Funding information: estimated total USD 800,000; award ceiling USD 300,000; award floor USD 50,000
    Deadline: Feb 6, 2020.

  3. Grant Program, Honnold Foundation
    Unrestricted grant funding to organizations or projects that use solar energy to increase social and economic equity and reduce environmental impact.
    Funding information: Grant awards are typically no larger than USD 100,000.
    Deadline: Feb 7, 2020.

  4. Call for Proposals, Civil Society Organizations as Actors of Governance and Development work in the field, European Commission (South Africa)
    The specific objective is to increase the participation of South African CSOs in tackling climate change: mitigating greenhouse gases emissions and adapting to its adverse effects. It intends to tackle climate change while enhancing gender equality and participation of youth and encourages innovative partnerships with the double objective of leaving no-one behind and leveraging the strengths of different stakeholders.
    Funding information: overall amount EUR 3,998,003.70; any grant requested must fall between min. amount EUR 300,000 and max. amount EUR 700,000
    Deadline: Feb 10, 2020.

  5. Call for Proposals, VIVA Girls Initiative, MADRE
    First cycle of its initiative to support the leadership, power, creativity, and organizing of girls around the world. Individual or group must plan to implement, or is currently implementing work that aims to: build a just peace (preventing, surviving, and recovering from war); advance climate justice (including advocating for just economic and environmental policies); end gender-based violence (including protections for women, girls, and LGBTIQ people).
    Funding information: USD 100 to 20,000. Financial support that can be used for general support and/or projects, to be used over a period of 12 months.
    Deadline: Feb 10, 2020.

  6. Request for Proposals, OPTions Initiative (see list of low- and middle-income countries)
    The goal of the Options for Pregnancy Termination Innovation Initiative is to support access to safe abortion. It seeks innovative and transformative approaches that put women and girls in control of where, when and how they terminate their pregnancy. The focus is to support the development and testing of: 1) new approaches to increasing early access to existing abortion products/services, 2) next generation methods of pregnancy termination.
    Funding information: seed grants of up to CAD 250,000 over 18 to 24 months.
    Deadline: Feb 11, 2020.

  7. Seed Funding for Cooperation Projects in the Baltic Sea Region
    The Swedish Institute seeks to strengthen Sweden’s relations and develop cooperation with the countries around the Baltic Sea and in their immediate area. The project activities that the Swedish Institute supports via ‘seed funding’ must be clearly linked to one or more of the challenges identified in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region. Projects including countries in the EU Eastern Partnership must also relate to it.
    Funding Information: A project can apply for SEK 100,000 to SEK 500,000.
    Deadline: Feb 12, 2020.

  8. New Call for Proposals, CEPI
    Rolling funding opportunity to rapidly develop and manufacture already proven vaccine technology approach that can be used against the new coronavirus. In coordination with WHO, CEPI is promoting the development of new vaccines against the emerging threat.
    Deadline: Feb 14, 2020.

  9. Youth Grants, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation (United States)
    Looking for the best ideas from young people about how they can help end childhood hunger in their communities. Supporting youth leaders ages 5-25 to turn their ideas into action and make an impact on the issue of childhood hunger on Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) – April 17-19, 2020 – and beyond.
    Funding information: grants up to USD 1,200
    Deadline: Feb 16, 2020.

  10. Call for Project Ideas, European Climate Initiative (EU)
    Supports projects that enhance the implementation of the EU climate and energy framework, support the transition to low-emission economies and societies in the EU, conduct trans-national climate education and foster a better understanding of Germany’s climate policy in the EU. The initiative focuses on: creating awareness/pooling knowledge, establishing networks and exchanging successful models, and capacity development.
    Funding information: a grant between EUR 50,000 and at most EUR 1,000,000 may be made for each project. The project’s term should not be more than 28 months and must be concluded in March 2023 at the latest.
    Deadline: Feb 18, 2020.

  11. Environmental Damages Fund (EDF), Government of Canada
    To restore the environment and conserve wildlife and habitats in a scientifically sound, cost-effective, and technically feasible way. Project categories: restoration, environmental quality improvement, research and development, education and awareness.
    Funding information: Details on available funds and fund use requirements can be found on the Available Funds page
    Deadline: Feb 18, 2020.

  12. Call for Proposals, Wehubit (Belgian bilateral development cooperation countries)
    General objective of the program is to support and improve digitization in view of speeding up sustainable development, strengthening prosperity, reducing inequality and empowering people and businesses in the partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation.
    Funding information: min. amount is EUR 50,0000 and max. amount is EUR 350,000
    Deadline: Feb 21, 2020.

  13. 2020 Call for Proposals on "Promotion of Family Farming" in West Africa
    The Fondation de France and the French Committee for International Solidarity (CFSI) has announced a 2020 Call for Projects "Promotion of Family Farming in West Africa" to promote local initiatives to increase access to food through viable and sustainable West African family farming, to share the gains on a larger scale and to contribute documentation of the sustainability of this agricultural model that is likely to challenge decision-makers to take these issues into account in public policies.
    Funding Information: short-term projects (one-year duration) – EUR 10,000 to EUR 15,000;
    multi-year projects (3 years maximum) - maximum amount of EUR 50,000
    Deadline: Feb 24, 2020.

  14. New Call for Proposals, UN Women Lebanon
    Welcomes proposals for partnerships to achieve results under the following thematic areas: 1) Women’s Economic Empowerment – with a focus on building resilience across the humanitarian-development next, complemented with protection services. 2) Women, Peace, and Security.
    Funding information: budget range should be USD 50,000 to USD 500,000
    Deadline: Feb 25, 2020.

  15. Call for Grant Proposals, Canadian Internet Registration Authority
    The application period for CIRA's Community Investment Program is open and organizations can apply for a grant to support projects working to address issues like cybersecurity, digital literacy and internet infrastructure. Especially looking for projects that benefit rural, northern and Indigenous communities.
    Funding information: Grants are available up to CAD 100,000; In addition, one grant is available up to CAD 250,000.
    Deadline: Feb 25, 2020.

  16. Minorities Fellowship Program, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    OHCHR’s most comprehensive training program for human rights and minority rights defenders belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. Serves as an opportunity for human rights activists working towards the protection and promotion of minority rights to expand their partners’ base by building a strategic dialogue with fellow activists from across the globe, the UN, relevant Geneva-based NGOs, and other partners.
    Funding information: a return ticket (economy class) from the country of residence to Geneva; basic health insurance for the duration of the Program; a stipend to cover modest accommodation and other living expenses for the duration of the Program.
    Deadline: Feb 28, 2020.

  17. Species Conservation Projects, Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
    Open to applications for funding support from conservationists based in all parts of the world, and will potentially support projects focused on any and all kinds of plant, animal and fungus species, subject to the approval of an independent evaluation committee.
    Funding information: max. grant size is USD 25,000, but the total budget of a project can be higher if there are other sources of funding.
    Deadline: Feb 28, 2020.

  18. Peace Research Grants, International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Foundation
    The aim is to advance the field of peace research through rigorous investigation into the causes of conflict and examination of alternatives to violence. Especially interested in projects that investigate how the conditions of peace can be advanced and/or the causes of war and other forms of violence be addressed, including their effects on people and society.
    Deadline: Feb 29, 2020.

  19. Impact Grants Program, Woodard & Curran Foundation (US)
    Will award innovative project(s) that applies or advances technology to address water (e.g. water, wastewater, stormwater) issues. Open to all US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits that meet the Foundation’s eligibility requirements.
    Funding information: up to two Impact Grants (total available is USD 100,000, whether one or two grants are awarded) to be distributed over three consecutive years: 2020-2023.
    Deadline: Feb 29, 2020.

  20. Small Grants Program, Mérieux Foundation (list of countries in link)
    Contributes towards financing projects that aim to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. The projects including mothers and children as beneficiaries will be given priority.
    Funding information: selected projects will receive financial support of up to EUR 5,000
    Deadline: Mar 1, 2020.

  21. Small Grants Fund, Global Forest Watch
    Seeking civil society organizations that have innovative ideas for using the near-real-time data on GFW to combat deforestation through monitoring, enforcement, advocacy and capacity building.
    Funding information: grant awards between USD 10,000 – 40,000; individualized training and support; form part of the GFW partnereship
    Deadline: Mar 1, 2020.

  22. Small Research Grants, Spencer Foundation
    Program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Goal is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
    Funding information: proposed budgets are limited to USD 50,000
    Deadline: Mar 3, 2020.

  23. Small Grants, International Climate Initiative (IKI) (see list of countries)
    To provide support to the implementation of both the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in implementing the Paris Agreement as well as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in addressing the global loss of biodiversity (Aichi Targets and the goals of the future post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework).
    Funding information: up to EUR 100,000. Exceeding amounts not considered.
    Deadline: Mar 5, 2020.

  24. Travel Grants Program, Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
    To reinforce efforts and resources in the promotion of inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development (ISARD) toward food security and poverty alleviation in the region.
    Funding information: up to a maximum of US 1,200 to each qualified agriculture and agriculture-related professionals and social scientists including graduate students in SE Asia.
    Deadline: Mar 7, 2020.

  25. Request for Proposals for Multi-year Projects, JRS Biodiversity Foundation (see list of African countries)
    Focused on biodiversity data, knowledge and information services related to (1) freshwater biodiversity, (2) pollinator biodiversity, and (3) biodiversity informatics capacity development
    Funding information: total requested grant for 1‐3 years may range from about USD 50,000 - USD 250,000.
    Deadline: Mar 10, 2020.

  26. New Pacific Development and Conservation Trust, New Zealand Government
    For projects that promote sustainable development in the Pacific and New Zealand, while conserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of its people.
    Funding information: about NZD 250,000 grants awarded each year. There is no min. or max. grant amount. Grants usually range from NZD 2,000 to 50,000.
    Deadline: Mar 11, 2020

  27. Research and Development (R&D) Fund, Efficiency for Access Coalition (see list of focus countries)
    The focus is on projects developing enabling technologies or products for weak and off-grid areas, with a particular focus on interoperability and inclusivity. Overall focus is in recognition of SDG 5 to achieve gender equality, SDG 7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy, and SDG 10 to reduce inequality within/amongst countries.
    Funding information: grants are available from GBP 50,000 to GBP 300,000. Up to GBP 2 million in funding has been made available for this call.
    Deadline: Mar 15, 2020.

  28. Agriculture Innovation Center Grant Program, USDA (United States)
    Seeking applications to provide grants for “Agriculture Innovation Centers” that will provide technical assistance to agricultural producers to market value-added agricultural products.
    Funding information: estimated USD 3,500,000; ceiling USD 1,000,000; floor USD 500,000.
    Deadline: Mar 20, 2020.

  29. New Call for Proposals from CSOs, European Union (Philippines and EU)
    To support CSO's contributions towards reinforced governance, social change and inclusive policy-making in the Philippines and strengthen the capacity of Philippines civil society organizations.
    Award information: Indicative allocation of funds by lot: Lot 1 for EUR 889,300 and Lot 2 for EUR 889,300. Requested grants must fall between a min. of EUR 300,000 & max. of 500,000.
    Deadline: Mar 24, 2020.

  30. New Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program, USDA (USA)
    Collaborative solutions may include but are not limited to: research; prevention; planning; policy; preparedness; implementation; best management practices; recovery; and reforestation that promotes the resilience of the country’s urban & community forests.
    Funding information: total program funding USD 9,000,000. Award ceiling USD 300,000, award floor USD 100,000
    Deadline: Mar 30, 2020.

  31. Call for Proposals, International Fund for Agricultural Development (Latin America & Caribbean)
    To promote the inclusion of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) in existing IFAD projects and programs in Latin America and Caribbean by successfully supporting the implementation of RETs in agriculture in benefit of smallholder farmers, producers, associations and members of medium enterprises.
    Funding information: grant amount is up to USD 2,000,000. Co-financing (in-cash and/or in-kind) provided by the applicant and any additional co-financing is part of the selection criteria. While no upper limit is set, the applicant must ensure a minimum counterpart contribution between USD 500,000 and USD 2,000,000.
    Deadline: Mar 30, 2020.

  32. New Call for Proposals, US Department of State (Japan)
    Open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program that promotes social inclusion for people with disabilities, with a focus on inclusive education and/or promoting job and career development opportunities for people with disabilities.
    Funding information: awards may range from a min. of USD5,000 to a max. of USD75,000.
    Deadline: Mar 31, 2020.

  33. Grant Program, Mazda Foundation (New Zealand)
    Will consider awarding grants to programs promoting: the maintenance and improvement of the natural environment; the advancement of culture and education to achieve excellence at all levels; young people through advancement of education and employment skills development; the arts to educate and expose the public on NZ culture.
    Deadline: Mar 31, 2020.

  34. Recovery of Species on the Brink of Extinction, National Geographic Society
    To support priorities of IUCN SSC Species Conservation Plans as well as conservation actions that are endorsed by the relevant IUCN SSC Species Specialist Group. The goal is to halt biodiversity decline by implementing conservation plans for species and groups of species.
    Funding information: requests should be less than USD 30,000, but can be up to USD 50,000
    Deadline: Apr 10, 2020.

  35. Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Through Establishment of Sectoral Centers of Excellence Program, European Union (EU/Turkey)
    The objective of this call for proposals is: to establish a flexible, transparent, innovative and quality based education system which supports social and economic development and prepares for employment, where all segments of society find the possibility to learn within their own needs.
    Funding information: min. amount EUR 200,000; max. amount EUR 600,000
    Deadline: Apr 14, 2020.

  36. Call for Interdisciplinary Research on Mobility – Global Medicine and Health Research, la Caixa Foundation (Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, UK)
    To promote multi-perspective research on how global mobility influences general health, various health determinants and the well-being of local and mobile populations, and how the effects of mobility can be addressed in a sustainable way.
    Funding information: Up to 15 unrestricted preparatory grants of EUR 50,000 each for a 10-month period will be awarded to the shortlisted 1st stage applicants; A total grant fund of EUR 9,000,000 is available for project grants of up to EUR 1,500,000 per project, for 4 to 6 projects of a 3 to 5-year duration.
    Deadline: Apr 17, 2020.

  37. Call for Proposals, Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (see list of countries)
    Civil society organizations are invited to present proposals for projects that contribute to NICFI’s strategic goal, which is that reversed and reduced loss of tropical forest contribute to a stable climate, protect biodiversity and enhance sustainable development.
    Funding information: For applications covering a five-year period, priority will be given to projects with a total budget above NOK 20 million.
    Deadline: Apr 20, 2020.

  38. New Social Justice Small Grants, Mercy Foundation (Australia)
    Provides seed funding to assist communities and organizations to build capacity that will help create structural change and bring about greater social justice in Australia. The focus for 2020 is ‘Justice in the digital world’. Program is only available to nonprofit organizations.
    Funding information: amounts range from AUD 1,000 to AUD 10,000.
    Deadline: Apr 27, 2020.

  39. Grant Program, The Lawrence Foundation
    The foundation is focused on making grants to support environmental, human services, disaster relief, and other causes. Grants are awarded twice a year.
    Funding information: grants typically range between USD 5,000 – USD 10,000.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  40. Patagonia: Corporate Grants Program in the United States
    Accepting applications for its Corporate Grants Program to fund environmental work that takes place within the United States and is either national in scope or not located near one of their U.S. retail stores. The Corporate Grants Program supports small grassroots activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working strategically on multipronged campaigns to preserve and protect their environment.
    Funding Information: The funding range for a corporate grant is typically between USD 10,000 and USD 20,000, depending on the specific needs of the project.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  41. Small Grants Program, The Fund for Wild Nature (US and Canada)
    Provides small grants for North American campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with an emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity. Supports biocentric goals premised on effective/intelligible strategies.
    Funding information: grants awarded currently range USD 3,000 or less. Applicants’ annual budget must be USD 250,000 or less.
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  42. Small Grants Program for the Purchase of Nature, International Union for Conservation of Nature Netherlands (NGOs in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific)
    Provides funds for local NGOs to acquire (through purchase or lease) threatened nature, create safe reserves and connect wildlife habitats for endangered species.
    Funding information: maximum financial assistance is EUR 85,000
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  43. Call for Proposals for Accessible Technology Program, Government of Canada
    Aims to co-fund innovative projects led by the private sector, not-for-profit organizations and research institutes to develop new assistive and adaptive digital devices and technologies in order to make it easier for Canadians with disabilities to more fully participate in the digital economy.
    Funding information: remaining available funds for new proposals amounts to approximately CAD 1,000,000
    Deadline: Jun 2, 2020.

  44. Energize the Environment Program, Quadratec Cares (US)
    Supports enthusiasts working towards improving the environment. Any individual, group, or organization in the US who has a love for all things environmental, and has an idea or event designed to help improve their environment, is eligible.
    Funding information: recipient or organization will receive a one-time USD 3,500 payment to be used exclusively towards stated project. Only one grant will be awarded per individual or organization per year.
    Deadline: Jun 30, 2020.

  45. Academic Scholarship – Women In STEM, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc.
    To increase the number of women studying and influencing the future of science, including technology, engineering, and math. Essay Prompt: Why are you passionate about science, technology, engineering, or math, and how will your pursuit of these fields help preserve biodiversity, improve the health of our planet, or alleviate human suffering?
    Funding information: One (1) award of USD 1,000 will be granted to the top essay submitted, and up to nine other students may receive awards for their submissions.
    Deadline: Jul 1, 2020.

  46. U.S. Embassy Port of Spain Public Affairs Section (PAS) Annual Program
    Public Affairs Office in the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Port of Spain of the U.S. Department of State announced an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The purpose of funding projects is to further contributions to economic growth and the development of human and government capacity in Trinidad and Tobago, while developing people-to-people, institutional, and economic ties between the US and Trinidad and Tobago.
    Award information: may range from a minimum of USD 500 to a maximum of USD 20,000.
    Deadline: Sep 30, 2020.

  47. Global Water Futures – Affiliate Projects
    The goal of the program is to deliver risk management solutions - informed by leading-edge water science and supported by innovative decision-making tools - to manage water futures in Canada and other cold regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems, and the water environment.
    Deadline: There is no associated closing date with applications.

  48. Global Innovation Fund (GIF)
    This program seeks to invest in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. Open to funding innovations in any sector as long as they can demonstrate their innovation improves the lives of those living on less than USD 5 PPP per day.
    Range: USD 50,000 – 15,000,000
    Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

Fellowships and other opportunities

  1. ReNature Training Course, University of Trento
    February 5-7, 2020
    Nature-based Solutions in Urban Planning. The course, organized by the ReNature project, will upskill participants in: understanding the ecological foundations of NbS, assessing their impacts on ecosystem services and their socio-economic implications, identifying planning barriers and opportunities, applying key principles for NbS design.

  2. Call for Applications, 2020 Emerging Voices for Global Health (EV4GH)
    An innovative multi-partner blended training program for young, promising and emerging health policy & systems researchers, decision makers and other health system actors with an interest to become influential global health voices and/or local change makers. EV4GH coaches “Emerging Voices” to participate actively in international conferences where global health issues are addressed and to raise their voice in scientific and policy debates.
    Deadline: Feb 6, 2020.

  3. Soros Equality Fellowship, Open Society Foundation
    To support emerging mid-career professionals who will become long-term innovative leaders impacting racial justice. The aim is to incubate new ideas, promote risk-taking, and develop different ways of thinking that challenge and expand our existing assumptions.
    Award information: USD 100,000 to support the production of an innovative racial justice project over the course of 18 months.
    Deadline: Feb 13, 2020.

  4. FAMAE: Food for Good Challenge to Develop Innovative and Concrete Solution
    The FAMAE is seeking applications for the Food for Good Challenge to develop an innovative and concrete solution from field to fork to deliver fair, sustainable & healthy food, for everybody, everywhere. The goal of the FAMAE endowment fund is to seek pragmatic, efficient, durable, universal and money-saving solutions to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint.
    Award information: Funding will be at least EUR 15,000 per category and may reach nearly EUR 2,000,000.
    Deadline: Feb 14, 2020.

  5. Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2020, Global Wind Energy Council & Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (list of eligible countries in link)
    The program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment.
    Benefits: mentorship program, week-long conference in Europe, network-building opportunities, and more.
    Deadline: Feb 16, 2020.

  6. New European Development Days 2020 Young Leaders Program
    Looking for 17 extraordinary young people aged 21-26 who can represent the powerful impact that youth are having in the sustainable development field.
    Benefits: 10-day visit to Brussels, where Young Leaders will meet EU experts, stakeholders and play a leading role in the program, which will include speaking in various sessions alongside global leaders.
    Deadline: Feb 21, 2020.

  7. International Climate Protection Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation (list of countries)
    Enables prospective leaders in academia and industry to implement a research-based proposal in the field of climate protection or climate-related resource conservation during a one-year stay in Germany.
    Deadline: March 1, 2020.

  8. Teach for India Fellowship Program
    Opportunity for students and professionals with a Bachelor’s degree serve as full-time teachers to children from low-income communities in some of the nation’s most under-resourced schools.
    Award information: salary of Rs 20,412 per month, housing allowance ranging from Rs 5,300 to 10,000 (depending on city and if required to relocate), and allowance for school supplies.
    Deadline: March 1, 2020.

  9. International Training Program (ITP), Sida (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia)
    Seeking collaborative organizations active in urban water and sanitation, ready to engage in processes for change and invest in employees as potential change agents.
    Award information: benefits for participants – increased knowledge of methods/tools for sustainable urban water and sanitation services/systems; increased capacity to initiate and drive organizational change processes; shared experiences from colleagues; extended professional network. Benefits for organizations - professional support for more sustainable and inclusive water/sanitation services; educated and encouraged staff; collaboration opportunities with various organizations, experts and agencies.
    Deadline: Mar 13, 2020.

  10. New Puerto Rico Youth Fellowship, Open Society Foundations
    Human rights projects could include those relating to criminal justice, workers’ rights, LGBTTIQ rights, food justice, environmental justice, education (including the right to public education), health, housing, or immigration, among other subject areas.
    Benefits: USD 45,000, structured to cover project related costs as well as a living stipend.
    Deadline: Mar 15, 2020.

  11. New Call for Proposals, Professional Development Workshops, European Evaluation Society
    The professional development sessions constitute a unique opportunity for the community of professionals in evaluation to gain knowledge and experience from stimulating and knowledgeable presenters, and to exchange with colleagues. It also provides presenters with an opportunity to share and discuss their knowledge and experience with highly motivated participants from all over the world.
    Deadline: Mar 15, 2020.

  12. Pre- and Post-Doctoral Mellon Fellowships, The Climate Museum
    seeks applications from humanities scholars who wish to engage the public on climate change and inequality. Fellows will work with staff and partners to develop public programs exploring the many ways in which the climate crisis is a social justice crisis.
    Benefits: The pre-doctoral fellowship includes a stipend of USD 32,000 a year, as well as health and dental insurance. The post-doctoral fellowship includes a stipend of USD 63,000 a year, as well as health and dental insurance.
    Deadline: Mar 15, 2020.

  13. International Training Program, Sida
    Sida is seeking collaborative organizations active in urban water and sanitation, ready to engage in processes for change and to invest in capable and engaged employees as potential change agents.
    Benefits: for participants - Increased knowledge of methods and tools for planning services and systems, increased capacity to initiate and drive organizational change processes, and more. For organizations - professional support for more sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation services, collaboration opportunities, and more.
    Deadline: Apr 26, 2020.

  14. Tech Fellowship, Global Forest Watch
    Seeking forest protection advocates who are passionate about using technology for forest monitoring from a variety of sectors including: science, journalism, law enforcement, advocacy and conservation. Fellowship program is one-year long and offers opportunities for skill-building, networking and mentorship. Program includes participation in a four-day tech camp and the 2019 GFW Summit in Washington, D.C. Fellows will receive a stipend and access to funds for related activities.
    Deadline: The call for applications opens on February 15, 2019 and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The Fellowship will run from June 2019 through May 2020.

  15. Call for Female Applicants: AIMS-Canada Research Chairs in Climate Change Science, International Development Research Centre, Canada and Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
    Each Chair will be provided up to USD 970,000 over a four-year period and tasked with executing a world-class research program able to contribute significantly towards building both the human capital and the scientific knowledgebase required to solve important climate change-related problems in Africa and beyond.
    The application process will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.

  16. Scholarship for Displaced Students, Columbia University
    Supports displaced students from anywhere in the world who are unable to complete their higher education. These students will receive full tuition, housing, and living assistance while pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees across all 18 Columbia schools and affiliates. Scholarship aims to shift the global dialogue surrounding displaced persons, from one that views them as a burden to one that recognizes them as vital contributors to global innovation and prosperity.