Your Weekly Funding Opportunities: April 1, 2020

New in:

  1. COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals, Central European Initiative

  2. Connection Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada)

  3. Call for Proposals, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

  4. Webinar, Non-Profit Energy Cooperatives as the Catalyst of the Movement of People to Renewable Electricity, University of Houston 

  5. Request for Proposals, Science for Nature and People Partnership

  6. Call for Nominations, Young Global Leaders Class 2021

  7. Interactive Open Online Course, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (Erasmus+ or Southern Mediterranean countries)  

  8. Call for Applications, Novo Nordisk Foundation (Denmark)

  9. Call for Proposals, UN Women and WHO (Arab states region)

  10. Call for Applications, OES Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues, U.S. Department of State (see eligible countries in SE Asia)

All currently open calls:

Grant-making opportunities

  1. Call for Research Proposals, Al Qasimi Foundation (UAE)
    Welcomes research proposals related to coastal and marine systems from a broad array of academic disciplines.
    Funding information: Start-up Funding (max. 50,000 AED) for Individuals and Organizations
    Deadline: Apr 1, 2020.

  2. Call for Proposals, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
    To improve water availability and sustainable agriculture production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanization and population growth.
    Funding information: various amounts allocated, depending on the open calls.
    Deadline: Apr 1, 2020.

  3. Arctic Species Conservation Fund, WWF (Canada)
    Seeks to secure policies and legislation that are effective and appropriate for the conservation of Arctic species, incorporate the best available science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and include the direct engagement of Indigenous peoples.
    Funding information: up to CAD 25,000 CAD for the stewardship or research initiative
    Deadline: Apr 3, 2020.

  4. Call for Proposals, GEF Small Grants Program (Guatemala, Lesotho, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda)
    The GEF SGP and UN Mountain Partnership work to leverage resources and increase the resilience of mountain communities through the enhancement of agriculture-food value chains by providing technical assistance, capacity development, communication and events.
    Funding information: grant funding available up to a max. of USD 140,000.
    Deadline: Apr 5, 2020.

  5. Call for Proposals, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
    Looking for research and innovation initiatives, which engage researchers from Switzerland and from the Global South and East and implementation partners from other sectors (government, civil society, private sector). Intends to support research initiatives that respond to the needs/interests of implementation partners. No set thematic orientations.
    Funding information: finances up to 50% of the total budget, but can cover up to 70% of the total budget if the type of initiative requires it (e.g. new innovative initiative). Contribution will indicatively be around CHF 1 million (m)/year.
    Deadline: Apr 5, 2020.

  6. Call for Proposals, Dutch Research Council and Department of Biotechnology of India
    To support interdisciplinary research and innovative approaches in order to develop application-oriented solutions for adaptation of agriculture to incremental climate change and/or increased climatic variability. These solutions should aim at balancing trade-offs and amplifying synergies between economic development and social demands while simultaneously preserving the environment.
    Funding information: total combined budget for this call is EUR 2,800,000
    Deadline: Apr 7, 2020.

  7. Seeding Food Innovation Grant, George Weston Ltd. (Canada)
    To provide seed funding for research or technology development that help accelerate solutions to sustainable food challenges. Projects should focus on the intensification of food production in ways that are sustainable: environmentally, economically and culturally.
    Deadline: Apr 8, 2020.

  8. New COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals, Central European Initiative 
    Purposely aims at addressing quickly the specific needs of communities in CEI Member States. Three areas of intervention are: healthcare and telemedicine, education and e-learning/distance learning, and support to micro, small and medium sized enterprise.
    Funding information: EUR 600,000
    Deadline: Apr 9, 2020.

  9. Call for Projects South 2020, Brussels International (Belgium)
    To support sustainable and inclusive economic development projects in developing countries. Projects must be implemented in an urban or semi-urban context.
    Funding information: to support as many projects as possible, in the range of EUR 10,000 to EUR 125,000.
    Deadline:  Apr 9, 2020.

  10. Recovery of Species on the Brink of Extinction, National Geographic Society
    To support priorities of IUCN SSC Species Conservation Plans as well as conservation actions that are endorsed by the relevant IUCN SSC Species Specialist Group. The goal is to halt biodiversity decline by implementing conservation plans for species and groups of species.
    Funding information: requests should be less than USD 30,000, but can be up to USD 50,000
    Deadline: Apr 10, 2020.

  11. Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Through Establishment of Sectoral Centers of Excellence Program, European Union (EU/Turkey)
    The objective of this call for proposals is: to establish a flexible, transparent, innovative and quality based education system which supports social and economic development and prepares for employment, where all segments of society find the possibility to learn within their own needs.
    Funding information: min. amount EUR 200,000; max. amount EUR 600,000
    Deadline: Apr 14, 2020.

  12. New Call for Proposals, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
    Welcomes proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This applies, without being exhaustive, to: biomolecular research, bioinformatics research, bio-simulations, epidemiologic analysis, & other analyses.
    Deadline: Apr 15, 2020.

  13. South Asia Small Grants Program, The Asia Foundation (eligible countries in link)
    Will support CSOs to work on critical governance challenges around four core themes: increasing public sector accountability and transparency; strengthening the rule of law; promoting civil society participation and media in these efforts; and strengthening democratic institutions and practices.
    Funding information: floor level funding of USD 25,000 and a ceiling of USD 75,000 in equivalent local currency
    Deadline: Apr 15, 2020.

  14. Small Grants 2020, The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
    To enable early career researchers and global health professionals in the field of tropical medicine or global health to undertake clinical or scientific research and/or fieldwork, either as stand-alone projects or distinct elements within a larger project. They are ideally for those who have not received funding in their own name before.
    Funding information: the max. small grant awarded is GBP 5,000 (including VAT)
    Deadline: Apr 15, 2020.

  15. Call for Proposals for Regional Projects in Latin America and Caribbean, IDB
    Regional Public Goods (RPG) Initiative provides technical grants to finance solutions to shared challenges via regional cooperation. The proposals must involve a collective solution produced by at least three IDB borrowing member countries. Focus areas: gender equality & diversity; climate change & environmental sustainability; institutional capacity & rule of law.
    Funding information: size of the grant typically ranges between USD 500,000 and USD 750,000 per project.
    Deadline: Apr 15, 2020.

  16. Publication Program, Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (eligible countries in link)
    Supports scientific publications derived from applicant’s own research work and will expand knowledge of nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
    Funding information: max. grant size JPY 1,000,000 per project for a max. duration of 1 year.
    Deadline: Apr 17, 2020.

  17. Research Grant Program, Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (mainly Asia-Pacific region)
    To support academic and scientific research that will deepen knowledge of the nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Aims at strengthening research capacity of young researchers to enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience through their own research work.
    Funding information: max. grant size is JPY 500,000 per project for a max. duration of two years (min. one year).
    Deadline: Apr 17, 2020.

  18. Call for Interdisciplinary Research on Mobility – Global Medicine and Health Research, la Caixa Foundation (Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, UK)
    To promote multi-perspective research on how global mobility influences general health, various health determinants and the well-being of local and mobile populations, and how the effects of mobility can be addressed in a sustainable way.
    Funding information: Up to 15 unrestricted preparatory grants of EUR 50,000 each for a 10-month period will be awarded to the shortlisted 1st stage applicants; A total grant fund of EUR 9,000,000 is available for project grants of up to EUR 1,500,000 per project, for 4 to 6 projects of a 3 to 5-year duration.
    Deadline: Apr 17, 2020.

  19. Call for Proposals, World Health Organization (Latin America & Caribbean)
    Joint PAHO/TDR Small Grant Scheme for operational research to support the elimination of communicable diseases in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. Promotes and supports research in infectious diseases that leads to health improvement, and helps strengthen individual and institutional research capacity in developing countries.
    Funding information: 5 proposals for up to USD 30,000 per grant will be funded. Co-funding from domestic or other sources is encouraged.
    Deadline: Apr 19, 2020.

  20. Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects, Department of Health and Human Services (USA)
    To plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities, including international activities, to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion/integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, & economic/social self-sufficiency of disabled individuals.
    Funding information: estimate total USD 500,000; award ceiling: USD 500,000; award floor: USD 495,000
    Deadline: Apr 20, 2020.

  21. Call for Proposals, Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (see list of countries)
    Civil society organizations are invited to present proposals for projects that contribute to NICFI’s strategic goal, which is that reversed and reduced loss of tropical forest contribute to a stable climate, protect biodiversity and enhance sustainable development.
    Funding information: For applications covering a five-year period, priority will be given to projects with a total budget above NOK 20 million.
    Deadline: Apr 20, 2020.

  22. Request for Proposals, National Geographic Society
    The Enduring Impacts: Archaeology of Sustainability (RFP) focuses on the gathering and analysis of archaeological, paleoenvironmental, and paleoclimatological data for the purposes of increasing understanding of human-environmental interactions over time, to ultimately contribute to mitigating contemporary environmental and climatic crises.
    Funding information: applicants may request up to USD 80,000.
    Deadline: Apr 22, 2020.

  23. Aquaculture Research Grants Program, USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USA)
    To support the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable aquaculture industry in the United States by generating new, science-based information and technology to address industry constraints.
    Funding information: Standard Research Projects – up to USD 300,000 (total project, not per year).
    Deadline: Apr 22, 2020.

  24. Social Justice Small Grants, Mercy Foundation (Australia)
    Provides seed funding to assist communities and organizations to build capacity that will help create structural change and bring about greater social justice in Australia. The focus for 2020 is ‘Justice in the digital world’. Program is only available to nonprofit organizations.
    Funding information: amounts range from AUD 1,000 to AUD 10,000.
    Deadline: Apr 27, 2020.

  25. 2020 Small Grants Innovation Program, WWF India
    To encourage young Indians to respond innovatively and independently to the conservation issues which affect the country. Grants will be used to fund research and initiatives which especially demonstrate innovation that is replicable, scalable and sustainable.
    Funding information: offering eligible individuals a one-time grant of up to INR 400,000 over a maximum period of 2 years for undertaking conservation research/ action research.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  26. Call for Proposals, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund
    Focused on Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility actions that help people adapt to adverse effects of climate change, reduce disaster risk, and build resilient ecosystems and economies.
    Funding information: project applications may range from USD 250,000 to USD 2,000,000. Two tiers of funding will be supported – Tier 1: Large grants and Tier 2: Medium-sized grants
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  27. Call for Proposals, Research Grants, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (see list of eligible ICGEB countries)
    Dedicated source of funding aimed at financing projects addressing original scientific problems of particular relevance for the host country and of regional interest. Provides support for research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy.
    Funding information: maximum annual contribution is EUR 25,000.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  28. Grant Program, The Lawrence Foundation
    The foundation is focused on making grants to support environmental, human services, disaster relief, and other causes. Grants are awarded twice a year.
    Funding information: grants typically range between USD 5,000 – USD 10,000.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  29. Patagonia: Corporate Grants Program in the United States
    Accepting applications for its Corporate Grants Program to fund environmental work that takes place within the United States and is either national in scope or not located near one of their U.S. retail stores. The Corporate Grants Program supports small grassroots activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working strategically on multipronged campaigns to preserve and protect their environment.
    Funding Information: The funding range for a corporate grant is typically between USD 10,000 and USD 20,000, depending on the specific needs of the project.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  30. New Connection Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada)
    Support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage on research issues of value to those participating
    Funding information: for events: CAD 7,000 - 25,000; outreach activities: CAD 7,000 - 50,000
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  31. Core Infrastructure Fund, Open Technology Fund
    Inviting proposals that support the ‘building block’ technologies, infrastructures, and communities relied upon by digital security and circumvention tools strengthening Internet freedom, digital security, and the overall health of the Internet.
    Funding information: award ceiling USD 300,000 and award floor USD 5,000
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  32. 2020 Professional Development Grants Program, WWF (list of eligible countries in link)
    To provide support for mid-career conservationists to pursue short-term, non-degree training to upgrade their knowledge and skills. These trainings can include short courses, certificate trainings, or conferences among other training opportunities.
    Funding information: applicants can request up to USD 6,500 and training may take place anywhere in the world.
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  33. Small Grants Program, The Fund for Wild Nature (US and Canada)
    Provides small grants for North American campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with an emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity. Supports biocentric goals premised on effective/intelligible strategies.
    Funding information: grants awarded currently range USD 3,000 or less. Applicants’ annual budget must be USD 250,000 or less.
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  34. Small Grants Program for the Purchase of Nature, International Union for Conservation of Nature Netherlands (NGOs in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific)
    Provides funds for local NGOs to acquire (through purchase or lease) threatened nature, create safe reserves and connect wildlife habitats for endangered species.
    Funding information: maximum financial assistance is EUR 85,000
    Deadline: May 1, 2020.

  35. Call for Proposals, Sasaki Foundation (USA)
    Looking for interdisciplinary, creative approaches to test new design concepts that address complex challenges in our communities. Recognizes the need for interdisciplinary approaches, diverse community voices, and regional cooperation as key drivers to find shared solutions and create shared impact.
    Note: Persons interested in an introduction with the Foundation’s leadership, can contact
    Funding information: will award up to 3 grants of USD 15,000 each to winning teams
    Deadline: May 8, 2020.

  36. Conservation Innovation Grants, US Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service (USA)
    The purpose of On-Farm Trials is to stimulate the adoption and evaluation of innovative conservation approaches in partnership with agricultural producers. On-Farm Trials supports the implementation of innovative approaches that have a positive conservation effect but which, for any number of reasons, have not yet been adopted by producers.
    Funding information: max. amount of a single award in either On-Farm Trials or Soil Health Demonstration Trials (SHD) is USD 5,000,000. Min. award is USD 250,000. 15-20 awards
    Deadline: May 11, 2020.

  37. International Climate Initiative (IKI) Medium Grants 2020 (Germany)
    Focus is on climate change mitigation and biodiversity. IKI primarily funds large-scale programs via thematic and country-specific selection procedures to accelerate transformation towards a sustainable, low-carbon economy and its connected supply structures.
    Funding information: A grant of between EUR 300,000 and a maximum of EUR 800,000 can be awarded per project.
    Deadline: May 12, 2020.

  38. Call for Proposals, NextGen Grant, Ray C. Anderson Foundation (USA)
    Requests proposals that would measurably reduce existing or avoid future emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Will primarily judge proposals on the potential to help reverse global warming. The Committee will give strong consideration to meaningful social and environmental benefits associated with the carbon reduction potential of the project.
    Funding information: one USD 100,000 grant
    Deadline: May 15, 2020.

  39. Call for Applications, Projects for Happiness 2020, Khind Starfish Foundation (Malaysia)
    To encourage student initiative, innovation and entrepreneurship by finding creative ways of helping to uplift the lives of those who are socio ­economically challenged through sustainable community initiatives. Focus: Education, Helping Underprivileged Communities, Arts & Culture, Environmental Protection, Animal Welfare and Racial Harmony.
    Funding information: projects will be selected for funding at a max. of RM 10,000 each.
    Deadline: May 15, 2020.

  40. Scientific Product Grants Program, Wildlife Acoustics
    To support the advancement of animal biology research, habitat monitoring and environmental conservation. Provides scientists with resources to help further their research into the study of bats, birds, frogs and other vocal wildlife.
    Funding information: every quarter, up to USD 5,000 worth of products given to recipients.
    Deadline: May 15, 2020.

  41. Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme, European Commission
    A joint initiative of the African Union and the European Union, is being implemented under the auspices of the Pan-African Partnership. The overall objective of the program is to enhance human capital development in Africa, while strengthening intra-African collaboration as called for by Agenda 2063
    Funding information: EUR 9,800,000
    Deadline: May 19, 2020.

  42. New Call for Proposals, UN Women and WHO (Arab states region)
    Seeks to partner with an institution or consortium of institutions in the Arab States region to develop and implement the regional capacity development initiative on VAW data, with an aim at enhancing expertise and capacity of national stakeholders in the region on the measurement of VAW in alignment with globally agreed standards and principles.
    Funding information: budget range USD 120,000 – USD 200,000.
    Deadline: May 20, 2020.

  43. National Environmental Education and Training Program, Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
    The purpose is to deliver environmental education (EE) training and long-term support to education professionals across the U.S. in the development and delivery of environmental education and training programs and studies.
    Funding information: total expected for year one of this cooperative agreement is USD 2,175,500. Total overall funding is USD 11,000,000.
    Deadline: May 29, 2020.

  44. New Call for Applications, OES Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues, U.S. Department of State (see eligible countries in SE Asia)
    Intends to strengthen local capacity to monitor air quality and expand awareness of air quality issues among decision makers and the general public in at least two Southeast Asian countries. More specifically, the project would target key host government entities, universities, and NGOs to develop and enhance air quality monitoring capacity with low or medium cost sensors, educational materials, others.
    Funding information: award ceiling/floor USD 296,296
    Deadline: May 31, 2020.

  45. Danforth Conservation Biology Fund
    To support conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Field studies and other projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, and projects that involve in-country collaborators receive the highest funding priority.
    Deadline: Jun 1, 2020.

  46. Call for Proposals for Accessible Technology Program, Government of Canada
    Aims to co-fund innovative projects led by the private sector, not-for-profit organizations and research institutes to develop new assistive and adaptive digital devices and technologies in order to make it easier for Canadians with disabilities to more fully participate in the digital economy.
    Funding information: remaining available funds for new proposals amounts to approximately CAD 1,000,000
    Deadline: Jun 2, 2020.

  47. New Call for Applications, Novo Nordisk Foundation (Denmark)
    Thematic call entitled "Societal Responses to and Preparedness for Emerging Viral Infections – 2020". Research can include: surveillance and early detection of disease. Rapid diagnostics of novel viruses. New technologies to prevent or combat epidemic viral infections. Infectious epidemiology. National preparedness to deal with emerging viral infections.
    Funding information: up to DKK 20 million for up to 2 grants of up to DKK 10 million for projects lasting up to 3 years.
    Deadline: Jun 4, 2020.

  48. New Request for Proposals, Science for Nature and People Partnership
    Believes successful solutions require integration of science with strategy, and a process that requires collaboration across sectors and organizations. To find new cross-sector and interdisciplinary teams willing to do science differently for lasting impact, it funds science that leads to tangible and enduring benefits to conservation and sustainable development.
    Funding information: up to USD 1 million total across 4-6 approved working groups
    Deadline: Jun 10, 2020.

  49. Call for Proposals, Support to CSOs, European Commission
    The global objective of this call for proposals is to support civil society organisations as actors of governance in their own right by strengthening their capacity to participate effectively in policy formulation and in the monitoring of policy implementation processes in order to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and ensure no-one is left behind.
    Funding information: EUR 14,000,000
    Deadline: Jun 16, 2020.

  50. Energize the Environment Program, Quadratec Cares (US)
    Supports enthusiasts working towards improving the environment. Any individual, group, or organization in the US who has a love for all things environmental, and has an idea or event designed to help improve their environment, is eligible.
    Funding information: recipient or organization will receive a one-time USD 3,500 payment to be used exclusively towards stated project. Only one grant will be awarded per individual or organization per year.
    Deadline: Jun 30, 2020.

  51. Education Fund, Rural Women New Zealand
    Available to people over 25 who wish to further their training or education in order to improve their skills. Applicants will need to indicate the benefit of their study to the wider community in addition to their personal development. Preference will be given to those in smaller centers/rural areas. Course to be undertaken at a recognized education provider.
    Funding information: grants of up to NZD 500
    Deadline: Jul 1, 2020.

  52. Grant, The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation
    Seeks to protect natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and promote public health in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Supports projects that demonstrate local leadership and promote professional development in the conservation, agricultural, and health sciences; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field.
    Funding information: average grant is approx. USD 20,000. Grants exceeding USD 30,000 are rarely awarded.
    Deadline: Jul 1, 2020.

  53. Academic Scholarship – Women In STEM, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc.
    To increase the number of women studying and influencing the future of science, including technology, engineering, and math. Essay Prompt: Why are you passionate about science, technology, engineering, or math, and how will your pursuit of these fields help preserve biodiversity, improve the health of our planet, or alleviate human suffering?
    Funding information: One (1) award of USD 1,000 will be granted to the top essay submitted, and up to nine other students may receive awards for their submissions.
    Deadline: Jul 1, 2020.

  54. Call for Proposals, CODE (see link for eligible countries in Africa)
    CODE, through its Context Matters program funds research initiated, designed and undertaken by African researchers. The intent is to support research which is clearly situated in local contexts and recognizes the multifaceted and complex relationships between the local and global in education.
    Funding information: up to five (5) research grants of a maximum CAD 10,000 each
    Deadline: Jul 3, 2020.

  55. Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant, TD Bank (Canada)
    The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. Eligible projects include schoolyard greening, park revitalization, community gardens, park programming and citizen science initiatives.
    Funding information: majority of TD FEF grants are between CAD 2,000 and CAD 8,000
    Deadline: Jul 15, 2020.

  56. Special Grant, Tiara Foundation (India)
    One-time grant for students who already have an offer of a place in a University overseas for Post Graduate Studies, with a scholarship/fee waiver and teaching assistantship to finance their study.
    Funding information: USD 3,500 for U.S. colleges and GBP 2200 for U.K. colleges.
    Deadline: Jul 15, 2020.

  57. Requests for Proposals, National Geographic
    National Geographic Society and Microsoft’s AI for Earth program partnered to support novel projects that create and deploy AI tools to improve the way they monitor, model, understand, and ultimately manage Earth’s natural resources for a more sustainable future.
    Funding information: applicants may request USD 5,000 to USD 100,000.
    Deadline: Jul 22, 2020.

  58. U.S. Embassy Port of Spain Public Affairs Section (PAS) Annual Program
    Public Affairs Office in the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Port of Spain of the U.S. Department of State announced an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The purpose of funding projects is to further contributions to economic growth and the development of human and government capacity in Trinidad and Tobago, while developing people-to-people, institutional, and economic ties between the US and Trinidad and Tobago.
    Award information: may range from a minimum of USD 500 to a maximum of USD 20,000.
    Deadline: Sep 30, 2020.

  59. Global Water Futures – Affiliate Projects
    The goal of the program is to deliver risk management solutions - informed by leading-edge water science and supported by innovative decision-making tools - to manage water futures in Canada and other cold regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems, and the water environment.
    Deadline: There is no associated closing date with applications.

  60. Global Innovation Fund (GIF)
    This program seeks to invest in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. Open to funding innovations in any sector as long as they can demonstrate their innovation improves the lives of those living on less than USD 5 PPP per day.
    Range: USD 50,000 – 15,000,000
    Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

Fellowships and other opportunities

  1. New Webinar, Non-Profit Energy Cooperatives as the Catalyst of the Movement of People to Renewable Electricity, University of Houston
    Via Zoom teleconference.
    Apr 3, 2020.

  2. Fellowship Program, UNESCO
    To enhance the capacity-building and human resources development in the area of sustainable and renewable energy sources in developing countries and countries in transition. The training activities in the framework of these fellowships are tenable in specialized institutions in the Russian Federation.
    Benefits: roundtrip travel; travel allowance; accommodation/meal stipend; and more
    Deadline: Apr 3, 2020.

  3. Teach for Nigeria Fellowship Program
    A 2-year full-time paid commitment designed to build a movement of leaders who will work towards eliminating educational inequity in Nigeria. Equips Fellows with transferable leadership skills to effect change beyond the classrooms in the communities they serve.
    Benefits: leadership development training, teacher training, networking, access to Mentoring Program, coaching, business training and skills workshops, stipend for 2 years.
    Deadline: Apr 4, 2020.

  4. New Interactive Open Online Course, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (Erasmus+ or Southern Mediterranean countries)
    'Youth, Peace and Security' is a 4-week interactive online course that introduces participants to core concepts of violence, conflict and peace and provides a space to exchange ideas and perspectives with peers on the role of youth in conflict transformation.
    Deadline: Apr 5, 2020.

  5. Peking University Postdoctoral Program, IIASA
    Open to applicants of all nationalities and aimed at training highly qualified early-career postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in: advanced methodology, technological, economic, and environmental challenges including pollution and risk analysis, energy, ecology, and ecosystems management, and natural resources including water.
    Deadline: Apr 13, 2020.

  6. Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative
    Seeks to increase women’s participation in, and contribution to, a more sustainable societal response to climate change. To build the intellectual capital needed to better our understanding of the causes of climate change in Africa, and to solve the myriad challenges to Africa’s development resulting from climate change.
    Award information: fellowship is worth up to USD 35,000
    Deadline: Apr 15, 2020.

  7. International Training Program, Sida
    Sida is seeking collaborative organizations active in urban water and sanitation, ready to engage in processes for change and to invest in capable and engaged employees as potential change agents.
    Benefits: for participants - Increased knowledge of methods and tools for planning services and systems, increased capacity to initiate and drive organizational change processes, and more. For organizations - professional support for more sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation services, collaboration opportunities, and more.
    Deadline: Apr 26, 2020.

  8. New Call for Nominations, Young Global Leaders Class 2021
    Do you know a leader under 40 who is making an impact on the world and innovating towards the greater good? The mission of the Forum of Young Global Leaders is to create a dynamic global community of exceptional people with the vision, courage and influence to drive positive change in the world.
    Deadline: Apr 30, 2020.

  9. Call for Projects, Paris Peace Forum
    To select concrete governance solutions which take on global challenges related to the 6 themes comprising the focus of the annual event: peace and security; development; environment, new technologies, inclusive economy; and culture and education.
    Deadline: May 12, 2020.

  10. 2021-2022 Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships (India)
    To pursue a master's degree program at select US colleges and universities in the areas of Economics; Environmental Science/Studies; International Affairs; Public Administration; Public Health; Urban and Regional Planning; and Women's Studies/Gender Studies; others.
    Benefits: J-1 visa support; roundtrip economy air travel from fellow’s home city to host institution in the US; funding for tuition and fees, living and related costs; accident/sickness coverage per US government guidelines.
    Deadline: May 15, 2020.  

  11. International Training Program, Geological Survey of Sweden (see eligible African countries in link)
    Invites subject professionals, from relevant organizations and agencies in Eastern and Southern Africa, to apply for the Advanced International Training Program – Mine Water and Mine Waste Management.
    Deadline: May 24, 2020.

  12. Peace Fellowships, Rotary
    Designed for leaders with work experience in peace and development. Fellows are committed to community and international service and the pursuit of peace. Tracks to choose from: Master’s degree programs and professional development certificate program
    Award information: up to 130 fully funded fellowships (covers tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses.)
    Deadline: May 31, 2020.

  13. Online Course, Ethics in Urban Sustainable Development, Earth Charter
    Apr 21 – June 5, 2020
    This Earth Charter Cities Course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take urban sustainability practices to higher levels by using the Earth Charter (EC) and the Earth Charter Cities (ECC) Manifesto. It helps participants develop a broad approach to sustainability and make the EC Principles actionable at an urban level.

  14. Tech Fellowship, Global Forest Watch
    Seeking forest protection advocates who are passionate about using technology for forest monitoring from a variety of sectors including: science, journalism, law enforcement, advocacy and conservation. Fellowship program is one-year long and offers opportunities for skill-building, networking and mentorship. Program includes participation in a four-day tech camp and the 2019 GFW Summit in Washington, D.C. Fellows will receive a stipend and access to funds for related activities.
    Deadline: The call for applications opens on February 15, 2019 and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The Fellowship will run from June 2019 through May 2020.

  15. German Chancellor Fellowship for Tomorrow's Leaders (BRICS & USA)
    Offers you an opportunity to take the next career step in Germany – irrespective of your field of work. In order to apply, develop your own project idea and find the host of your choice to mentor you.
    Deadline: Sep 15, 2020.

  16. Call for Female Applicants: AIMS-Canada Research Chairs in Climate Change Science, International Development Research Centre, Canada and Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
    Each Chair will be provided up to USD 970,000 over a four-year period and tasked with executing a world-class research program able to contribute significantly towards building both the human capital and the scientific knowledgebase required to solve important climate change-related problems in Africa and beyond.
    The application process will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.

  17. Scholarship for Displaced Students, Columbia University
    Supports displaced students from anywhere in the world who are unable to complete their higher education. These students will receive full tuition, housing, and living assistance while pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees across all 18 Columbia schools and affiliates. Scholarship aims to shift the global dialogue surrounding displaced persons, from one that views them as a burden to one that recognizes them as vital contributors to global innovation and prosperity.