Your Weekly Funding Opportunities: March 15, 2021

New in:

1. Call for Applications, YSEALI Regional Workshop, The Asia Foundation (see link for eligible ASEAN countries)

2. AWLA Fellowship Program for Women (see link for eligible MENA countries)

3. Call for Applications, Global Women’s Networks for the Energy Transition (see link for eligible countries)

4. Call for Proposals, Water Management, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (see link for eligible countries in MED)

5. Open Call for 2021 Agro-Food Value Chain, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (see link for eligible countries in MED)

6. Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program, World Bank

7. Energize the Environment Grant Program, Quadratec Cares (USA)

8. Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

9. Request for Proposals, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (USA)

10. Resiliency & Emergency Response Grant Program, Internet Society Foundation

All currently open calls:

Grant-making opportunities

1. Call for Proposals for Small Grants Program, Critical Ecosystem Partnerships Fund (Lebanon)

For Environmental Civil Society Organizations in Lebanon to support the sustainable management of water catchments through integrated approaches for the conservation of threatened freshwater biodiversity.

Funding information: grant size between USD 5,000 and 20,000

Deadline: Mar 12, 2021.

2. Call for Applications for Open Research Fund, Wellcome Trust (see link for eligible countries)

To support researchers to develop and test incentives for making health research more open, accessible and reusable. Proposals that encourage collaboration across international borders, and between different organizations, sectors and disciplines.

Funding information: up to GBP 100,000 for up to two years

Deadline: Mar 12, 2021.

3. Call for Applications, Nuffield Foundation (United Kingdom)

Research, Development and Analysis fund is for projects to inform the design and operation of social policy and practice across the three core domains of Education, Welfare and Justice.

Funding information: grants are usually between GBP 10,000 and 500,000. Most of the grants awarded are between GBP 50,000 and 300,000

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021.

4. Call for Applications, Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (Latin America & Caribbean)

Joint PAHO/TDR Small Grant Scheme for operational research to support the elimination of communicable diseases in the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

Funding information: a total of five proposals for up to USD 30,000 per grant will be funded

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021.

5. Call for Research Proposals, Asian Development Bank (see link for eligible countries in Asia and Pacific)

Seeking applied microeconomic research proposals on women and online marketplaces in developing economies in Asia and the Pacific. Proposals that focus on socioeconomically vulnerable women and related developments are preferred.

Funding information: lead researcher or their affiliated institution will be contracted as a consultant or research services provider. Honorarium of USD 8,000 - 12,000 will be paid upon addressing certain requirements.

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021.

6. Call for Proposals, The Kavli Trust Program on Health Research (Finland, Norway, Sweden, and UK)

For collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health.

Funding information: a total of NOK 20 million

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021.

7. Call for Proposals, Research Council of Norway (Norway)

The purpose of this call is to increase children’s and adolescents’ digital skills and understanding of digital technology. Through these funds, it aims to enable children and adolescents to learn how digital content and services are developed and applied.

Funding information: NOK 500,000–1,500,000 per project

Deadline: Mar 17, 2021.

8. New Resiliency & Emergency Response Grant Program, Internet Society Foundation

To help communities enhance preparedness and build Internet resiliency when faced with adverse events such as national disasters.

Funding information: USD 250,000 to 500,000 awarded for projects lasting up to 12 months.

Deadline: Mar 19, 2021.

9. Call for EOIs, International Development Research Centre (see link for eligible countries in Africa)

EOIs from public universities in low and lower-middle income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to establish AI for development research labs (AI4D Labs) to engage in world-leading, multi-disciplinary, responsible AI research, innovation, and instruction.

Funding information: grant range CAD 1 million per lab.

Deadline: Mar 19, 2021.

10. Call for Proposals, Ecologists in Africa Grant Program, British Ecological Society (see link for eligible countries in Africa)

Provides support for Ecologists in Africa to carry out innovative ecological research.

Funding information: max. value of a grant is GBP 8,000 for research. An additional sum up to GBP 2,000 may be requested to fund travel to help you develop connections with other ecologists outside your usual peer group.

Deadline: Mar 19, 2021.

11. Call for Proposals, International Development Research Centre (see link for eligible countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia)

This cohort of projects will seek to generate knowledge and evidence on how legal empowerment strategies work to overcome structural inequality and exclusion, expand participation, and promote public accountability.

Funding information: up to a maximum of CAD 450,000 for individual country studies and up to a maximum of CAD 800,000 for multi-country studies

Deadline: Mar 22, 2021.

12. New Request for Proposals, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (USA)

To facilitate the collection and proper disposal of retired and derelict commercial fishing gear for recycling and for energy conversion by supporting the placement of disposal bins at select ports across the U.S.

Funding information: see link for category amounts

Deadline: Mar 30, 2021.

13. Call for Proposals, Nordic Gender Equality Fund 2021, Nordic Information on Gender (see link for eligible countries)

To stimulate Nordic co-operation in the area of gender equality within the framework of the Gender Equality ministers’ co-operation program and its priorities.

Funding information: amount applied for should be between DKK 50,000 and DKK 500,000

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

14. COVID-19 Science Fund, National Geographic Society

To provide solutions to the situations created or magnified by the pandemic, thereby helping us to understand and address the challenges and changes of living in a COVID-19 world.

Funding information: funding requests of up to USD 50,000 will be accepted.

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

15. Call for Proposals, European Union (see link for eligible countries)

The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to sustainable human development by promoting a transition towards greener and climate-resilient cities in the Southern Neighborhood, in line with countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement, and making optimum use of climate finance instruments.

Funding information: total available EUR 19 million; min. EUR 2.5 million; max. EUR 3.5 million

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

16. LIFE 2020 Call for Proposals from NGOs on the European Green Deal (see link for eligible countries)

To reinforce the capacity of NGOs acting at Member States’ level to mobilize and strengthen civil society participation and contribution to implement the European Green Deal.

Funding information: total indicative EU budget available is EUR 12 million.

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

17. LEAP-RE Call for AU-EU Collaborative Research and Innovation projects on Renewable Energy

The five-year program aims to develop a long-term partnership between Europe and Africa on renewable energy by funding excellent projects focusing on research and innovation in renewable energy. The call aims to respond to the global challenges posed by climate change and to provide reliable energy access to millions of people worldwide.

Funding information: max. funding for each project is EUR 1 Million and the max. funding per partner in one project is EUR 600,000

Deadline: Apr 1, 2021.

18. Call for Projects, Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (see link for eligible countries)

Program co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 aims to increase the use of renewable energy via a well-balanced set of research, demonstration, and technology transfer projects in both continents.

Funding information: max. for each project is 1 Million EUR and the max. per partner in one project is 600,000 EUR.

Deadline: Apr 1, 2021.

19. Food Safety Outreach Competitive Grants Program, USDA (USA)

The program will complement and expand the national infrastructure of the National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program. The FSO Program will build upon that national infrastructure, with a sustained focus on delivery of customized training to members of the target audiences

Funding information: estimated total USD 9.6 million; award ceiling USD 1 million; award floor USD 80,000

Deadline: Apr 1, 2021.

20. Call for Proposals, WWF-Canada (Canada)

The Arctic Species Conservation Fund supports high-quality stewardship and research initiatives focused on wildlife and habitats in the Canadian Arctic.

Funding information: applicants can request up to CAD 20,000 per year.

Deadline: Apr 2, 2021.

21. Call for Proposals, European Union (see link for eligible countries)

For the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Country-Based Support Scheme. To enhance the respect for implementation and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in line with international and regional human rights, standards, conventions and instruments.

Funding information: min. amount EUR 250,000 and max. amount EUR 375,000

Deadline: Apr 2, 2021.

22. Call for Concept Notes, International Development Research Centre (see link for eligible countries in Southeast Asia, Latin America & Central, East, and West Africa)

Will fund multi-institutional One Health research projects in known geographic hotspots for emerging epidemics as well as regions which are characterized by human, animal, and environmental drivers of infectious epidemics, such as unsustainable environmental and land-use patterns, biodiversity loss, and increasing interaction between humans and wildlife.

Funding information: between CAD 2–5 million per project. A total of CAD 16 million in funding is available

Deadline: Apr 5, 2021.

23. Call for Expressions of Interest, International Development Research Centre (see link for eligible countries in Africa)

To advance responsible development and deployment of home-grown artificial intelligence innovations to tackle pressing challenges emerging from climate change in Africa.

Funding information: CAD 1.2 million

Deadline: Apr 5, 2021.

24. CEIDizler Grant Program (Turkey)

To develop capacity, cooperation, advocacy, tools, and mechanisms for the Indicator-Based Monitoring of Gender Equality in the local area within the scope of the CEIDIzler Project.

Funding information: total amount EUR 400,000; lower limit EUR 10,000; upper limit 40,000

Deadline: Apr 8, 2021.

25. Call for Proposals, Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean, FONTAGRO (see link for eligible countries)

Seeks to increase the number of technologies and innovations with high potential for adoption and impact on the sustainability of farming systems, agro ecosystems and the territory. Initiatives must be based on prior and validated scientific knowledge, and must either promote new innovations or validate promising or successful existing ones.

Funding information: total amount is USD 800,000. FONTAGRO will co-finance up to four proposals for a max. amount of USD 200,000 each

Deadline: Apr 9, 2021.

26. New Call for Proposals, Water Management, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (see link for eligible countries in MED)

Management of Water for combating land degradation and desertification and promoting ecosystem restoration. The proposals should identify actions, at different levels, to enhance the enabling environment and promote a wider uptake and implementation of sustainable land and water management options.

Funding information: in the range of EUR 2.75 million

Deadline: Apr 13, 2021.

27. New Open Call for 2021 Agro-Food Value Chain, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (see link for eligible countries in MED)

To increase adherence to the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable pattern including environmental, social and health aspects. Proposals must monitor and report of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet through the development of methodologies able to acquire data and objective indicators, distinguishing the quality of food intakes.

Funding information: in the range of EUR 2.8 million

Deadline: Apr 13, 2021.

28. Call for Applications, Research Grant Program, Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (see link for eligible countries in Asia-Pacific)

To financially support academic and scientific research that will deepen knowledge of the nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Funding information: maximum grant size in this program is JPY 500,000 per project for a maximum duration of two years (minimum one year)

Deadline: Apr 20, 2021.

29. Collaborative Research Program, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (see link for eligible countries)

To promote training of young scientists and to facilitate the creation of appropriate research facilities. The program provides support for research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy.

Funding information: maximum annual contribution is EUR 25,000

Deadline: Apr 30, 2021.

30. 2021 Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Communities Grant Program, EPA (USA)

Will support Region 10 communities as they develop and implement pollution prevention and/or sustainable materials management systems that help make their communities safer, healthier, and more resilient.

Funding information: awarding 2-4 grants, ranging from USD 30,000 to 60,000

Deadline: Apr 30, 2021.

31. IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund (see link for eligible countries)

Provides funds for local NGOs to acquire (through purchase or lease) threatened nature, create safe reserves and connect wildlife habitats for endangered species.

Funding information: max. assistance provided is EUR 85,000

Deadline: May 1, 2021.

32. Call for Project Ideas, IKI Medium Grants 2021

Aimed at civil society actors based in Germany that work in concert with local partners in selected ODA-eligible implementing countries to put measures in place to intensify North South cooperation on climate action, adaptation to the impacts of climate change and biodiversity conservation.

Funding information: grant of between EUR 300,000 and a max. of EUR 800,000 may be granted per project.

Deadline: May 24, 2021.

33. Call for Proposals, Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund

To support conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Field studies and other projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, and projects that involve in-country collaborators receive the highest funding priority.

Deadline: Jun 1, 2021.

34. New Energize the Environment Grant Program, Quadratec Cares (USA)

Program/initiative examples: trail building or restoration projects, park beautification events, litter prevention initiatives, Earth Study missions, Sustainable Land Management activities, community environment education projects, & youth education engagement events.

Funding information: offering two USD 3,500 environmental grants per year – spring and fall

Deadline: Jun 30, 2021.

35. New Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

To provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate.

Funding information: maximum grant size is USD 25,000

Deadline: Jun 30, 2021.

36. Grants Program, The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation (see link for eligible countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Middle East)

Seeks to protect natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and promote public health. Supports projects that demonstrate local leadership and promote professional development in the conservation, agricultural, and health sciences; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field.

Funding information: average grant is approx. USD 20,000. Grants exceeding USD 30,000 rarely awarded.

Deadline: Jul 1, 2021.

37. Call for Proposals, Social Science Research Council

As part of the Just Tech program, seeks proposals from across the social sciences and related fields that address the risks, opportunities, and challenges posed by public health surveillance stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Funding information: awards will range from USD 5,000 to 10,000, with larger amounts directed to projects committed to research partnerships

Deadline: ongoing

38. Collaborate Pacific, New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade (see eligible Pacific countries)

Aims to support effective governance, leadership, regional cooperation, and sustainable development in the Pacific through support to one-off, small scale activities that tackle issues that matter to the region. Recognizes that partnership, capacity building, people-to-people links, and knowledge-sharing are critical to ownership of development processes.

Deadline: ongoing

39. Global Water Futures – Affiliate Projects

To deliver risk management solutions, informed by leading-edge water science and supported by innovative decision-making tools to manage water futures in Canada and other regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems, and water environments.

Deadline: There is no associated closing date with applications.

40. Call for Applications, Urgent Action Fund (Africa)

Urgent Action Fund-Africa is expanding its COVID-19 response towards supporting women, transgender and gender non-conforming defenders with disabilities to: develop and widely disseminate messages and information about the disease in disability friendly formats, simplify and/or translate complex COVID 19 information, and provide practical resources.

Funding information: up to USD 8,000

Deadline: applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

41. COVID-19 Young Leaders Fund

Program is designed to support young leaders who are tackling the Covid-19 pandemic on the frontlines. Applicants should be focused on SDGs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. One Young World will prioritize initiatives which can use the funds to impact the maximum number of people to the greatest extent.

Funding information: One Young World recommends requesting between GBP 2,500 - GBP 10,000.

Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

42. Global Innovation Fund (GIF)

This program seeks to invest in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. Open to funding innovations in any sector as long as they can demonstrate their innovation improves the lives of those living on less than USD 5 PPP per day.

Range: USD 50,000 – 15,000,000

Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

Fellowships and other opportunities

1. 2021 Africa Program for Regional Leaders Fighting Climate Change, Eisenhower Fellowships (see link for eligible countries in Africa)

Will host a regional program focused on connecting and empowering outstanding midcareer African leaders ages 32–45 from diverse fields confronting the negative impact of climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021.

2. 2021 French-African Young Leader Program 2021

To support the leadership of this new generation evolving on the Franco-African economic, political, social and cultural scene.

Deadline: Mar 21, 2021.

3. STI Forum 2021 Call for Innovations

The Call seeks innovations developed or adapted to address COVID-19-associated disruptions that will remain relevant beyond the pandemic to help accelerate progress towards one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Deadline: Mar 26, 2021.

4. New Call for Applications, Global Women’s Networks for the Energy Transition (see link for eligible countries)

The newly launched mentoring program “Energizing Women to Advance the Energy Transition” aims to advance the careers of mid-career women working in energy transition

Deadline: Mar 28, 2021.

5. Youth Summit 2021, World Bank Group

At the heart of the 2021 Youth Summit theme is the opportunity for a global conversation that emphasizes the role of the youth in addressing the effects of climate change and examining the measures and opportunities for a resilient recovery for people and planet. ​

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

6. Call for Applications, Africa Oxford Health Innovation Platform

A multi-disciplinary program to support African innovators develop new solutions to Africa’s health challenges. It does so by connecting research to industry to tackle prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment through impact investment and innovation.

Deadline: Mar 31, 2021.

7. New Call for Applications, YSEALI Regional Workshop, The Asia Foundation (see link for eligible ASEAN countries)

The virtual workshop will connect 35 participants to build theoretical and practical knowledge about aquatic issues and sustainable economic development of ocean and river resources; expose participants to examples of viable business models for sustainable water resource, aquaculture, and fisheries management, particularly socially-responsible SMEs; challenge participants to develop innovative models for initiatives to implement in their communities; strengthen the transnational network of young leaders across Southeast Asia.

Deadline: Apr 5, 2021.

8. New AWLA Fellowship Program for Women (see link for eligible MENA countries)

The fellowship program aims to help women researchers in agriculture secure leadership roles by encouraging gender-responsive working cultures and creating platforms that showcase their intellect, capability, and contribution.

Deadline: Apr 15, 2021.

9. Call for Applications, Trinity Challenge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How can data and analytics be used to better identify, respond to, and recover from global health emergencies? The scaled use of digital tools – in a transparent, interoperable, and secure manner – are solutions to properly identify, respond to, and recover from health emergencies.

Funding information: inaugural round will comprise a total Prize Fund up to GBP 10 million

Deadline: Apr 15, 2021.

10. 2021/2022 Qalaa Holdings Scholarship (Egypt)

To grant academic scholarships for talented and promising young Egyptian men and women to pursue master degrees abroad in all fields of study.

Deadline: Apr 15, 2021.

11. New Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program, World Bank

Matches aspiring development economics researchers from developing countries with World Bank research economists creating unique opportunities for the fellows to participate in rigorous policy-relevant research in the Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency.

Benefits: USD 42,750 net of income taxes per fellow for an 8-month fellowship (paid in monthly installments)

Deadline: Apr 30, 2021.

12. Call for Applications for 2022-23 Rotary Peace Fellowship Program

Up to 130 fellows are selected every year in a globally competitive process based on personal, academic, and professional achievements. Fellows earn either a master’s degree or a certificate in peace and development studies at one of the seven Rotary Peace Centers, located at leading universities around the world.

Deadline: May 15, 2021.

13. Indigenous Communities Fellowship 2021, MIT SOLVE (USA)

Solve’s Indigenous Communities Fellowship seeks solutions by Native innovators across the US that consider both technology and traditional knowledge to support and scale positive impact.

Deadline: Jun 7, 2021.

14. Matching Awards Program, National Forest Foundation (USA)

Provides funding for results-oriented on-the-ground projects that enhance forest health and outdoor experiences on National Forests and Grasslands.

Deadline: Jun 9, 2021.

15. Call for Applications, Resilient Ecosystems Challenge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How can communities sustainably protect, manage, and restore their local ecosystems? The MIT Solve community is looking for technology-based solutions that help communities restore, sustain, and benefit from resilient ecosystems.

Funding information: applicants will receive a $10,000 grant from Solve

Deadline: Jun 16, 2021.

16. Call for Female Applicants: AIMS-Canada Research Chairs in Climate Change Science, International Development Research Centre, Canada and Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Each Chair will be provided up to USD 970,000 over a four-year period and tasked with executing a world-class research program able to contribute significantly towards building both the human capital and the scientific knowledgebase required to solve important climate change-related problems in Africa and beyond.

The application process will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.

17. Scholarship for Displaced Students, Columbia University

Supports displaced students from anywhere in the world who are unable to complete their higher education. These students will receive full tuition, housing, and living assistance while pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees across all 18 Columbia schools and affiliates. Scholarship aims to shift the global dialogue surrounding displaced persons, from one that views them as a burden to one that recognizes them as vital contributors to global innovation and prosperity.

18. Partnering for Change: Link Research to Societal Challenges, University of Basel

Course: How can we address societal challenges with research? Investigate the principles, processes, and uses of transdisciplinarity. Topics include: transdisciplinary projects on sustainable development, migration, and health.