Your Weekly Funding Opportunities: July 16, 2021

New in:

1. 2022 Women’s Political Leadership (see link for eligible countries)

2. Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants, Max Weber Stiftung (see link for eligible countries)

3. Call for Proposals, Wild Animal Initiative

4. Call for Projects, UEFA Foundation

5. Call for Proposals, European Commission (see link for eligible countries)

6. Call for Proposals, Pan American Health Organization (see link for eligible countries)

All currently open calls:

Grant-making opportunities

1. Call for Applications, Knowledge Grant Program, Information Society Innovation Fund Asia (see link for eligible countries)

To develop technical capacity and/or research around Internet network operations, from a technical and operational perspective, and in support of the Internet industry

Funding information: two grants of USD 30,000 each; one grant of USD 85,000; one grant of USD 125,000.

Deadline: Jul 19, 2021.

2. Call for Applications: Planet "See Change, Change the World" Challenge, Copernicus Masters

Looking for creative solutions that use Planet and Copernicus data to address objectives of the European Green Deal.

Funding information: Possibility to access EUR 10,000 worth of commercial datasets. Extra EUR 10,000 if your concept gets selected as Copernicus Masters 2021 Overall Winner

Deadline: Jul 19, 2021.

3. DLR Environment, Energy & Health Challenge, Copernicus Masters

Looking for innovative solutions that use Earth observation data to support the sustainable management of our limited natural resources and foster human well-being.

Funding information: a cash prize worth EUR 5,000; possibility to access EUR 10,000 worth of commercial datasets; extra EUR 10,000 if your concept gets selected as Overall Winner

Deadline: Jul 19, 2021.

4. BMVI Digital Transport Challenge, Copernicus Masters

Solutions can solve challenges on the local, national or international level and can target any mode of transportation. Participants are encouraged to use Copernicus data along with additional data sources such as traffic information, or other mobility-related data.

Funding information: a cash prize worth EUR 5,000; possibility to access EUR 10,000 worth of commercial datasets

Deadline: Jul 19, 2021.

5. New Call for Proposals, Pan American Health Organization (see link for eligible countries)

For Action: Preventive Measures in Populations in Situation of Vulnerability – COVID-19. The objective of the call is to ensure that preventive public health measures can be implemented for the entire population, without any exclusion.

Funding information: USD 4,750 – 25,000

Deadline: Jul 25, 2021.

6. Restoration Stewards Program, Ecosystem Restoration

The year-long program will provide funding, mentorship, and training to deepen the impact of five youth-led restoration projects.

Funding information: a grant of EUR 5,000 to develop the restoration project.

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021.

7. Call for Applications, Grant Program, DWF Foundation (see link for eligible countries)

DWF Foundation provides funds, resources and support to help communities achieve their full potential.

Funding information: Foundation does not have a min. grant size but the majority of the grants will fall under GBP 5,000.

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021.

8. Call for Concept Notes, Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals (see link for eligible countries)

For high-impact partnerships implementing innovative business models to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Partnership must include at least one commercial partner and at least one non-commercial partner.

Funding information: Partnership awards may be up to USD 1 million, typically in the USD 100,000 range for start-ups and more for scale-ups

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021.

9. Call for Applications, Small Grants Program, Mérieux Foundation (see link for eligible countries)

Program to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases. The projects including as beneficiaries mothers and children will be given priority.

Funding information: selected projects will receive up to EUR 5000. Two annual sessions are organized to study the applications.

Deadline: Aug 1, 2021.

10. International Elephant Foundation accepting Applications for 2022 Asian and African Elephant Conservation and Research Funding (eligible for Asian and African countries) The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) is currently accepting applications for the Asian and African elephant conservation initiatives for funding in 2022.

Grant Size: USD 1000 to 10,000.

Deadline: Aug 6, 2021.

11. Conference Grants, Spencer Foundation

To provide support to scholars to organize small research conferences, focused symposia, or other forms of convenings around important issues in education research.

Funding information: this program supports proposals with budgets of USD 50,000 or less.

Deadline: Aug 13, 2021.

12. Grant Program, The Alongside Wildlife Foundation

This seed grant program funds research, outreach, and conservation projects focusing on wildlife around the world.

Funding information: in 2021, grants will be up to USD 2,500.

Deadline: Aug 13, 2021.

13. New Call for Projects, UEFA Foundation

This call for projects is aimed at any organization that shares the values of the UEFA foundation and proposes practical measures to help children, in the areas of access to sport, health, education, employment, personal development and supporting vulnerable children.

Deadline: Aug 15, 2021.

14. Call for Applications, Scientific Product Grant Program, Wildlife Acoustics

To support the advancement of animal biology research, habitat monitoring, and environmental conservation that provides scientists with resources to help further their research into the study of bats, birds, frogs, and other vocal wildlife.

Funding information: up to USD 5,000 is available to be awarded each quarter.

Deadline: Aug 15, 2021.

15. Joint Call for Proposals on Food System, Sustainable FOOD production and consumption (see link for eligible countries)

To strengthen Research and Development on innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems, with a focus on approaches to improve resource efficiency and enhance the capability of food systems to withstand severe physical and economic shocks.

Funding information: joint network consists of 14 funding bodies from 13 countries committing EUR 7,850,000 for transnational research.

Deadline: Aug 16, 2021.

16. New Call for Proposals, Wild Animal Initiative

For research on the welfare, ecology, and everyday experiences of juvenile wild animals. Relevant projects might include studies that extend captive animal welfare assessment techniques to juvenile wild animals, or those that demonstrate how ecological concepts can relate to wild animal health and wellbeing.

Funding information: grant size USD 25,000 - 250,000

Deadline: Aug 29, 2021.

17. Grants Program, Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund (see link for eligible countries)

To enable and support Civil Society Organizations engaged in the conservation of threatened animal species to carry out sustainable conservation measures at local level to protect the species, their habitats and to improve the livelihoods of the people who depend on them.

Funding information: Indicative financial sub-envelope for grants is 90% of the total amount of EUR 500,000 made available for Year 1. Grants amount to a maximum of EUR 50,000.

Deadline: Aug 31, 2021.

18. Call for Applications, Merck Research Grants 2021

To create new sustainable partnerships with leading global science and technology players to work on breakthrough science and to generate valuable seeds for future business.

Funding information: amount of the grant(s) is EUR 40,000 - 450,000 per year/up to 3 years.

Deadline: Aug 31, 2021.

19. Small Research Grants on Education Program, Spencer Foundation

Supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location.

Funding information: Budgets up to USD 50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years.

Deadline: Sep 1, 2021.

20. IMPACT 3rd Funding Round Open for Applications, Philip Morris International

To support projects dedicated to reducing or preventing illegal trade, and countering its negative consequences for individuals, their families, and communities. Thematic areas: border control; capacity building; restorative justice and victims protection; networks engagement, awareness building and international cooperation; COVID-19 and the threat of illicit trade

Deadline: Sep 15, 2021.

21. Gender Equality in Research & Innovation Grants, European Commission (see link for eligible countries)

To promote inclusive gender equality plans, there is a strong need for expert policy and knowledge support for inclusive GEP implementation, in research and innovation (R&I) organisations (including research funding and performing organisations, incl. companies and SMEs).

Funding information: equal to or greater than EUR 500,000

Deadline: Sep 23, 2021.

22. Modelling and Quantifying the Impacts of Open Science Practice, European Commission (see link for eligible countries)

Open science consists of sharing knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process, in open collaboration with all relevant actors, including citizens.

Funding information: equal to or greater than EUR 500,000

Deadline: Sep 23, 2021.

23. Call for Proposals, Incentive Grants, World Health Organization (see link for eligible countries)

For Young Researchers from Low- and Middle-Income Countries – Implementation Research to Scale-up National NCD Responses for Achieving SDG 3.4

Deadline: Sep 30, 2021.

24. Call for Applications, Getty Scholar Grants, The Getty Foundation

For established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields. Open to researchers of all nationalities who are working in the social sciences, humanities, or arts.

Funding information: depending on the term duration (3, 6 or 9 months) – USD 21,500; USD 43,000; USD 65,000

Deadline: Oct 1, 2021.

25. AI for Earth Grants, Microsoft

To support projects that use AI to change the way people and organizations monitor, model, and manage Earth’s natural systems.

Funding information: Azure compute credit grants provide you with Azure credits worth USD 5,000, USD 10,000, or USD 15,000, depending on your project scope, to start using Azure AI tools and cloud computing with your existing labelled dataset.

Deadline: Oct 4, 2021.

26. Call for Applications for Achieving Zero Polluted Seas and Ocean, European Commission (see link for eligible countries)

In line with the European Green Deal’s zero pollution ambition and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, successful proposals will support the development and implementation of a policy vision and the transition needed to reach clean European seas, cutting across behavioural, socio-economic and governance spheres.

Funding information: requested grant amount is equal to or greater than EUR 500,000

Deadline: Oct 6, 2021.

27. New Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants, Max Weber Stiftung (see link for eligible countries)

Meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase.

Funding information: travel costs, daily rates between EUR 27.00 and 62.00 depending on the host country and lodging

Deadline: Oct 8, 2021.

28. New Call for Proposals, European Commission (see link for eligible countries)

For the Advanced energy performance assessment and certification to support the transition towards a climate neutral building stock over the full life cycle, relying on technological innovations to improve speed and quality of as-built performance assessment and service life compliance checks, also linking to other instruments such as building logbooks, building renovation roadmaps, Level(s) and other datasets.

Deadline: Oct 19, 2021.

29. Call for Proposals for Human Security Awareness and Usage Programmes, United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (see link for eligible countries)

Proposals focused on addressing the multidimensional challenges and advancing the SDGs in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS, and the Sahel region. Where appropriate, proposals that link with existing initiatives or Funds and apply the human security approach will be considered favorably.

Funding information: For these programs, the total contribution from the UNTFHS should not exceed USD 300,000 for a period of 12-18 months.

Deadline: Oct 31, 2021.

30. Rapid Response Fund, Open Technology Fund

Aims to facilitate the digital emergency response community to resolve threats in a timely and comprehensive manner for individuals, communities, and organizations whose free expression has recently been repressed.

Funding information: total value of support cannot exceed USD 50,000. Average support amounts are between USD 5,000 and 25,000.

Deadline: ongoing

31. Fund for Innovation in Development Grant Program

A new initiative to support innovation that contributes to reducing global poverty and inequality. Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact and most cost- effective solutions.

Deadline: ongoing

32. Call for Proposals, Social Science Research Council

As part of the Just Tech program, seeks proposals from across the social sciences and related fields that address the risks, opportunities, and challenges posed by public health surveillance stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Funding information: awards will range from USD 5,000 to 10,000, with larger amounts directed to projects committed to research partnerships

Deadline: ongoing

33. Collaborate Pacific, New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade (see eligible Pacific countries)

Aims to support effective governance, leadership, regional cooperation, and sustainable development in the Pacific through support to one-off, small scale activities that tackle issues that matter to the region. Recognizes that partnership, capacity building, people-to-people links, and knowledge-sharing are critical to ownership of development processes.

Deadline: ongoing

34. Global Water Futures – Affiliate Projects

To deliver risk management solutions, informed by leading-edge water science and supported by innovative decision-making tools to manage water futures in Canada and other regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems, and water environments.

Deadline: There is no associated closing date with applications.

35. Call for Applications, Urgent Action Fund (Africa)

Urgent Action Fund-Africa is expanding its COVID-19 response towards supporting women, transgender and gender non-conforming defenders with disabilities to: develop and widely disseminate messages and information about the disease in disability friendly formats, simplify and/or translate complex COVID 19 information, and provide practical resources.

Funding information: up to USD 8,000

Deadline: applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

36. COVID-19 Young Leaders Fund

Program is designed to support young leaders who are tackling the Covid-19 pandemic on the frontlines. Applicants should be focused on SDGs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. One Young World will prioritize initiatives which can use the funds to impact the maximum number of people to the greatest extent.

Funding information: One Young World recommends requesting between GBP 2,500 - GBP 10,000.

Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

37. Global Innovation Fund (GIF)

This program seeks to invest in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. Open to funding innovations in any sector as long as they can demonstrate their innovation improves the lives of those living on less than USD 5 PPP per day.

Range: USD 50,000 – 15,000,000

Deadline: Program is open on an ongoing basis.

Fellowships and other opportunities

1. 2021 Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent

A three-week intensive learning opportunity for people of African descent, from the diaspora, who are engaged in promoting the rights of people of African descent. Participants are equipped with the tools necessary to enhance the development of legislation, policies and programs; to strengthen collaboration of civil society with governments; and to undertake local awareness-raising activities.

Deadline: Jul 15, 2021.

2. Young Professionals Program, World Bank

Two-year leadership development program at the start of a five-year employment contract with the World Bank, IFC or MIGA. Young Professionals start in Washington, DC, where they engage in intensive training—on-the-job and in the classroom—learning the fundamentals of leadership and development operations across institutions, and how to identify opportunities for joint impact.

Deadline: Jul 15, 2021.

3. Global South COVID-19 Digital Innovation Challenge, Generation Connect

To identify scalable innovative digital solutions that will enable countries, societies, communities, institutions and individuals from the Global South to deal with the cascading effects of the pandemic.

Award information: seed funding up to USD 25,000 to implement/improve/scale up their proposed solution(s), with mentorship and training support, in a new market (developing country) by end of April 2022.

Deadline: Jul 15, 2021.

4. Call for Applications for 2021-2023 EDGE Fellowship Program (see link for eligible countries)

Awards two-year Fellowships to future conservation leaders working on poorly-known EDGE fish, gymnosperms, bird, mammal, amphibian, reptile, shark or ray species.

Benefits: 4-week Conservation Tools training course, a grant of £10,000 to undertake a 2-year project, ongoing technical support, one-to-one support from a scientific advisor, and a 2-week Conservation Leadership training course.

Deadline: Jul 18, 2021.

5. Climate Change Media Partnership 2021 Reporting Fellowships to COP26, Earth Journalism Network

Enables journalists from around the world to cover the climate negotiations for their home audiences, while benefiting from working alongside knowledgeable climate journalists and gaining a multifaceted understanding of the actions countries are taking—or not taking—to address climate change's global impact.

Deadline: Jul 23, 2021.

6. Call for Code Global Challenge

Competition that asks developers to build sustainable open source solutions that address the world’s greatest humanitarian issues. This year the competition will focus on solutions that help halt and reverse the impact of climate change, with a focus on the following sub-categories: clean water & sanitation, zero hunger, and responsible production & green consumption.

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021.

7. Young Pacific Leaders Small Grants Competition 2022, US Embassy New Zealand (see link for eligible countries)

Program designed to provide emerging Pacific leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to become leaders in the region’s economic and civic development.

Funding information: total available USD 250,000

Deadline: Aug 1, 2021.

8. Global Food System Challenge, Institute of Food Technologists

The goal of the Challenge is to inspire and support passionate, diverse and multidisciplinary teams to create game-changing innovations that will help transform the food system to be more sustainable, make healthier diets more accessible, and empower consumers to make choices benefitting both personal and planetary health.

Award information: up to eight USD 25,000 grants, up to three USD 100,000 grants and up to two USD 250,000 grand prizes

Deadline: Aug 16, 2021.

9. New 2022 Women’s Political Leadership (see link for eligible countries)

The 12-months training focuses on developing political leadership skills and is open only to women who hold an elected seat in a local government.

Deadline: Aug 31, 2021.

10. Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative to Support Young Environmental Leaders

Small grants to individuals to expand their knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental CSOs’ capacity and efficiency. The mission is to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education and training of individuals who are nominated by their organization as potential future leaders.

Funding information: 10 grants of EUR 2,500; 4 grants of EUR 5,000; 2 grants of EUR 7,000

Deadline: Aug 31, 2021.

11. Food Coalition Call for Proposals, FAO

In the context of G20 Call to Action (through the Matera Declaration) for Food Security, and on the Occasion of G20 Joint Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Development, The Food Coalition is launching a Call for Proposals to mobilize political commitment, technical and financial support for countries affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

Deadline: Sep 18, 2021.

12. Call for Applications, Fellowship Program, Nippon Foundation

To provide opportunities for advanced education and research in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea and related disciplines, including marine science in support of management frameworks, to Government officials and other mid-level professionals from developing States, so that they may obtain the necessary knowledge to assist their countries/regions to formulate comprehensive ocean policies and to implement the legal regime set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and related instruments.

Deadline: Sep 24, 2021.

13. 2021 Japan-Nordic Joint Call for Strategic International Collaborative Research Program, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (see link for eligible countries)

The aim of this program is to contribute solutions to challenges facing world today and to bolster Japan’s scientific and technological capabilities through collaboration with a broad range of countries.

Funding information: JPY 7.69 million per year for each project

Deadline: Oct 7, 2021.

14. Call for Female Applicants: AIMS-Canada Research Chairs in Climate Change Science, International Development Research Centre, Canada and Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Each Chair will be provided up to USD 970,000 over a four-year period and tasked with executing a world-class research program able to contribute significantly towards building both the human capital and the scientific knowledgebase required to solve important climate change-related problems in Africa and beyond.

The application process will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.

15. Scholarship for Displaced Students, Columbia University

Supports displaced students from anywhere in the world who are unable to complete their higher education. These students will receive full tuition, housing, and living assistance while pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees across all 18 Columbia schools and affiliates. Scholarship aims to shift the global dialogue surrounding displaced persons, from one that views them as a burden to one that recognizes them as vital contributors to global innovation and prosperity.

16. Partnering for Change: Link Research to Societal Challenges, University of Basel

Course: How can we address societal challenges with research? Investigate the principles, processes, and uses of transdisciplinarity. Topics include: transdisciplinary projects on sustainable development, migration, and health.