Our Tuesdays are for pampering the heart to make it feel good and green. Even if not for anything else, let’s keep the heart healthy enough to withstand all these heartbreaks. For this hearty Tuesday, the magician for the day is BERRY.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating a cup full of mixed berries for eight weeks can be associated with increased levels of HDL cholesterol and lowered blood pressure.
Berries contain Polyphenols, a broad class of heart promoting plant compound that includes anthocyanin and ellagic acid.
Polyphenols may increase the level of nitric oxide, a molecule that produced some heart-healthy effects. One of these includes helping to relax the blood vessels, which subsequently results in lowered blood pressure.
Berries do not only satisfy the mouth, but they also satisfy the heart.
Give your body a green treat today.
Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.
Olubunmi Ayodele