Euro surveillance: European communicable disease bulletin
Haveri, A.; Smura, T.; Kuivanen, S.; Osterlund, P.; Hepojoki, J.; Ikonen, N.; Pitkapaasi, M.; Blomqvist, S.; Ronkko, E.; Kantele, A.; Strandin, T.; Kallio-Kokko, H.; Mannonen, L.; Lappalainen, M.; Broas, M.; Jiang, M.; Siira, L.; Salminen, M.; Puumalainen, T.; Sane, J.; Melin, M.; Vapalahti, O.; Savolainen-Kopra, C.
The first case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Finland was confirmed on 29 January 2020. No secondary cases were detected. We describe the clinical picture and laboratory findings 3-23 days since the first symptoms. The SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 virus strain was isolated, the genome showing a single nucleotide substitution to the reference strain from Wuhan. Neutralising antibody response appeared within 9 days along with specific IgM and IgG response, targeting particularly nucleocapsid and spike proteins.
Clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment; Epidemiology