
Suggestions for safety and protection control in Department of Nuclear Medicine during the outbreak of COVID-19 (Copy)

European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging

Zhang, X.; Shao, F.; Lan, X.


Dear Sir,

Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus disease named COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, and then spread throughout the country. At present, growing cases have been found in other countries with a rapid growth rate, and the world moves closer toward worldwide spread of the virus. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (EDCD) had raised the risk infection level of COVID-19 from medium to high for its severe situation. The virus spread rapidly from person to person through the droplets of respiratory and close contact, and everyone can be infected. The common clinical symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and myalgia or fatigue. Old men with comorbidities are more likely to have severe or even fatal respiratory diseases, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome. In our department, four highly suspected patients with COVID-19 underwent [18F]-FDG PET/CT in January 2020. PET and SPECT are routine examinations for clinical diagnosis of various diseases and appropriate protective measures should be carried out during this epidemic...


Opinion piece; Epidemiology

The Common Cold

Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice
Volume 23, Issue 4, 1 December 1996, Pages 657-675

George L.KirkpatrickMD


The common cold has intrigued physicians and the general public for centuries. It has been defined as an acute epidemic respiratory disease characterized by mild coryzal symptoms of rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, and sneezing. The nasal discharge is usually copious and thin during the first 2 days of illness, then it generally becomes more viscous and purulent.22 The disease is self-limited. Symptoms may persist for 2 days to more than 14 days; however, the cold may abort after only 1 day. Fever, cough, sore throat, or lacrimation may or may not be present. The common cold is of itself harmless, but bacterial invasion frequently follows the initial infection. It is these secondary invaders that may produce disorders of serious consequence.


common cold, epidemic, respiratory