Green Personality of the Month

DAVID BELLAMY: Green Personality of August 2018


Full name: David James Bellamy

Date of birth: 18 January, 1933

Nationality: British

Residence: County Durham, England

Family: He married Rosemary Froy in 1959 and they had 5 children together

Global warming is part of natural cycle and there’s nothing we can actually do to stop these cycles. The world is now facing spending a vast amount of money in tax to try to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist.
— David J. Bellamy


He attended Chatsworth Road Primary School, Cheam; Cheam Road Junior School and Sulton County Grammar School; all in England.
He originally wanted to study English Literature and History but later changed to study Botany, Physics and Chemistry in the sixth form. Thus he studied Botany for a bachelor degree at Chelsea college of science and Technology which is now part of University College, London. Also, he got his PhD at Bedford College (now part of the University of London) in 1960.


In 1960, David Bellamy became a lecturer in Botany Department of Durham University, after having worked as a laboratory assistant at Ewell Technical College, London and before becoming a graduate. However, it was his environmental consultancy work on the Torrey Canyon oil spillage in 1967 that brought him into prominence as a result of his write up in a leading scientific journal named “Nature”.

Also, he wrote many books for TV series in the 1980’s, especially for children’s enjoyment and education. In 1980, he released a musical single entitled ‘Brontosaurus Will You Wait For Me?’. It reached number 88 in the charts then.
Besides, Bellamy worked for the New Zealand Tourism department’s unique program for foreign journalists. While in New Zealand, he also worked on a documentary series known as “Noah’s Ark” which was released in 1990.

Moreover, he is one of the originators of the Ford European Conservation Awards. Significantly, David Bellamy has worked on and presented hundreds of television programs on Botany, ecology, environmental and other issues. Examples of such include “Bellamy on Botany”, “Bellamy Britain”; “Bellamy Europe”; and “Bellamy Backyard Safari”.


In 1983, Bellamy was jailed for blockading the Australian Franklin River in a protest against a proposed dam. On the 18th of August, 1984, he jumped from the pier at St. Abbs Harbor into the North Sea and thereby Voluntary Marine Reserve, the St. Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve.

In the late 1980’s, he staged a campaign in Jersey, Channel Islands, to save Queen Valley from being turned into a reservoir because of the presence of a rare type of snail, but he was unable to stop it. Besides, David Bellamy is the President of the British Institute of Cleaning Service (BICSc) and a strong supporter of the BICSc plan to educate young people to care for and protect the environment. Also, he runs the David Bellamy Awards program as a competition designed to encourage schools to be aware of and act positively towards environmental cleanliness.

In 2004, David Bellamy wrote an article in the Daily Mail in which he described the theory of human-made global warming as ‘poppycock’. He also expressed his opinions on global warming in other newspapers magazines and scientific journals, particularly between 2005 and 2007.

_The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened._ (1).png


  • Bellamy on Botany (1972) ISBN 0-563-10666-2
  • Peatlands (1973)
  • Bellamy's Britain (1974)
  • Life Giving Sea (1975)
  • Green Worlds (1975)
  • The World of Plants (1975)
  • It's Life (1976)
  • Bellamy's Europe (1976)
  • Botanic Action (1978)
  • Botanic Man (1978)
  • Half of Paradise (1978)
  • Forces of Life (1979)
  • Bellamy's Backyard Safari (1981)
  • The Great Seasons (with Sheila Mackie, illustratorHodder & Stoughton, 1981)
  • Il Libro Verde (1981)
  • The Mouse Book (1983)
  • Bellamy's New World (1983)
  • The Queen's Hidden Garden (1984)
  • I Spy (1985)
  • Bellamy's Bugle (1986)
  • Bellamy's Ireland (1986)
  • Turning The Tide (1986)
  • Bellamy's Changing Countryside (1987)
  • England's Last Wilderness (1989)
  • England's Lost Wilderness (1990)
  • Wilderness Britain? (1990, Oxford Illustrated Press, ISBN 1-85509-225-5)
  • Moa's Ark (with Brian Springett and Peter Hayden, 1990)
  • How Green Are You? (1991)
  • Tomorrow's Earth (1991)
  • World Medicine: Plants, Patients and People (1992)
  • Blooming Bellamy (1993)
  • Trees of the World (1993)
  • The Bellamy Herbal(2003)
  • Fabric Live: Bellamy Sessions (2004)
  • Jolly Green Giant (autobiography, 2002, Century, ISBN 0-7126-8359-3)
  • A Natural Life (autobiography, 2002, Arrow, ISBN 0-09-941496-1)
  • Conflicts in the Countryside: The New Battle for Britain (2005), Shaw & Sons, ISBN 0-7219-1670-8


VANDANA SHIVA: Green Personality of June 2018

Vandana Shiva_Green

Full names: Vandana Shiva

Date of Birth: 5th November 1952

Place of Birth: Dehradun, India

Nationality: Indian

Nature shrinks as capital grows. The growth of the market cannot solve the very crisis it creates.
— Vandana Shiva, Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis


She was educated at St. Mary’s School in Nainital, and at the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Dehradun.

Also, Shiva read Physics for both bachelor and Masters Degrees at Panjab University in Chandigarh, graduating in 1972 and 1974 respectively. Moreover, she studied for and got an MA in Philosophy of Science at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, in 1977.

Furthermore, Shiva studied for and bagged a PhD in Philosophy of Physics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, in 1978.

Finally, she later proceeded for interdisciplinary research in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the India Institute of Science and the India Institute of Management, both in Bangalore, India. Thus, Vandana Shiva is a complete and prolific technocrat and a celebrated environmentalist.


Though Vandana Shiva is a well-trained and Certificated Pure Scientist, she makes a living as an author of various innovative books on green education and as a conference speaker.


Vandana Shiva lives in India.


Vandana Shiva is a prolific advocate of women rights and sustainable living. She is also an ever-ready and indefatigable activist of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge.

Thus, she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE) in 1982, which later led to the forming of what is known as “Navdanya” in 1991.

Navdanya means ‘Nine seeds’ or ‘New Gift’, which is a means of educating farmers of the immense advantages in the practice of having various and individualized crops rather than receiving offers from mono-culture food producers. The initiative brought about the establishment of over 40 seed banks across India for diversified agriculture. Shiva also set up ‘Bija Vidyapeeth’ which is an international College for sustainable living, in Doon Valley, in 2004. He first book entitled ‘Staying Alive’ was published in 1988 and it helped redefine perceptions of Third World Women. Also, Shiva has written copious reports for FAO and the UN on mainly women rights issues and sustainable agriculture and even manufacturing. Besides, she has worked for the Promotion of biodiversity in agriculture to increase productivity, nutrition and farmer’s incomes. It is for this work that Time magazine recognized her as an ‘Environmental Hero in 2003. In an interview with David Borsamian, Shiva argues that the Seed-Chemical Package promoted by Green revolution agriculture had depleted soil, destroyed living ecosystems, and negatively impacted people’s health. In her work, she cites data allegedly demonstrating that today there are over 1400 pesticides that may enter the food system across the world because only 1% of pesticides sprayed act on the target pest. Vandana Shiva, alongside her sister, Dr Mira Shiva, argues that the health costs of increasing pesticide and fertilizer use range from cancer to kidney failure to heart disease. Also, on what she calls ‘biopiracy’, Shiva has fought against and won attempted patents of several indigenous plants in India, such as basmati by the US Department of Agriculture and the Corporation WR Grace. Moreover, her activitism included the struggles against the promotion of the Sale and consumption of ‘Golden rice’ (a breed of rice that has been genetically engineered to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A) in India by GMO corporation of India, around 2013. However, there have been several and severe criticisms of Vandana Shiva’s views and methods by some reputed solid analysists notably investigative Journalist Michael Specter of the New Yorker in an article on 25 August, 2014 entitled ‘Seeds of Doubt’ and journalist Kerth Kloor in an article published in ‘Discover’ on 23 October, 2014 entitled ‘The Rich allure of a Peasant Champion. Notwithstanding, all the criticisms have not reduced the personality and achievements of Vandana Shiva as a first-rate, world-class environmentalist.

Vandana Shiva and Adenike Akinsemolu, the founder of the Green Institute

Vandana Shiva and Adenike Akinsemolu, the founder of the Green Institute

Achievements of Sustainable Development and Environmentalism

The setting up and continuing operation of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE) in 1982, the initiative, promotion and benefit of ‘Navdanya’ in India since 1991; the winning of a 10-year legal battle against biopiracy the US Department of Agriculture and other organizations in 2005; the recognition by Time magazine as an ‘Environmental Hero’ in 2003; the establishment and continuing operation of an international college for sustainable living in Doon Valley, (i.e. Bija Vidya peeth) in 2004; etc

_The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened._.png



Isaac Omoyele: Green Personality of the Month of April 2018

Isaac Omoyele is a passionate young man who will inspire you to pursue your dream and live a life of impact. He has helped hundreds of children living in slums back to school, build healthy self-esteem, to realise their dreams and aspirations and also empowered the ‘vulnerables’ in the society to be self sustainable. He is one of the few people the world needs, he is a world changer. We had an interview session with him, here is what he said.

Isaac Omoyele.jpg

If you had one minute to sell yourself to a potential investor, how would you introduce yourself?

My name is Isaac Success Omoyele, I make the dreams of people living in the slum to become a reality through an initiative I founded “dreams from the slum empowerment initiative”

DREAMS FROM THE SLUM, how did you come about that name?

I grew up in the slum and my dreams and aspiration almost crashed when I dropped out of school while growing up; hence I was inspired to make dreams of people living in the slum to become a reality, making the world know that people who live in the slum have got valid dreams.

How long have you been running this programme and what inspired you to start?

Dreams From The Slum (DFTS) was established in 2013 based on three convictions.

  1. To ensure that regardless of social status ; every child has access to quality education.
  2. That whoever ‘CHASES’ his/her dream, no matter how or where you are born, either in the slum, rural community or a remote and desolate area; you will definitely become it.
  3. Your background doesn’t have the right to make your back be on the ground. “You may be born in the slum, but the slum is not born in you”.

Since its inception, DFTS has pioneered innovative strategies to achieve this through the following approach:

  • Education
  • Empowerment
  • Mentoring.

Through our approach on Education, we provide children with the opportunity to borrow books and read in our library facility and we have adopted over 1000 out of school children back into school in Nigeria by providing scholarship opportunities and access to basic school materials such as notebooks, bags, shoes etc.

Also, to enhance the quality of education in the slum , our teachers readiness program trains educators in low cost primary schools in rural communities, and we are extremely excited about the effect this is having on learners through their academic performance.

Through our approach via Empowerment, we provide teenage pregnant girls with livelihood skills so that they can be self reliant and live purpose driven lives; knowing that they have the potential to contribute meaningfully in our society, not minding their dreams and aspirations been delayed due to their misinformed choices. However, we make them realize they have a second chance to rewrite the outcome of their life through our ‘Young mothers Academy’

Other women are not left behind especially the parents of the beneficiaries as we get them engaged through livelihood skills so they can be self employed and meet the basic needs of their children.

Through our Mentoring approach, we provide career guidance to children and teenagers by helping them discover their unique abilities and passion, revolutionize the way they learn and get them exposed.

They are also exposed to self discovery and leadership training programmes as we are committed in developing their self esteem.

What are some of your achievements so far?

We have reduce the high number of “out of school” children living in the slum area of Ajegunle by adopting then back to school. We have held the government accountable on educational policy by reporting corrupt head teachers which reduced the high extortion rate in government schools in Lagos State.  We have empowered women with no income to be self employed so they will better cater for the needs of their children and we also set up a library in the slum to enable children have access to books because we believe that “Readers are Leaders”.

What are the major challenges and how have you been able to pull through?

The major challenge we have faced and still facing is funding.  

We leverage on individual donors to access funding for our projects.

How do you get people to support you especially non-family members?

We sell the vision, share our story and how we are changing lives.

What other areas do you think you need support?

We want to acquire a property where we can have our centre for children which will include a standard school for them but we need support to make this dream come to reality.

If you have the opportunity to change anything about the Nigerian Education System what would it be?

To ensure children go to school without monetary restrictions.

What is it about you that people do not know?

I have loads of children and I am not married, I call them my adopted kids.

What's your advice to young people aspiring to contribute positively to their community?

When you find your place, everything will fall in place for you and you will become the master of that place – FIND YOUR PLACE

How can people reach you and learn more about your work?

08064222169 , 08179586733

Adetokunbo Abigail: Green Personality of February 2018

The Green Personality of this month is Adetokunbo Abigail. She is 21-years old. Completed her NCE programme from Kwara State College of Education where she studied Biology/Integrated Science in October 2016. She is a passionate young woman who ensures that children’s right in Nigeria is protected.

About a year ago, she recently organised a walk in Alapere area of Lagos. The walk was to call older people and parents to action on the need to protect their children and younger ones from all sorts of abuses and also ensure that children have access to quality education. Her love for children drives her. Abigail runs an NGO called Kiyeseni.

The Green Team reached out to her to ask few, interesting questions.


Adetokunbo abigail.jpg

Here are the highlights of our interview with him;

If you had one minute to sell yourself to a potential investor, how would you introduce yourself?

I work as a support teacher for children with learning difficulties by creating a relaxed and accommodating environment to speed up their learning without any form of pressure.
I also run a babysitting club where we babysit and care for children whose parents want the best care for them as they achieve their goals and desires.
Through my brainchild, Kiyeseni I desire to build safe homes where vulnerable children can feel secure until they're ready to solve world problems, partner with Computer Technology organizations to teach children living in low socioeconomic communities Coding and Robotics.

Tell us about your life as a teacher?

Teaching has been and still is one of the best things I've discovered as my purpose. I find it fulfilling being in the midst of young people and guiding them to think beyond the norm, break the status quo and be the best versions of  themselves. It thrills me.

You run an organization called "KIYESENI", why that choice of name?

I was given that name when I was very little and it means 'Watch out for this one' It resonates with the purpose of the foundation- To watch out for the well-being of children.

Tell us more about your Foundation?

We increase children's access to quality education via our Back To School Programs/School Intervention, raise awareness for and advocate for children's right to Safety and Security.

How long have you been running this programme and what inspired you to start?

This is the 7th year now. What I've seen, heard and experienced as regarding children was and still is my daily inspiration. The desire to see every child get what they deserve.

What are some of your achievements so far?

In 2017, we've been able to:

  • Successfully organize two Walks and a Talk Session to raise awareness on Child Abuse in April and September respectively.
  • Reach out to over 200 children via our Back To School Intervention Program in September.
  • Feed 12 families in December.
  • Assist 10 children back into schools.
  • #HelpASmile of over 2000 children in Adogbo Community (Makoko) in December.

What are the major challenges and how have you been able to pull through?

Sponsorship is one. We've been soliciting for funds from the public.

How have you been able to fund your organization?

My family, team members and concerned persons have been generous.

What was your ambition while growing up?

To be a professional teacher. I'm still on track.

What is it about you that people do not know?

I could be terribly shy. Phone calls make me stutter so I prefer texting or live conversations.

What's your advice to young people aspiring to contribute positively to their community?

Don't give up. It's okay to ask for help. Seek collaboration opportunities with persons/organizations of like minded passion and goals. Do not sacrifice integrity for anything. Don't forget the place of God in everything.

How can people reach you and learn more about your work?

We're on various social media platforms
For Kiyeseni, Facebook : Kiyeseni Foundation
Instagram: @kiyeseni

You can reach me directly via:
Facebook: Adetokunbo Adetola Abigail
Instagram: @abigailadetola
Twitter: @adetoks_abby

Green Personality of the Month: Psalm Oluwaseyi David

The Green Personality of this month is Mr. Psalm Oluwaseyi David. He is a 400level student of the Federal University of Technology, Akure. David is a multi-talented young man who loves not just to get his hands busy but also to impact and improve his immediate environment. He started a movement in his school with some network of co bright minds called My Navigator, an errand service within and outside the campus. His team also has a brand called CreatvColony.

They hosted a program in FUTA last year tagged ‘evolve’ and a 2,500 capacity hall was fully packed. David is also into reusing and recycling waste plastics. He was at the Green Centre in Adeyemi College of Education last month to teach some ambassadors

Inspired by his works, the Green Team is pleased to present to you, Psalm Oluwaseyi David of CreatvColony, as the Green Personality of the month of June.

Here are the highlights of our interview with him


I am Psalm Oluwaseyi David, creatively known as PsalmDavid and corporately as Oluwaseyi David, an indigene of Ijan Ekiti in Ekiti State, born and bred in the cold city of Jos, Plateau State. I am presently an undergraduate student of the Department of Estate Management of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State.


I am a Serial Entrepreneur, managing businesses in lines of creative and performing art, service provider and also a business coach/consultant.

I became engaged in all these when I discovered that God has given me the ability to handle more. (Remember the parable of the talents? “to some he gave one, some two, and to some he gave five’’)


My greatest challenges so far have been the challenge of finding the right, like-minded, self-motivated, passionate people to work with and who fit into the structure of my laid down corporate organizations, and also the challenge of gaining capital resources needed to run my many enterprises.


I have been able to overcome these challenges by patiently and carefully searching for young creative minds, and not compromising the standards of what is required for the efficient performance of the laid down structure. Secondly, by networking and leveraging on the available capital and intellectual resources of similar initiatives of others who are ahead of me in my field of endeavors.


The brand PsalmDavid (creative and performing art), was inspired by my abilities to create and recreate things in a unique form, outdoing myself all and only by myself, just like a Diamond, (only a diamond is said to break a diamond), only David could have written Psalm. And also the ability to do diverse things well, just like David, which coincidentally happens to be my name. David was a man of many talents, breaking his records all by himself.

The brand Creatvcolony was inspired by the quest to find other creative individuals around, to form a colony where innovative ideas are generated for the benefit of our immediate community.


Teamwork has mostly been the force behind the lasting successes of most big companies, organizations, and endeavors today. Teamwork, when properly managed builds a great momentum for the effective and efficient execution of any project. Every individual has a unique way of accomplishing the same set of tasks but with different efficiency. However, in a team, when all these different ideas are listed, the most effective and efficient technique is generated and brought to light, thereby eliminating any weakness and threats of a set task, by the workability of every team members areas of strength, bringing about a lasting and successful impact. Most importantly, teamwork broadens individual knowledge, ideas and abilities.


I believe that impacting my immediate community starts with impacting the people who live in that community, and this can only take effect after one has positively impacted one’s self. It begins with me.

I have been able to position my mindset for a positive impact, and this has built into my subconscious and has in the long run influenced my every action to be positively impactful, reflecting an admirable lifestyle to others who become inspired and ignites their passion for leading a better life. I have been able to build a sense of valuable responsibilities in everyone that I have come in contact with, both from actions and interactions with them. By so doing, building a circle of individuals who are driven by the passion for leading a responsible and meaningful life that greatly speaks for the communit


Hmm, well this is what I have to say to everyone about the environment, our environment. From the deepest thoughtful part of my heart:

There is NO SECOND EARTH, where we may choose to run or relocate to when we finally destroy this earth where we are living in now. To alarm this more, irrespective of your location around the world, WE ALL SHARE EVERYTHING nature has to offer. We share the same air, same soil, same lights, same sky, same water, and the same ozone layer. We all share the same MOTHER EARTH. Therefore, if your thoughts are that; what you do or what your neighbor does that negatively affects your immediate environment will not get to you, because you will migrate to another part of this world when the consequences arise, I will suggest you have a deeper rethink. Because we all in the long run share in both the benefits and in the disasters that may arise as a result of our actions or inactions, it is not ours to choose. We all share Mother Earth. So why not be conscious of this TRUTH now, why not tell someone about this TODAY, why not CARE for Mother Earth, why not SAVE MOTHER EARTH. How???...... BE OFFICIALLY GREEN.